Chapter 669

An elder: "This girl is amazing, amazing!"

The second elder: "I have lived for hundreds of years, and this is the first time I have encountered such a situation!"

Third Elder: "Me too! When she wakes up, I will take her as a disciple!"

Fourth Elder: "Shameless! Accept it as you say! Ask me if you have ever asked me! I will accept it too!"

Fifth Elder: "Stop arguing, this girl is the most destined for me!"

Elder Mu: "Who said that! I gave her all of my aura! No matter how you say it, she is also my apprentice!"



Six hundred-year-old people are arguing over who can take Li Huan as a disciple, their faces are red!

Lin Heng: ... Am I redundant?

Li Huan's body absorbed it, but the aura of the six elders was still not enough!

An elder checked Li Huan again, with a worried look on his face.

An elder: "This is just the beginning."

Second Elder: "Are the six of us not having enough aura?"

Third Elder: "God! Why are there still fewer?"

Fourth Elder: "What should we do now?"

Fifth Elder: "In this case, we can only use that one."

Elder Mu: "But, is she too young? I mean, will she be unbearable?"

Four Elders: "A little hanging!"

An elder: "Bring it here, I've saved it for so many years, it's just for use."

Second Elder: "That's right, then send it over and use it!"

Lin Heng: "What are you talking about, where are you taking Li Huan?"

The third elder: "Why are you still here! What are you doing here! Do you want to play the girl's idea!"

Fourth Elder: "It's none of your business! Go quickly! Why don't you go!"

Lin Heng: ...

He is superfluous!

After Lin Heng left, an elder suddenly lifted Li Huan's body with spiritual energy, and then a wall of the stone room suddenly opened.

Li Huan felt a strong aura coming from behind the wall.

An elder: "Whether you can succeed or not depends on yourself."

An elder controlled the aura and sent Li Huan behind the wall.

After Li Huan had gone, he found that there was a pool of liquid inside!

The pool is divided into two, one side is white and the other is black.

The aura emanates from this pool!

The pool on the left is full of spirit liquid marrow!
Advanced psychic fluid marrow!
What is the dark thing on the right, Li Huan does not know for the time being.

An elder put Li Huan into the pool of spiritual fluid marrow, and Li Huan's body was like a siphoning whale.

The aura instantly followed Li Huan's pores, and impatiently penetrated into Li Huan's body.

Walk the tendons and gather the bone marrow.

The liquid of the spirit essence is around Li Huan, because the suction in Li Huan's body is too strong, it actually forms small vortices one by one.

All the elders were amazed!

But then nodded again, with a look of relief.

Second Elder: "Our Misty Peak can at least produce one. After living to such an age, he deserves to die!"

The third elder was so excited that he was about to cry: "Hahaha! It's not in vain that we have guarded here for so many years!"

Fourth Elder: "I want to cry so much! It's so touching!"

Fifth Elder: "Yes! Death deserves it!"

Li Huanting was in a fog, not knowing what was going on with them, why they were dying.

An elder said: "The one on the right is the bone-changing water. If you can stand it, you can go in after coming out of the spiritual marrow liquid. Before the bone-changing is completed, don't come out! Remember! Remember!"

Li Huan was surprised that the first elder knew that Li Huan could hear what she said.

Li Huan wanted to speak, but his body couldn't move!

You can only let your body absorb the aura in the spirit marrow fluid continuously!
Li Huan really wanted to know the reason for all this.

After the first elder finished speaking, the atmosphere suddenly changed!
Those who were jokingly joking just now who wanted to rush to accept Li Huan as their apprentices stopped talking.

It seems that the air has become heavy.

Second Chief: "They are here!"

The third elder: "Hmph! If we can't retreat for so many years, we really think we are dead!"

Fourth Elder: "It's too boring to live like this all the time, let's fight him vigorously!"

The Fifth Elder: "It's time to exercise! Lest they think we are old!"

Elder Mu: "After waiting for so many years, the one who should come is still here! That's okay!"

Li Huan was very anxious, she felt that the power controlling her mind was chasing after her!
People from Ziwu Peak are coming soon!
She wanted to remind the elders to be careful, but she couldn't open her mouth!
Li Huan was about to cry in the space!
She didn't understand a word of what these elders were saying!

Do not!
She doesn't want to understand!

An elder approached and looked at Li Huan: "I really want to take a look at your original appearance again, I don't know if I still have the chance! Huan'er, live well!"

Li Huan's brain seemed to explode!
What is the elder talking about!
Her original look!

How could an elder know that she was born again!

Could it be that all the elders knew about sealing her?

Not only the first elder, but also the rest of the elders!
Because, at this moment, everyone seemed to be saying goodbye to Li Huan for the last time.

Second Elder: "Oh, you girl! Don't be fooled again in the future!"

The third elder: "What are you talking about! That person is too scumbag! We Huan'er are too kind to be used by him!"

Fourth Elder: "That's it! Fortunately, I'm alive now! Living is better than anything else!"

The fourth elder wiped his tears as he spoke.

Li Huan was completely dumbfounded!

People who are hundreds of years old are crying beside her!
The Fifth Elder came over and slapped the Fourth Elder on the head: "Why are you crying? You should be happy!"

Fourth Elder: "Fifth! Why are you beating me! You are an old man!"

Fifth Elder: "Yes! Immortal! Enough is enough!"

Elder Mu: "Alright! Let's get started!"

An elder: "Let's start! There is no time!"

The six people stood beside Li Huan, making seals with both hands, each of them had a different seal.

Li Huan didn't know what seal they made, but the way they did it was very familiar!

The starting style is the same as that of grandpa!
them! ! !

An elder: "Huan'er, the Lin family will be handed over to you!"

After the first elder finished speaking, the handprints of the six people were all condensed and landed on Li Huan's body!
Li Huan saw these handprints, all scattered on his limbs!
Every time he absorbs a seal, Li Huan can feel the changes in his body!

Her body has changed!

Unprecedented solidity!
There is an unknown force in her body, which is about to break out of the ground!
That seal is the star that opened the fire in Li Huan's body!
Every seal is a star!
Unlocked the power that was about to move in Li Huan's body!
Just at the critical point when that force broke through the shackles, an elder suddenly made a move and suppressed that force!
An elder said: "Untie it when you are crossing the catastrophe, it can help you block the catastrophe and live well!"

After the first elder finished speaking, he gestured again: "Get up!"

Li Huan found that the entire stone room was sealed by a powerful restriction!
The imprint of spiritual pursuit disappeared!
"Lin Yushu! Hand him over!"

The powerful piercing sound resounded throughout Misty Peak.

(Small theater: In the future, small theaters will be written directly after the chapters, and will not be compiled separately.)
A certain month: Huan'er is going to cross the catastrophe, I wrote it with tears in my eyes, it's not easy!
Little cuties: You stepmother, you are not good to our little Huanhuan at all!

A certain month: Why is it bad!What's wrong!I am the best mom in the world!
People who eat melons: stepmother is stepmother, don't explain!Explanation is to cover!
A certain month: You just wait for me!I told Yunling to come out and beat you!
(End of this chapter)

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