Chapter 619 Heaven and Earth Gourd
Yichi originally wanted to take up the task, but was interrupted by the previous incident, it was delayed.
When she came again, she found that all the tasks of refining pills were gone!
At this time, Min Tian, ​​a pharmacist from the second team, came to receive the task.

Min Tian noticed that Yichi's complexion was not very good.

Min Tian: "What's wrong?"

Yichi: "Is there a task to refine the elixir?"

Min Tian: "No more? What do you mean? Are all of them gone? Or is there nothing you want to pick up?"

Yichi: "Just go and see."

Min Tian is a sixth-rank pharmacist, so he came to find the sixth-rank elixir refining task.

But he searched, and he didn't see any task about refining pills!

Min Tian: "What's going on?"

Yichi: "Have you heard that the tenth team has a newcomer who is a pharmacist?"

Min Tian: "Ten team?"

Min Tian is in the second team, and basically doesn't pay attention to teams that are much lower than him.

Yichi: "Their pharmacist is rank six."

Min Tian: "What? Rank six? Team ten?"

Min Tian thought his ears had heard it wrong!
But Yichi reaffirmed that the new pharmacist from the tenth team is the sixth rank!
Yichi: "I saw it with my own eyes! She is a junior Linghuang! But she has an excellent alchemist token."

Min Tian: "You mean she took all these tasks? Impossible! Even Sun Guan can't refine so many pills in one day!"

Yichi: "I hope not, but why is there no such task! I only met her before."

Min Tian: "I'll ask."

After Min Tian left, Yichi glanced at the task bar and left too!
There was no one around, and the jealousy in his eyes was no longer hidden.

Li Huan helped the people in the tenth team to refine the elixir to improve their strength.

All the members of the tenth team are stepping up their training.

The news that Misty Peak had a new sixth-grade pharmacist in the tenth team quickly spread like wildfire.

But there was already a formation blocking the front of the tenth team, and those who came to inquire could still not get in.

A few shouted through the fog, hoping to win Lihuan over.

Li Huan refused them all.

Shen Lin: "Why don't you go! In this case, you can get more."

Li Huan: "No need."

Li Huan came here to find Nanny Qin, not to practice permanently.

So, if you collect enough points, go to the top of the mountain.

As long as you find Nanny Qin, you will leave here!
After a few days, the members of the tenth team began to go out to accept the mission after refining the potency of the pill.

But in the past few days, there have been rumors that the tenth team of alchemists are defiant and ignorant in Misty Peak!

The tenth team went out this time and encountered a lot of trouble.

Along the way, there are people who are sarcastic.

Shen Lin and the others ignored them.

Li Huan doesn't care either.

What they were going to hunt this time was an adult, Flame Clan Lion.

Shen Lin: "The flame clan lion is a monster with fire attributes, everyone should be careful not to get burned."

Shen Lin and the others have lived here for many years, and they are very clear about the living habits of these monsters.

So, it will be found soon.

The flame sect lion is as big as a small mountain!

Li Huan knew that this was the place where the Giant Beast Clan lived, and he had already prepared for it, but he didn't expect that when he saw a real monster, he was still taken aback!
Shen Lin: "Li Huan, your cultivation level is not high, you can just help me by the side later."

Li Huan nodded.

She doesn't know the attack methods of the monsters here, so it's always right to observe first!
Soon, under the leadership of Shen Lin, everyone in the tenth team began to attack the flame clan lion.

The flame sect lion is surrounded by flames, as long as you get close, you will be burned by the scorching flames!
The air around it was scorched by the flames and made a roaring sound.

Yuwan: Unexpectedly, there are really giant beasts here.

Li Huan: What, is it strange?
Yuwan: I heard that the Behemoths have been hidden for a long time, so why they appear here is very strange.

Li Huan: Hidden world?
Yuwan: I also heard that the entire clan has disappeared. If the giant beast clan is still there, we may not be able to beat the monster clan.

Li Huan: So powerful?But it doesn't look like that to me.

Yuball: These are just some low-level monsters, far from the real giant beasts!

Most of the daily tasks of the people in Misty Peak were hunting. Li Huan always thought that the giant beasts were just big.

Li Huan took out the token that Tai Tan gave him, and Li Huan had already memorized all of "King Kong Bodyguard Art".

It's just that Li Huan doesn't know what the token is for.

Yuwan: Put it away, I heard that the giant beasts are very trustworthy, if you encounter any difficulties, go deep and look for intelligent monsters, he should know you.

Li Huan nodded.

There should be ten points for this hunt.

It seems that refining the elixir came quickly!

However, last time Li Huan was able to take on all the tasks.

If you want to refine the elixir, you can only wait a few days.

After Shen Lin and the others finished fighting, Li Huan immediately brought the pill to them.

Then deal with the injury.

Burns must be treated right away or they will leave scars.

Li Huan used a little Taiyi water to clean the wound, which can speed up the healing.

Luo Ya: "What is this? It's so cool and comfortable."

Li Huan: "A kind of potion that doesn't leave scars."

As soon as they heard that no scars were left, several girls gathered around.

Li Huan bottled some and gave each of them a little.

Luo Ya: "Look at you, you've only been here for a few days, and you're almost replacing me!"

Li Huan: "No way, she is born beautiful."

"Hahaha! Li Huan, you are not ashamed!"

"Yes! It's good to have a pharmacist. We can deal with injuries immediately. In the past, we had to go back to heal our injuries."

"Yeah! I remember one time, my hand was about to break! I still have to endure it and go back to Misty Peak to heal it."

Li Huan did not speak, she was here only temporarily.

Roya: "What's wrong with you?"

Li Huan: "It's okay, I'll go back and refine some more healing elixir, you take it with you, if you get hurt, you can deal with it in time!"

After Shen Lin led the people to deal with the flame sect lion, he was ready to go back.

Here are all monsters of the giant beast family, except that hunting is more difficult than ordinary ones.

It is also extremely difficult to bring it back.

Fortunately, every captain has a special treasure for holding things.

It is said that this thing was refined by the old man Wuji, and there are only a dozen of them in total.

All are in Misty Peak.

Li Huan was curious, so I borrowed it to take a look.

This treasure is in the shape of a gourd.

It can take things in, but for particularly huge monsters, it still needs to be divided.

This thing can only hold dead objects, so only killed monsters can hold it in.

When Li Huan held the gourd, he felt a force of space inside it!
Li Huan felt that the power of space was extremely familiar.

Shen Lin: "What's wrong?"

Li Huan: "It's okay. On the way back, can you lend me this? I'm curious."

Shen Lin: "Of course."

(End of this chapter)

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