Chapter 471
The fish ball took a look, and it really was!
The fish ball was instantly angry!
The little milk cat is his own, just eat a little!

Now it has been stolen!

Still under his nose!
His majestic prince of the demon clan was stolen from the barbecue!

This loss is not barbecue, but face!
Yu Wan: "See if I don't catch him!"

Li Huan frowned and thought, this is not the first time the barbecue has been stolen.

Maybe it was the same person both times.

Li Huan: "Forget it, I still have some here, just bake a little more."

The fish ball was a little angry, but Li Huan said to bake it again, this time he had to keep an eye on it.

The little milk cat finished eating, and stayed here with the fish ball, waiting for Li Huan's barbecue.

The two little ones didn't even blink their eyes, they just ate a piece of Li Huan's roast, and there was nothing left.

Sulby's heart melted when he saw them eating, they are so cute!

Sulby: "Where did you get it, and I got two?"

Li Huan: "I picked it up on the side of the road."

Yuball: "This prince is not something you can pick up casually!"

The little milk cat nodded: "No! No!"

Li Huan: "Didn't you just pick it up on the side of the road!"

Fishball: "No!"

Sulby: "Where did you pick it up? I'm going too!"

Fishball: "Hmph! Impossible!"

Yu Wan glanced at Li Huan, he wondered if Li Huan would tell about that place.

Yu Wan has been with Li Huan for so long, so she has some understanding of Tianyuan Continent.

If that place was discovered, Li Huan felt that he would be hunted to the ends of the earth.

Li Huan: "Inside the monster forest."

The little milk cat nodded.

It is the one who found Li Huan in the Warcraft Forest.

Sulby: "I didn't expect there to be such a cute monster in the forest of monsters! I want to go too!"

Seeing that Li Huan didn't say anything, Yu Wan breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Huan thought it was funny seeing the fish balls like that.

Li Huan: "Don't worry, I won't sell you."

Fishball: "Who cares about it!"

Sulby: "Sell it! Sell it to me!"

Yuball: "I don't want it! You are too ugly!"

Sulby: "You're courting death!"

Yuball: "Just tell the truth!"

Sulbi couldn't hold back, and hit the fish ball directly.

The little milk cat kept silent and ate silently.

Every time Li Huan baked it, she immediately gave it to the little milk cat.

The little milk cat eats with relish.

But those who hide in the dark can't bear it!

After so long, this milk cat is too edible!
Don't leave him any!
What a stinky cat!
Li Huan glanced at somewhere and waited patiently.

The fragrance configuration of Huangu Opinion is a little more mellow, and a little bit farther away from the fragrance.

Last time I was unprepared and was run away by that person, this time I see you can't help it!

The man finally couldn't take it anymore, he came out from the dark, and squatted beside Li Huan's barbecue grill: "Girl, you are too unkind! You have discovered me a long time ago, and you still keep feeding it, and you don't give it to me." I'll keep some!"

Li Huan: "Senior, I don't know who stole a lot of barbecue from me, without even showing my face!"

Li Huan teased, the old man felt embarrassed.

This is the 'beggar' who stole from Li Huan and Dong Hua when they were eating.

This is the first time Li Huan sees him.

Although the clothes were ragged, they did not hide his handsome features at all, and this person's eyes were bright and energetic.

It can also shine brightly under a loose hair.

This person's cultivation was higher than Li Huan's, so Li Huan naturally wouldn't treat him as an ordinary beggar.

It's just why this person wants to look like this even though his cultivation base is advanced.

The old man: "I don't think your food is delicious. Compared with the cooks in the Promise Palace, your craftsmanship is simply unparalleled in the world, and the ingredients are also different from other places."

Su Erbi and Yu Wan stopped fighting, and looked at the man curiously.

Sulby: "Who are you!"

Old man: "You don't care who I am!"

Sulby: "Don't tell, don't eat!"

Li Huan handed a piece of grilled meat to the fish ball.

As a result, the old man snatched the fish ball directly from his hand, took a big mouthful, and ate the food whole.

The fish ball saw that the roast meat he got was gone, and when he looked again, it had already been swallowed.

He jumped up instantly, and painted flowers on the old man's face with one paw.


The old man covered his face and wailed.

Yuball: "Dare to eat your uncle's food! I owe you a beating!"

The old man looked at the fish ball in surprise: "This fox has become a spirit!"

Yu Wan: "You are the genius! Your whole family is a monster!"

The old man looked at Li Huan pitifully: "Look, your pet scratched me, no matter what, you have to compensate me, I'm the best talker, I don't want any spirit stone secret treasures, but You have to take care of these ten or eight meals!"

Li Huan: "I've seen people who touch porcelain, but it's rare to see people who blackmail food like this."

The old man had a grinning look on his face: "I just let you see it. If you thank me, please treat me to dinner."

Sulby: "You are real, you have a thick skin!"

Old man: "Thank you for the compliment!"

Sulby: ...

Li Huan: "It's fine if you want to eat, let me tell you about your background first!

I won't let people I don't know get free food, if you have any enemies or something.

I helped you, isn't that getting on fire? "

Old man: "I am such a bad old man, how can there be so many things you said, don't worry, don't worry."

Li Huan: "I'm not sure about that one."

Seeing that Li Huan had made up his mind, the old man looked at the barbecue on the shelf, he really wanted to eat it.

The old man: "Don't worry, even if something happens, it has nothing to do with you, I'm here to find someone."

Li Huan: "Who are you looking for?"

The old man: "An old friend, but I can't find it, and I have been hungry for several years."

Li Huan: "Didn't you just say that the food in Wuji Palace is not delicious, then you have patronized it before. Why have you been hungry for several years?"

The old man: "When that thing came, I had a meal. I have been here for several years."

Li Huan didn't seem to be lying when he saw him, so he handed him a piece of meat: "Eat it, after eating, help me drive away those flies outside, there will be more."

The old man: "It's done!"

Li Huan: "Yes."

The old man stuffed the meat into his mouth, and like a gust of wind, he went out of a psychedelic state.

In a few moments a fight was heard.

Sulby: "The people who chased us?"

Li Huan nodded.

This old man's cultivation is advanced, so it's not for nothing.

Sulby: "Then who the hell is he? He seems to have a high level of cultivation."

As soon as Sulby finished speaking, someone responded immediately.

I saw the person who just went out came back again.

"You girl really has vision, but I am invincible in the world!"

Sulby: "So fast!"

In just one sentence, those people were cleaned up!
Then the old man replied arrogantly: "It's amazing! But don't worry, as long as I take care of the food, I will take care of everything."

(End of this chapter)

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