Chapter 469 Meeting Sourby Again

Li Huan took Jiang Lin and Hu Bing as if they were fishing.

A group of people went directly from the periphery of Mohu Mountain to the depths.

After delaying for so long, Li Huan found an opportunity to throw them away.

Li Huan found a place and changed back into women's clothes, so that even if they found out, they wouldn't be able to recognize her.

The previous dress was almost the same person as now.

This is the depths of Mohu Mountain, and there are many more monsters than outside.

Li Huan relied on his mental strength to avoid very dangerous places and began to explore inside.

It wasn't long before she heard the sound of fighting.

And cries for help.

Something must have happened up front.

Li Huan walked in slowly to have a look.

It turned out that Rong Menglan led people to hunt monsters here.

But Rong Menglan and the others are weak, they are at the end of their strength.

Li Huan didn't want to save her.

Just when Li Huan was about to leave, she suddenly heard Rong Menglan yelling: "Sulbi! You are looking for death! I will pull you back even if I die!"

When Li Huan heard that Rong Menglan was calling Su Erbi's name, he stopped suddenly.

Li Huan took a look, and there was actually a group of people behind the monster.

Soulby was right.

Li Huan made a detour to the back.

Sure enough, I saw Sulby there.

Li Huan hides her breath.

At this time, both sides were fighting with the monsters, but Sulbi's side obviously had the upper hand.

Li Huan quietly hid aside.

After a while, Rong Menglan and the others couldn't hold on anymore.

However, at this moment, Duan Muhong, who was deceived by Li Huan before, suddenly appeared!

Rong Menglan: "Elder brother! Help me!"

As soon as Duan Muhong came, he immediately joined Rong Menglan's side.

Sulbi, who had the upper hand just now, instantly became passive.

Soon, with Duan Muhong's joining, after the monster was dealt with, it returned to Rong Menglan and the others.

Sulby: "Brother, what do you mean!"

Duan Muhong: "Nothing interesting!"

Sulbi: "You are obviously the second elder's disciple like me, but in order to please Nalanyan, you always help the third elder's people! How shameless!"

Duan Muhong was not angry either, he just looked at Su Erbi.

Rong Menglan looked at Su Erbi proudly: "Sulbi, don't think that because you are talented, you can dictate here. Who doesn't know that the second elder has liked my master for many years. If you ask me, even if the second elder stands today Here, it is also helping me!"

So Erbi: "Why are you so arrogant! You are a lowly servant girl next to Nalan Yan! I thought they were really helping you!"

"court death!"

Rong Menglan was provoked by Sulbi, and immediately attacked Sulby.

Su Erbi was injured, and at this time the people around him were restrained by the people brought by Duan Muhong, so they could only fight.

But Rong Menglan was still slightly inferior to Su Erbi.

It didn't take long for Rong Menglan to be defeated by Su Erbi.

Duan Muhong: "Junior Sister Su! Stop!"

Sulby retracted his whip.

They were about to leave. With Duan Muhong here, they would not be able to get the prey today, so there was no need to waste time here.

Just when So Erbi was about to take people away, Rong Menglan suddenly got into trouble.

A sword pierced through.

It was too late for Li Huan to stop it!

Su Erbi's left shoulder was pierced by Rong Menglan's sword!
Sulbi was not easy to provoke, so he slapped Rong Menglan in the face with a whip regardless of his injuries.

Rong Menglan's delicate face was instantly bruised.

"Ah!! My face! My face!"

Rong Menglan panicked.

Sulbi took the opportunity to pull out the sword on his shoulder, and stabbed Rong Menglan with the sword.

But Duan Muhong stopped him instantly.

Sulby: "Eldest brother, I thought you were slow to react! I can't see it now!"

Duan Muhong: "I didn't pay attention just now, let me help you treat the wound."

Sulby: "Hmph! No need!"

Rong Menglan hurried forward: "Senior brother, I am disfigured! Take me to my senior sister quickly, she will definitely help me!"

Rong Menglan did it on purpose, as long as he had the chance to meet Nalanyan, Duanmuhong wouldn't care about Su Erbi.

Sure enough, Duan Muhong: "Do you know where she is?"

Rong Menglan: "Of course I know, but I'm injured, it's not safe here."

Duan Muhong: "Then I'll take you there!"

Rong Menglan: "It's dangerous there and needs a lot of help!"

Duan Muhong: "You, you, you all come with me!"

Su Erbi: "Duanmuhong, you took all the people away, and I was injured if you didn't see me!"

Rong Menglan: "Brother, if you go late and the senior sister leaves, face will hurt so much!"

Duan Muhong threw a secret treasure to Su Erbi: "This can keep you back safely."

After Duan Muhong finished speaking, he left with everyone.

Including those who followed Sulby before.

Su Erbi and Duanmu Hong are both disciples of the second elder. Those who followed Su Erbi followed Duanmu Hong's horse before Su Erbi came, and Su Erbi came later.

Duan Muhong's position in Wuji Palace has long been stable.

Therefore, as soon as Duan Muhong opened his mouth, those people naturally all followed him.

After all, Duan Muhong is a big brother in the realm of Linghuang.

And Sulbi is the great spiritual master who has just joined the sect of the second elder.

There is a big gap between the two in terms of realm and status.

Before leaving, Rong Menglan showed a complacent and mocking smile.

She did it on purpose!
It's not that Rong Menglan's status is comparable to her own junior sister.

But Duanmuhong is obsessed with Nalanyan, as long as it is about Nalanyan, Duanmuhong will definitely take care of it.

As soon as the group of them left, Li Huan immediately came out from the dark place.

Li Huan: "How are you?"

Sulby's face was black and blue, the blood on his entire face had faded away, and there were fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

Li Huan immediately knew that something was wrong when he saw it!
Li Huan immediately took out his antidote elixir and gave her to take it.

Sulby: "You! Huan'er! Why are you here!"

Li Huan: "Detoxify first, talk about it later!"

After hearing Li Huan's words, Sulbi immediately began to refine the elixir.

After a while, it finally got better.

Li Huan took his pulse: "There is one more thing, it needs to be recuperated for a few days."

So Erbi immediately hugged Li Huan, "Why did you come here! I've been looking for you for a long time!"

Li Huan: "Some things have been delayed, but you are not bad, you have become a direct disciple."

So Erbi: "You are making fun of me! You must have seen it just now. In the eyes of Duan Muhong, my junior sister is not dispensable."

Li Huan: "But it's still because of your outstanding talent that the Second Elder favors you, isn't it?"

Sulby immediately became proud: "That's right! Let me tell you, I was spotted during the entrance examination! Awesome!"

Li Huan: "Well, not bad!"

Sulby: "I made an appointment before, where have you been this year?"

Li Huan: "Get out of here first, someone is coming!"

After Li Huan took Su Erbi away, a group of people suddenly appeared in the place where Su Erbi had taken.

(End of this chapter)

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