Chapter 479 Yubei
This kind of treatment is no one else!
This spiritual mine should be regarded as a medium-sized spiritual mine. After the old man split this area open, all the spiritual stones buried deep in the soil were exposed.

Now what Li Huan and Su Erbi have to do is to pick up all these naked and exposed spirit stones.

There are quite a few medium-sized spirit mines.

Li Huan released the fish balls and the little milk cat to help.

The old man was sitting aside to rest, thinking that this trick also used a lot of his spiritual energy.

Li Huan and Su Erbi also have fish balls and little milk cats, picking up, picking up, picking up.

At first everyone was very careful, after all, this is a spirit stone.

But later, there were too many, and they couldn't even dig them out. They could only pile up all the spirit stones together, and then collect them together at that time.

If someone saw it, this spirit stone would be like the stones piled on the ground, that one would really go crazy.

In the end, Li Huan and the others couldn't pick it up anymore, so they took a rest.

Li Huan: "We have made such a big commotion here, what if people who are chasing after us find out?"

The old man: "I have blocked this place, but you need to hurry up, it won't last long."

Li Huan and Su Erbi were exhausted at first, but they still stood up immediately.

Li Huan would never have imagined that one day he would dislike the tiring work of picking up spirit stones!
Li Huan picked up the spirit stones that had been put away before, but fortunately, the space is spacious.

Otherwise, with so many spirit stones, some would take up space.

After Li Huan put away the spirit stones, he joined the spirit stone picking team.

On Lin Menglu's side, Yubei caught up the next day.

Yubei: "What's going on?"

Lin Menglu: "Master, the disciples have tracked here, but they suddenly stopped. I don't know what happened."

Yubei closed his eyes, and then used the tracking technique.

Yubei's tracking skills are much better than Lin Menglu's.

The clues were soon discovered.

Lin Menglu: "What's the matter, Master?"

Yu Bei: "Someone helped, but who could it be? This person actually knows the anti-tracking technique. It's not easy."

Lin Menglu: "Didn't Master say that few people know this anti-tracking technique? Besides, they all went there."

Yubei: "So, this matter is getting more and more strange. You call someone first, and I will start to crack it."

Lin Menglu heard Yubei's words, and quickly went back to call for people.

Yubei naturally discovered the person behind Lin Menglu.

But those people were all from Wuji Palace, so he was not in a hurry to find them out.

After all, no one in the Promise Palace can escape the Discipline Hall.

The key now is that it is not clear who the murderer is.

This is the urgency of the delay. If he can find out the person, he can rest assured.

In addition to being in charge of rewards and punishments, the Discipline Hall of the Wuji Palace is also responsible for the safety of the Wuji Palace.

Yubei began to get in touch with the tracking technique that the old man cracked before.

As long as he cracks it, he can continue to follow the clues that Lin Menglu found before.

Li Huan and Su Erbi spent a whole night picking up spirit stones.

If they weren't in a hurry, they wouldn't be so tired.

Sulby: "I never dreamed of it before, I think the spirit stone is tiring!"

Li Huan: "Me too, I feel like my hands are about to break off!"

The old man: "You people from Wuji Palace are coming soon, hurry up, if it's really too late, I don't want the rest!"

Li Huan: "No! This is a spirit stone!"

Sulby also jumped out immediately: "Yes! Lingshi can't be thrown away!"

The old man: "My previous move cost a lot of money. If the people who come here are stronger than you, I can't protect you. At that time, there will be spirit stones, but life will be lost. Your Discipline Hall is very old-fashioned!"

Li Huan also knew that the person he killed before should have been discovered.

I didn't expect that a moment of soft-heartedness would cause such a big trouble for myself.

Lin Menglu did find that something was wrong with the pills on the bodies of those dead disciples.

But she still decided to make catching the murderer her top priority.

Because of this elixir, the lives of the Wuji Palace disciples are not in danger.

In contrast, the murderer is the one who needs to be found out the most.

Li Huan's method of transfer was useless.

After Yubei cracked the old man's anti-tracking technique, the old man noticed it immediately.

Old man: "They are coming!"

Li Huan was done, their hand speed was fast enough, but they still couldn't finish picking up the rest.

Li Huan: "Go first! I am the one who killed, and I am the one they want to track down. Don't expose the two of you together."

Sulby: "But Yubei is not easy to talk to."

Li Huan: "It doesn't matter, if we go separately, we will have a chance to run away. I will rush back before the next competition."

Sulby: "No, you are alone, it's too dangerous!"

The old man: "Listen to her, it's easier to run alone."

Li Huan: "Let's go!"

Sulby is still reluctant to leave.

Li Huan simply knocked her out: "Old man, I'll leave it to you."

The old man: "Girl, give me two bottles of wine first."

Li Huan directly took out a jar of wine: "I'll give you all!"

Seeing that Li Huan took out a jar, the old man compared the ones he got before: "You, how much did you hide?!"

Li Huan: "What are you! This wine is mine! I like to drink small bottles!"

Old man: "Cunning!"

Li Huan: "This is called extremely useful!"

The old man: "Cut! Have you learned the anti-tracking technique?"

Li Huan: "Naturally, it will be completed in a few days."

The old man: "That's good, we'll wait for you at Mohushan."

"it is good!"

After Li Huan made an agreement with the old man, the old man took Su Erbi away.

What Li Huan did was right, if they go separately, even if they are caught, they will have backup.

If the whole army is wiped out, then there will be nothing left to do.

Li Huan is extremely experienced in running.

Li Huan also guessed before that the old man couldn't use his full strength for some reason.

That move just now should have been counterattacked by something.

Although the old man didn't say anything, Li Huan could feel that the old man had been sitting there afterwards, probably adjusting his breath.

So Li Huan said to leave separately, and he agreed directly, which showed that Li Huan's guess was true.

So the old man also agreed to Li Huan's solution.

Li Huan has a bold guess, but there is no time to verify it now.

After the old man left, Li Huan began to form formations inside the crack.

This is the Lingshi Mine.

Li Huan is best at blasting spirit stones.

In addition, the original aura of the spirit stone mine is still there, which can cover up his formation very well!

Li Huan got ready very quickly, and directly carved formations on the unfinished spirit stones.

And then added other formations inside.

Li Huan also took out a lot of poisonous juice that he had refined and poured it into it.

Now, what if the people who were chasing after saw this spirit stone mine, then entered this spirit stone mine, and were detonated!
This picture is beautiful just thinking about it!
(End of this chapter)

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