Chapter 670 Tinder
Li Huan recognized that voice as an elder from Ziwu Peak!
The people from Ziwu Peak are coming!

Lin Yushu!
Lin Yuxian!
Li Huan's heart suddenly jumped!
What is the relationship between the first elder and grandpa!

They are grandpa's people!
It's Li Huan's relatives!

After discovering the truth, Li Huan couldn't stop crying anymore!

Guilt, self-blame, anger, mixed flavors.

Li Huan wanted to go out, but couldn't do anything!
Her body was still unable to move, and she could only watch helplessly as the people from Ziwu Peak came to kill her!
On trumped-up charges, he forcibly invites the battle against Misty Peak!

The elders just spent too much energy just to save her, and now they will definitely suffer a loss when they face off against the people from Ziwu Peak!
In the battle between the strong, the difference between a slight loss and a thousand miles.

If you are not careful, you will end up dying!

Li Huan suddenly thought of what they said earlier, enough is enough!

Let yourself live well and so on.

Only now did Li Huan realize that they were exchanging their own lives for Li Huan's just now!

Do not!
Why is this!

Is it all arranged!
I do not want!
I don't need to sacrifice so many people for my life!
Do not!
no way!

Under this emotional outburst, Li Huan suddenly entered a state of epiphany.

The state of wanting to fight against fate!
Be sure to grasp the state of your own destiny gear!
Li Huan's mental strength suddenly increased by leaps and bounds, and the sea of ​​consciousness solidified at this moment.

She sat upright in the space, entering a state of ecstasy.

Soon, a pool of spiritual marrow liquid was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and all of it was absorbed into Li Huan's body!

Li Huan's body continuously absorbed the spiritual substance of this spirit marrow fluid.

Spiritual veins and bone marrow are full of spiritual essence, the body is constantly being nourished, and the whole body exudes a kind of vitality.

These vigorous vitality will eventually gather in Li Huan's dantian and store them up.

The original aura in the dantian, trickling down, doubled in size in an instant!
There is also a widening trend!
Li Huan's practice of selflessness is to advance as fast as possible.

Forget about me, never tire!
Outside the stone chamber, it was a completely different scene!
Zi Yuan took the people from Ziwu Peak and surrounded Misty Peak!

Zi Yuan: "Lin Yushu, do you really want to fight Ziwu Peak with me? Just for a little Linghuang?"

An elder: "Any disciple of my Misty Peak is precious, but you, what does that imply?"

Zi Yuan: "I advise you to be aware of current affairs! The Lin family is no longer the Lin family!"

An elder: "You've been the lackey of the Murong family for a long time, I think you've forgotten your last name!"

Zi Yuan: "Since this is the case, then I will see the real chapter under my hand!"

Zi Yuan led almost everyone in Ziwu Peak to arrest Li Huan.

The six elders of Misty Peak and the six elders of Ziwu Peak broke out in a powerful battle in an instant!
The battlefield is in mid-air, this is a battle belonging to the Tianyuan Continent, the top powerhouse!

Like thunder, thrilling!
Everyone in Misty Peak was astonished!
They even started fighting!

Soon, the remaining people from Ziwu Peak, under the leadership of Zi Yuan, began to break the restriction of Misty Peak.

Want to siege in.

Lin Heng summoned all his disciples to resist with all their might!
Swear to defend Misty Peak!
However, Zi Yuan's cultivation is too high!
The elders opened up the battlefield in the sky, but Misty Peak lacked one person to fight against a figure of Zi Yuan's level!
Lin Heng: "Everyone, hold on! They must not be allowed in!"

Lin Heng kept repairing the damaged mountain protection array.

The people from Ziwu Peak kept sabotaging outside.

Do your best, no one dares to slack off!
Lin Heng's cultivation is still too low!

In the end, it was attacked by people from Ziwu Peak!

All teams fight with all their strength!

All the grievances and grievances from before have been put aside. If Misty Peak no longer exists, then what's the point of their fighting!
The most important thing now is to defend Misty Peak!

Zi Yuan was the first to break through a gap and rushed in.

Lin Heng was the first to be attacked!

Although Lin Heng is a little worse than Zi Yuan!
But it can barely resist for a while!

The first time Zi Yuan came in, he tore a huge gap in the mountain protection formation.

The people from Ziwu Peak immediately took advantage of the situation and rushed in!

The people from the two peaks all fought fiercely together!
The fighting was brutal and blood flowed!

The people in Ziwu Peak also understand that once today's vengeance is forged, if they don't cut the grass and roots, there is a possibility that Misty Summit will make a comeback in the future, and endless revenge will erupt, so they all try their best.

It is said that on the top of Misty Peak, there is the supreme treasure.

As long as you can enter the top of the mountain and get something like that, you might have a chance of becoming a god!
Everyone, looking at the top of the mountain greedily, kill them!

For the dream of becoming a god!

Get that treasure!

Wails, screams, one after another.

People's lives are constantly being harvested.

In just a short moment, Misty Peak went from practicing pure land to purgatory on earth!

"Seven Stars Fly to the Moon!"

Zi Yuan's martial arts exploded with powerful attack power, seven stars surrounded the moon, emitting hot light, the light was blazing, suddenly rushed towards Lin Heng, and was ignited the moment he approached Lin Heng!


There was a vast expanse of whiteness, and Lin Heng was covered by the light of the explosion!

In the next second, the whole person was blown away covered in blood!

Lin Heng stood up, covered in blood, and some wounds were deep enough to show bone.

Zi Yuan's cultivation base is much stronger than Lin Heng's!
This move is a lore, directly reaping half of Lin Heng's life!
But Lin Heng still stood up, looked at Zi Yuan unyieldingly, and went forward again.

There are too many such scenes. With the support of a certain mysterious force, Ziwu Peak has already surpassed other peaks in strength.

Right now, there is a complete tendency to annex Misty Peak.

However, the people in Misty Peak, relying on their strong survivability step by step, have stood here for many years without falling.

Want to annex them!

Then come to fight!


They resisted crazily, defending their territory with their dignity!

The sky, the ground, as far as the eye can see, are all battlefields, so tragic.

Lin Yushu: "Could it be that Ziwufeng is really willing to become someone else's lackey?"

An elder of Ziwu Peak: "Heh! Aren't you Misty Peak the lackeys of the Lin family?"

Lin Yushu: "The Lin family is here to keep the fire, how about you! How many innocent people have been killed over the years!"

An elder of Ziwu Peak: "Everyone takes what they need!"

Lin Yushu: "Then the only thing left is immortality!"

Rain of blood splatters, wind and thunder rumble, hell on earth!

Everyone is fighting, and every second a fresh life is harvested.

Corpses littered the fields, and there was a bloodbath.

The entire Misty Peak was dyed red.

An hour ago, it was still a holy place for cultivation, a place for the top monks of Tianyuan Road to study.

but now!

Unrecognizable, devastated!
(End of this chapter)

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