Chapter 470

"Search! She can't go far alone!"

"If the Second Elder finds out about this, will it be..."

"What are you afraid of? Do you think senior brother won't see Senior Sister Rong's small thoughts?"

"Then what do you mean, senior brother acquiesced?"

"You're stupid! The Second Elder used to be two disciples in total, and He Mingxuan was always suppressed by the Senior Brother, but when Su Erbi came, he was obviously closer to Senior Brother He. If you were a Senior Senior Brother, what would you do? "

"That's right, let's go after it!"

Look carefully, these people are people who were close to Rong Menglan before.

They were ordered by Rong Menglan to stop Sulbi from being killed.

Rong Menglan's liking for He Mingxuan was not a matter of a day or two.

Fortunately, He Mingxuan had been on patrol all the time and had never had contact with a woman.

On weekdays, he is alone.

But as soon as Su Erbi came, he immediately became He Mingxuan's junior sister!
Rong Menglan often sees the two going out together, she has long been jealous.

Naturally, she would not let go of such a good opportunity.

She smeared poison on the sword during the sneak attack before, this time, let's see how Sulby can escape!
In order to get rid of this rival in love, she took the risk of offending Senior Sister Nalan!
Li Huan and Su Erbi found a safe place to hide.

Li Huan has set up formations around here.

Even if ordinary people get here, they will be detoured out.

They are safe for now.

Sulby: "A person from Rong Menglan?"

Li Huan: "It looks like, what's the matter with you?"

So Erbi: "Besides me, the second elder also has He Mingxuan, but he has been on patrol all the time. I think Duan Muhong is a sinister person, so I get closer to Senior Brother He. Later I heard that Rong Menglan has a crush on Senior Brother He." For a long time."

Li Huan: "I can't tell! Our little Susu also has peach blossoms!"

Sulby: "Don't make fun of me, just his wood, do you think I look like peach blossoms?"

Li Huan: "That's true."

Sulby: "I've been accused, tell me about you, what have you been doing this year?"

Li Huan told about how Nalanyan and Lei Haotian planned to send her to Sifang City.

Then it talked about Penglai Xiandao and Wangu City.

From Wangu City to Huacheng, as well as Shangpo Village, all the experiences of this year have been narrated.

So Erbi stared at Li Huan with wide eyes: "You! You have gone through so many things! You didn't call me! It's so fun! Huan'er, you are too mean! It's getting moldy!"

Li Huan: "Look at me now, do you think it's for fun? I almost lost sight of you several times, okay?"

So Erbi hugged Li Huan: "Fortunately, you came back alive! If you don't come again, I won't go out to find you!"

Li Huan: "I'll take you with me next time."

Sulby: "By the way, Yun Ling is the disciple of Elder Bu Tong."

Li Huan: "Elder Bu Tong?"

Sulbi: "He is the elder with the highest cultivation level in the Promise Palace, and he is also the Great Elder, but I have never seen it, and I heard that he appears and disappears."

Li Huan: "Then do you know where the Jade Dragon Cold Pool is?"

Sulby: "Jade Dragon Cold Pool? I've heard of it, but I want to inquire, why?"

Li Huan: "Yun Ling is there."

Su Erbi's face was a little ugly, seeing that she was silent, Li Huan asked, "What's wrong?"

Sulby: "I heard that Nalanyan is there."

When Li Huan heard the news, his heart suddenly felt sour.

Although I don't know where the Jade Dragon Cold Pool is, but...

How could Li Huan not know Nalan Yan's thoughts on Yun Ling.

In order to get Yunling, he did not hesitate to use Sanlingsan to trap Yunling.

Of course, in order to kill himself, he also took great pains.

So, Yun Ling disappeared after returning to Wuji City, did he just stay with Nalanyan all the time?

Li Huan couldn't tell what kind of taste it was, it was always something to eat.

Sulby: "It's not necessarily what you think. I heard that Yunling has an old disease. Because of this, the elder has been looking for medicine for him all year round."

Li Huan: "Oh."

Sulby: "When you get out, I'll help you find out about Yulong Hantan."

Li Huan: "Yeah!"

So Erbi: "Perhaps Nalan Yan won't even see Yun Ling's face!"

Li Huan: "Yes."

Seeing that Li Huan suddenly became sullen, Sulby kept chattering.

Li Huan was perfunctory while helping her prepare the healing medicine.

The people sent by Rong Menglan searched for a long time, but they couldn't find Sulby.

At this time, Sulbi was eating the crispy meat baked by Li Huan, while lying beside Li Huan beautifully, talking to Li Huan.

After Su Erbi's introduction, Li Huan had a general understanding of the power of Wuji Palace.

Li Huan: "Have you ever heard of Qin Wanru? Yu He?"

Sulby: "I don't know. Is that the one you've been looking for?"

Li Huan: "Well, Nanny Qin's real name is Qin Wanru. Senior Yu He mentioned it before, but after he left, I have no news about them anymore. I heard that the Spiritual Ancestor will go to a mysterious place, Do you know that there is such a place in Wuji Palace?"

Sulby: "I haven't heard of it, but the First Elder and the Second Elder are both in the Lingzong Realm, so they didn't leave either?"

Li Huan: "If there is a chance, can you ask your master for me?"

Sulby: "Okay, I will help you with this."

After Li Huan finished roasting the meat, he released the little milk cat and fish balls to eat.

As soon as Sulby saw the two little ones, he was cut off!
Sulby: "This fox is so beautiful!"

Yu Wan looked contemptuous: "You are the fox! Your whole family is a fox!"

Sulby: "It can talk!"

Yu Wan became even more arrogant: "Rare is more strange! I am the prince of the demon clan!"

Sulbi: "Monster race? Can a monster be its own king?"

Fishball clawed toward Sulby with its angry paws.

Li Huan hastily shot: "No!"

Yuball became angry, and instantly cast the illusion on Sulby.

Li Huan simply had a headache.

Fortunately, it was discovered early, and Sulby was woken up by Li Huan just after he was recruited.

Li Huan looked at Yu Wan sternly: "She is my friend!"

Yu Wan turned her head away, angrily ignoring Li Huan.

When Sulby woke up, he realized that he had been tricked by a fox!
Sulby: "Look I won't hit you!"

Li Huan: "Okay, okay! Stop making trouble, and live in peace!"

Fishball: "Huh!"

Sulby: "Hmph!"

Li Huan: "Okay, let's eat!"

But after quieting down, everyone realized that the pile of barbecued meat that Li Huan had baked was missing by half!
Yuball: "Smelly cat! Why did you eat mine too!"

The little milk cat looked at the fish ball in bewilderment.

Yu Wan wanted to teach the little milk cat a lesson, but was stopped by Li Huan.

Li Huan looked at the bone next to the little milk cat: "It's not it! Look at the wrong number of bones!"

(End of this chapter)

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