Chapter 496

Dongfangrui and Yinyun also brought some people here. Li Huan wanted to break the formation, so they started to help without saying a word.

Yinyun also recruited the people Huaying brought.

Hua Ying: "Why! I don't want to help someone I don't know!"

Rhyme: "Help, shut up, or go back! Choose yourself!"

Huaying was aggrieved, but there was nothing she could do.

Even if she disagreed, the people she brought were all from the Hehuan Sect.

In front of the young suzerain, she is an adopted daughter, how can she be compared!
What's more, the meaning of this rhyme is very clear, and it has no meaning to Huaying at all.

Dongfang Rui: "All of you here have come here to practice. If you don't break the formation together at this time and enjoy the success, then don't blame our Linlang Pavilion for not agreeing!"

Dongfang Rui is the young master of Linlang Pavilion. When he said this, many people sold his face and joined in together.

Duan Muhong has been watching from the sidelines, he does not move, and neither does the other people in the Promise Palace.

Li Huan: "Duanmu Hong, Su Yaoyao and Su Erbi are from Wuji Palace!"

Duan Muhong: "You know what I need!"

Duan Muhong's meaning is obvious!
If Li Huan doesn't surrender, he won't do anything!

After all, Duan Muhong is the Linghuang!

If he didn't make a move, he really lacked a lot of help.

Li Huan: "Since that's the case, then don't blame me for breaking up with you!

You have to know that there are only three pharmacists in the Promise Palace.

If Su Yaoyao and I are not here, what loss will you have! "

As soon as Li Huan finished speaking, Zuo Luo immediately jumped out.

Zuo Luo: "Li Huan, am I not a pharmacist!
If you do this, you're setting your position too high! "

Li Huan: "Your rank five, I rank six, which one is more important, I don't need to say it!"

Zuo Luo was slapped in the face by Li Huan, very angry.

But Li Huan's words, he really couldn't refute.

As a sixth-grade pharmacist, it is impossible for him to be promoted in a short period of time, unless he meets a heaven-defying opportunity.

Duan Muhong: "People in Wuji Palace, don't stand still! It's not good for everyone if there is one less pharmacist!"

As soon as Duan Muhong opened his mouth, everyone in Wuji Palace began to help.

Except Nalanyan and Rong Menglan.

Li Huan just watched it, and didn't say anything more.

It's good that these two people don't take the opportunity to make trouble, but it's harder than going to heaven to count on them to help!

As more people joined the formation, the restrictions began to show signs of loosening.

Li Huan was worried about the cracks that appeared, and decided to use a faster method.

Li Huan took out the blasting spirit stone he had prepared earlier.

Li Huan: "Get out of the way!"

Li Huan ignited the blasting spirit stones, and threw them all into the broken crack.

"Bang bang bang!"

A series of explosions shattered the ancient restriction in an instant!
Yin Yun: "Xiao Huanhuan, you are really amazing!"

Dongfang Rui: "What is that, it's so powerful!"

Li Huan took out a few: "Light it up with spiritual energy, put it away!"

Duan Muhong also saw it. He had seen Li Huan before, but he didn't expect it to exist!

From the looks of it, there is quite a lot of Lihuan there!

If you can use it for your own use, that would be great.

Duan Muhong: "Li Huan, how about we make a deal?"

Li Huan: "Tell me."

Duan Muhong: "I don't know what will be in it, but if you give me the thing in your hand, I promise, I can protect you in it!"

Li Huan: "That's really embarrassing, I just ran out of it!"


Duan Muhong saw that Li Huan sent Yin Yun and Dongfang Rui off, but now he wanted it, but he didn't have it!
It's obvious that Li Huan doesn't want to give it to herself!

Li Huan is not stupid, if this kind of thing is given to Duan Muhong, when there is a conflict, it is not like shooting a stone on his own foot!
Duan Muhong: "Hmph! Then you can do it yourself!"

The ancient prohibition was blasted into countless cracks by Li Huan.

Those people who were indifferent before couldn't sit still and joined the team that broke the formation.

Those who go in the first time the ban is broken may get more benefits.

So, now everyone is rushing in.

With more people, the time to break the formation will be accelerated a lot!
Soon, those cracks became bigger and bigger.

Li Huan still has the Explosive Spirit Stone in his hand, but these people want to sit back and enjoy the benefits, so Li Huan will not let them succeed in vain!
If you don't take advantage of breaking the formation, part of their aura will be consumed.

Once inside, if there is any opportunity, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble for myself.

Li Huan only needs to blow up the shattered traces, and they will naturally come to help.

After all, no one wants to be last.

This ancient prohibition has existed for a long time.

But it is still extremely powerful, presumably there must be good opportunities in it.

I don't know if it's good or bad for Su Yaoyao and Su Erbi to be inside.


The ban is broken!
The people who were busy breaking through the formation just now rushed in in a swarm!
Li Huan was also about to go in, but the Soul-devouring Beast suddenly told her to wait.

Li Huan waited for a while before going in.

I only saw a lot of people inside, but I didn't know what kind of stimulation they had received.

Attack each other like crazy!

Is there a phantom array here?
Li Huan: How do you know?
Soul-devouring Beast: I don't know what's inside, I just feel the unique ghost energy on the battlefield of gods and ghosts.

Li Huan: What is that?
Soul-devouring Beast: That is the gas cultivated by the demons, just like the spiritual energy of your humans. Only the demons can use that kind of thing. Once humans touch it, it will look like what you see.

Li Huan: The battlefield of gods and ghosts is not in the Wuji Continent, so why is there ghost energy here?
Soul Devourer: I don't know, in short, you should be careful, but there is not much demonic energy here, so just protect yourself with spiritual energy!
Li Huan followed the practice of the soul-devouring beast, using aura to protect himself.

Li Huan: "You two protect yourselves, these gases are poisonous!"

Li Huan couldn't explain the ghost energy to them, so as not to cause unnecessary panic, so he only said that the gas was poisonous.

Li Huan is a pharmacist, and the rest of the people will naturally listen to her.

Besides, the person who most wanted to come in had already let them see the end!

Those people became insane and unconscious after being exposed to the demonic energy.

It's like being enchanted.

Duan Muhong: "Li Huan! This is our man, come and have a look!"

Someone in the Promise Palace has been recruited!

Li Huan: Old guy, is there a solution?
Soul-devouring Beast: This is the gas used by the demons for cultivation, why can't you humans absorb it.

However, I can teach you a method to abolish the devilish energy.

This is used by the demons to abolish the traitor's cultivation base.

It should be able to help dispel the devilish energy that has entered the body.

In fact, there is an easier way.

Just use your Nine Phantom Bone Fire, that thing can directly expel the evil energy of the underworld.

It can also help the cultivation of Nine Phantom Bone Fire.

However, with so many people here now, there is a risk of exposure.

So, you'd better use the exercise I taught you.

Li Huan followed the method of the soul-devouring beast to drive out the devilish energy that the man had sucked into his body, and the man woke up.

Zuo Luo: "How did you do it? I saw that there is no way to detoxify these poisonous gases?"

(End of this chapter)

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