Chapter 620 Exchange
Li Huan took the Qiankun gourd and studied it carefully. There is indeed the power of space in it!
Li Huan could clearly feel it, but there was very little space power.

Therefore, it can only be used to hold dead objects, similar to magical artifacts such as the Qiankun Box.

I don't know if the old man has space, otherwise, how could he make such a thing.

Li Huan had seen in ancient books before that space-type magic weapons could only be crafted by craftsmen with the power of space.

Spatial properties are extremely rare.

Throughout the ages, I have never heard of one or two.

As far as Li Huan knew about the Tianyuan Continent, there seemed to be no other than himself.

Could it be that Old Man Wuji is also a space attribute?
Unfortunately, people have been missing for so many years.

There is no way to prove it right now.

This Qiankun gourd has a spiritual diagram inside, and a little bit of space power is blocked in the spiritual diagram.

Therefore, Li Huan didn't know the principle of refining weapons, but she could understand the spirit map.

Unfortunately, didn't have a chance to try it.

Li Huan only felt that the power of space was familiar, but he didn't know if it was because of the mutual attraction of space elements, or because of other reasons.

Li Huan returned the space gourd to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin led the men, cut off a small piece of the flame lion's meat, and asked Luo Ya to take it with him.

Luo Ya: "After each hunt, in addition to the task of handing in, you can keep some food for yourself."

Li Huan took a look, even a small piece of meat weighed dozens of catties!
It has to be said that the monster beasts of the giant beast clan are really too big!

For several days in a row, Li Huan followed her on missions.

"Come and see!"

Li Huan and the others followed, and the tenth team suddenly discovered something.

When Li Huan passed by, he found that it was a corpse, which was already dilapidated.

It looked like it was half eaten by something.

Luo Ya: "Who is this? I haven't heard of any loss of personnel in that team recently."

Li Huan turned the man over, and he turned out to be a tiger.

No wonder I hadn't seen him before.

It turned out to be dead!
Li Huan: "He came with us, but after I separated from them, I don't know what happened."

There were no traces of Hu Bing's body.

Li Huan stayed together for several months, but still dug a hole and buried him.

Li Huan: "Hu Bing is a cautious person, and shouldn't have an accident when he is about to arrive."

Luo Ya: "You mean he was framed?"

Li Huan didn't speak.

But Shen Lin spoke up: "It's hard to talk about things without evidence. We can only pretend that his fate is bad. There are no rules and regulations like the Wuji Palace here."

Shen Lin's words were very clear.

If you die, you will die in vain. Misty Peak does not allow killing fellow disciples, but after leaving Misty Peak, the elders will not care.

Li Huan: "Let's go."

Hu Bing had also been to the ancient ruins before, and Li Huan remembered that he liked Nalanyan.

This little episode in the middle was soon no longer mentioned.

Even the Linghuang, after death, is just an embryo of loess.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, life and death.

After Li Huan's points reached one thousand points, he immediately went to the top of the mountain.


"Qin Wanru? She has been gone for a year, and we don't know where she has gone now."

Nanny Qin has already left!
So, the clue was cut off here!
It is impossible to say that you are not lost.

I spent a whole year searching for the truth, but found nothing.

Li Huan walked out from the top of the mountain in despair.

Looking at the misty mountain peaks, Li Huan felt an indescribable loss.

The sky is big and the earth is big, where is my home.

Mother, grandpa, where can I find you!
Why did Nanny Qin leave without saying goodbye? Could it be because she disliked me for not being able to practice?
However, I am no longer a waste!
Li Huan's thoughts were in a mess, and she didn't realize that she was being followed!
Duan Muhong has been observing Li Huan before.

She thought that Li Huan would be able to go to other teams soon, so she never dared to do anything.

Unfortunately, this man is very stupid!

He turned down all the olive branches offered by other teams!

Right now, not to mention offending many people, even my own cultivation is still at the junior level of Linghuang!

It is simply courting death!

What Duan Muhong did to Li Huan before, he can no longer reconcile with her now!
Coupled with Nalanyan's push, Duan Muhong decided to cut the grass and root out!

As Li Huan was walking, he suddenly sensed a killing intent!
Fortunately, Li Huan reacted quickly and escaped the catastrophe!
Li Huan found that he had unknowingly walked to a remote place.

There's no one around here right now.

Li Huan: "Sneak attack? Come out if you have the ability!"

Duan Muhong came out from behind a tree: "I didn't expect to fall off the cliff and come back alive. Hand over your things!"

Duan Muhong thought that Li Huan had something that could protect her from jumping off a cliff.

Li Huan: "Killing is not allowed here."

Duan Muhong: "As long as you are captured and killed, who will know!"

Li Huan: "Did you mean it, or Nalan Yan's meaning?"

Duanmuhong: "What's the difference?"

Li Huan: "Yes."

Duan Muhong is the cultivation base of the Lingzong, and there is no one around here right now, so Li Huan can only catch him without a fight.

Duan Muhong led Li Huan directly out of Misty Peak.

Duan Muhong was able to control the sky for a quarter of an hour, and within a quarter of an hour, Li Huan was caught by him as if he was catching a chicken. I don't know how far he caught it.

Li Huan only saw Misty Peak when it stopped.

Duan Muhong: "There is no one here, you should know for yourself!"

Li Huan: "Okay."

Li Huan took out a dagger.

Duan Muhong kept staring at Li Huan to prevent her from escaping.

After all, it's not the first time he has confronted Li Huan, this person is very cunning.

Li Huan: "Kill me directly, it's not like I won't get anything. I'll exchange spirit stones and pills with you. No matter how beautiful Nalanyan is, she's not a pharmacist. Don't you want sixth-grade pills?"

Duan Muhong: "Take it out and have a look!"

Li Huan took out several bottles of pills and some spirit stones: "If you don't kill me, there will be more in the future."

Duan Muhong checked whether the pill given by Li Huan was still a spirit stone, and if there was no problem, he put it away.

Li Huan: "Killing the chicken to get the eggs is not a wise decision, are you right?"

Duan Muhong: "Let me think about it."

Li Huan: "You don't really like Nalanyan, but you just have a pretty face. Unfortunately, it's useless in Misty Peak, isn't it? I'm a pharmacist, and I can help you improve your strength in the shortest time. How about it?"

Duan Muhong didn't really like Nalan Yan, Li Huan could tell it on the way here!

The reason why Na Lanyan hangs out with Duan Muhong is just to find a backer.

Li Huan saw that Duan Muhong began to hesitate, and continued to speak: "Nalanyan is not just you, why do you think Hu Bing is willing to sacrifice himself to save her? It's not because they have some unclear relationship."

(End of this chapter)

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