Chapter 477 Tracking Technique

Li Huan vaguely heard what they said, but now was not the time to study carefully, so Li Huan ran a certain distance and threw the fish balls out.

Li Huan: "It's up to you!"

Fish balls: "Add chicken legs! Otherwise, don't do it!"

Li Huan: "OK!"

As soon as the fish balls came out, the psychedelic technique was used directly!
When those three people chased after them, they didn't know that they had hallucinations.

They have been chasing Li Huan's back, but at this time the back is already a phantom.

Moreover, the three of them also stood still, not chasing after them.

Li Huan took the opportunity to reap the harvest, and soon finished the three of them!

It shouldn't be too easy for these three people to solve it, just stand there and let Li Huan do it.

Li Huan: "Fishball, you did a good job! It's not in vain for me to raise you for so long!"

Yu Wan said triumphantly: "That's right! Don't even look at who I am!"

Li Huan: "Praise you a few words, you are still in heaven!"

Fish Ball: "Chicken Drumstick!"

Li Huan: "I'll give it to you after everything is settled!"

Li Huan searched the belongings of these three people.

He also found his own elixirs, and like the previous people, he had more elixirs than ordinary disciples.

It seems that my guess is true.

Li Huan was hesitating whether these people should stay or not.

If you stay, you may expose yourself, but if you don't stay, there will be no evidence in the Discipline Hall.

Just when Li Huan was hesitating, someone from the other direction came back.

They chased it for a while, but found nothing, so they decided to look back to see if they had misplaced it.

In the end, Li Huan decided to keep the three of them together. Anyway, he was just a little transparent in Wuji Palace, and the people in Discipline Hall should not notice him.

Just like that, with a single thought, Li Huan successfully left a huge hidden danger for himself.

Li Huan also asked Yu Wan to control the three of them with illusion first.

Then it was quickly resolved.

Li Huan searched them and found that they were the same as the previous ones.

Li Huan put all the pills back.

As long as people from Wuji Palace find them, they will naturally search for them.

You will find something is wrong.

Li Huan dealt with these people and went to the agreed place.

After Li Huan left, Lin Menglu led someone to chase after her. When Lin Menglu saw six Wuji Palace disciples died all of a sudden, her face turned blue!

who is it!

This is in the psychedelic forest, and someone dares to kill people from the Promise Palace at the door of their house!
The loss of six disciples was a great loss for Wuji Palace!
Lin Menglu: "Notify Master, come quickly!"

After Lin Menglu ordered, she began to look for clues.

Soon Lin Menglu also discovered the problem that Li Huan had discovered before.

Lin Menglu: "Expand the scope of the search and look for clues."

Lin Menglu is the direct disciple of the Sixth Elder of the Discipline Hall.

The people in the Discipline Hall, in addition to their cultivation, also have a tracking technique that the rest of the elders don't teach when they sit down!
Lin Menglu soon discovered the trace left by Li Huan.

Lin Menglu quickly wrote down the situation here: "After the master arrives in a while, give this to him, and I will chase after it."

"Yes! Sister, be careful!"

After Lin Menglu explained, she followed the traces she found and went to Fang Xiangxing where Li Huan left.

Tracking is an extremely powerful technique.

There are very few people who understand it. Lin Menglu was also accepted as a personal disciple by the Sixth Elder who discovered that she had the talent to learn tracking techniques.

Although Lin Menglu's cultivation was not as good as the direct disciples of the other elders, she was able to secure her position in the Discipline Hall because her tracking skills were the most powerful.

Li Huan ran so fast that he didn't realize that someone was following up behind him.

Because the distance between the two was very far, Li Huan's spiritual sense could not detect it.

Lin Menglu also tracked Li Huan based on the tracking technique rather than the sense of consciousness.

Therefore, even though they are far apart, Lin Menglu can find the direction accurately.

After Lin Menglu left, Zuo Luo chased after him with Duan Muhong's additional manpower, but when they came, Li Huan had long since disappeared.

But they found the people from the Discipline Hall.

"How to do?"

Zuo Luo: "Lin Menglu is here too, she will definitely be able to catch up with Li Huan, we just need to follow behind Lin Menglu! Chase!"

Li Huan happily thought that the trouble had been resolved, but he didn't know that a whole bunch of tails had already followed!
Soulby and the old man swam in the water for a while.

Sulby: "Why hasn't Li Huan come here yet! I'm going to find her!"

Old man: "Now do you know where she went?"

Sulby: "But I can't wait any longer!"

The old man: "Don't worry, that girl is much smarter than you. If you leave and she comes for a while, wouldn't you miss it?"

Sulby: "Hmph! How am I not smart!"

Old man: "How smart are you?"

Sulby: "You asked for a beating, didn't you! Old man, you know how to fight against me! You are not very good! Why don't you help!"

The old man: "This is your business. If I keep intervening, how much progress can you make?"

Sulby: "Sophistry, if you don't want to help, you know it sounds good!"

As soon as Li Huan arrived, she heard Sulby's complaints.

Li Huan: "Senior is right, we can settle our own affairs by ourselves, so we don't have to go to this spiritual mine."

The old man: "Girl, I'm not joking! I knew that with your ability, you will be able to save the day."

Sulby: "You can change your face so quickly! Shameless!"

The old man: "You have such a poisonous mouth, you can't get married!"

Sulby: "I want you to control!"

Li Huan: "Let's go!"

Old man: "You are followed by a tail, do you know that!"

Li Huan sensed it with his spiritual sense, but he didn't notice it.

Li Huan looked at the old man suspiciously: "Tracking technique? I didn't expect that there are people in Wuji Palace who can do this."

Li Huan: "I have seen tracking symbols, but I have never heard of this tracking technique."

The old man: "This is an ancient secret technique, it's normal if you don't know about it."

Li Huan: "Then how do you know?"

Old man: "Who am I! Of course I know."

Li Huan: "Can you? Teach me?"

Old man: "No."

Li Huan: "Spirit fruit wine, ten bottles?"

The old man: "Damn it! Unfortunately, I don't know how to solve it, but I can solve it. The person who came here is not high in cultivation, so I can solve it."

Li Huan: "You must not be lying to me! I didn't sense anything."

The old man: "Then let's make a bet, if someone really chases after a while, ten bottles! How about it?"

Li Huan also became curious, she didn't even notice the spiritual sense of the Linghuang realm, how did this old man know.

Li Huan: "Just two bottles for a bet."

Old man: "Stingy! Just wait!"

Sure enough, not long after, Li Huan saw someone chasing him!

Li Huan: "Who is that?"

Sulby: "That's Lin Menglu, a member of the Discipline Hall. If they are targeted, it will be difficult. Yubei is an old-fashioned old man!"

(End of this chapter)

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