Chapter 478 Picking up Spirit Stones

The old man: "How about it! Admit the bet and admit defeat."

Li Huan took out two bottles of spirit fruit wine and handed them to the old man.

Li Huan: "Plus three, tell me how you know."

Old man: "Five bottles!"

Li Huan: "Deal."

The old man: "I'm just doing one thing, watch it, anti-tracking technique!"

With the old man's aura, Li Huan soon saw the old man make a gesture.

Then the spiritual energy was quickly squeezed, and Li Huan suddenly felt that some kind of involvement had been released from his body.

Li Huan: "Amazing!"

Old man: "Come on, this is what I practice in my free time. It won't work if I meet someone with a higher level."

The three speeded up their journey.

When Lin Menglu traced to the place where Li Huan and the others bet before, she suddenly found that the clue was broken!

Lin Menglu used her tracking technique again, but still found nothing.

Lin Menglu: "It's been there all along just now, how could it disappear here!"

Lin Menglu was not reconciled, half of the chase, but disappeared!
She had a hunch that she was about to find him before!

Lin Menglu used it several times again, but still didn't find it.

Could it be that the man found out that he was being followed?

Master said that there is a technique of anti-tracking, but almost no one in Tianyuan Continent knows it.

Could this person do it too?

No, if I could, I wouldn't have tracked it halfway before disappearing.

Someone must have helped on the way!

I have to say that Lin Menglu can guess pretty well.

But now the clues are broken, so I can only wait.

It would be nice if the master was here.

But the signal has been sent.

It should be here soon.

While waiting, Lin Menglu carefully observed the traces here, hoping to find clues.

But Li Huan and the others had already noticed, so they would naturally cut off all the clues.

With the help of the old man, it is naturally extremely difficult for Lin Menglu to find out.

After Lin Menglu stopped here, Zuo Luo's men quickly caught up.

They found that Lin Menglu had stopped here, and they all hid.

They don't have Lin Menglu's tracking skills, so they have no way to find Li Huan.

Once Lin Menglu stopped, they could only stop too.

The three of Li Huan accelerated their speed, because the people behind might catch up at any time.

Along the way, Li Huan kept bribing the old man with good food and wine.

The old man taught Li Huan and Su Erbi many useful tips.

Anti-tracking is one of them.

By the time the three of them reached the upper reaches of Weishui, it was already five days later.

This is a valley, Li Huan looked at it, and it was indeed the same as the one drawn on the map.

Li Huan: "It should be here, but where is the source of this water, we still need to find it."

The three of them searched for a long time in the valley, but they couldn't find the source.

It stands to reason that the source of water should be found in the front of the upper reaches, but for this stream, we can see where the water comes from.

Only water can be seen, emerging from different places and converging into streams of water.

Li Huan: "It looks like the source should be underground!"

Sulby: "Underground? Then this spiritual mine is also underground?"

Old man: "It's possible, step back a little, and I'll explore the bottom."

Knowing the strength of the old man, Li Huan stepped aside with Sulbi.

Li Huan and Su Erbi stood far away, and soon, they felt a powerful force spreading from the old man's body to the ground!

So strong!

The strength of this aura is the strongest Li Huan has ever seen!

How deep is this person's strength!
What Li Huan saw before was all illusions!
The strength of the old man has definitely surpassed the realm of the Spirit Sect!
Li Huan was amazed, and so was Sulby!

The two looked at each other, luckily they didn't oppose this person, otherwise, wouldn't they be able to pinch themselves to death with just one finger?
Su Erbi shrank his neck, thinking that he had always argued with that old man before, and that man probably wouldn't care about a little girl like himself!
Li Huan found out that Su Erbi was the same, and held her hand: "It's okay, if he minded, you would have died thousands of times already!"

Sulby: "That's right, but, who do you think he is looking for in our Wuji Palace?"

Li Huan: "It should be children, the kind of biological ones, I don't know who is so lucky, such a father, one of them is enough to walk sideways."

Sulby: "You're right. I'm hopeless. Our blood was tested at birth. It's you, Huan'er, didn't you come to find relatives?"

Li Huan: "Then hurry up and curry favor with me. Maybe it's me! When the time comes, I'll cover you!"

After a while, the old man came over: "It's underground, but it's blocked by something."

Li Huan: "In your opinion, what should we do?"

Sulby: "Yes, listen to you, you are a senior."

The old man suddenly noticed the change in Su Erbi, looking at her, why did this little girl suddenly start to please him?

I've been fighting against myself before.

Su Erbi felt guilty: "Senior, I was the one who didn't know Taishan before. Your lord has a lot, so don't worry about me, a little girl."

Hearing what Su Erbi said, the old man suddenly understood: "You don't have to worry about it, I'm here, I can't expose it, and I didn't deliberately hide my cultivation, just keep it the same as before."

Li Huan: "Yes."

Sulby: "If you slap me in a fit of anger, won't I be headshot?"

Sulby expressed his doubts.

Li Huan: ...

The master's heart was aroused by Sulby's behavior: "Yeah! That's it! So, you stinky girl, how dare you hate me!"

Sulby: "Don't dare, dare not."

After the old man finished speaking, he asked Li Huan and Sulbi to walk away.

Li Huan and Sorby backed away again.

I saw the old man gather his hands together, and then Li Huan and Su Erbi saw the old man's aura gathered together and made a shocking knife!

The majestic aura is like an overwhelming mountain, cutting towards the bottom!

The mountain shook instantly, and Li Huan and Su Erbi saw a crack in the ground under the old man's feet!
It's the crack!

Li Huan absolutely believed that if there was a mountain in front of him, the old man could split the mountain with a single knife.

Is this the legend about opening a mountain with bare hands?
It's amazing!

Old man: "Okay!"

The old man motioned for Li Huan and Su Erbi to come over.

After Li Huan and the others came over, they saw that there were shining spirit stones under the ground crack!

so much!
Old man: "Go down and pick it up."

Li Huan: "Did we get rich overnight?"

Sulby: "It seems to be!"

Li Huan discovered for the first time that with this powerful strength, she could really do whatever she wanted.

For such a large ground fissure, unless the earth dragon turns over, if it is dug by manpower, I don't know how long it will take to dig.

Others are looking for spiritual mines, that is digging.

When Li Huan and the others were looking for the spirit mine, they just picked it up!

(End of this chapter)

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