Chapter 684 Wide Area Island

The boss of the boat: "You don't know, the Ling family was originally from pirates. Two years ago, the Gong family was suddenly wiped out by Da Neng, and the Ling family took advantage of the situation! The sea area of ​​​​the current generation belongs to them. !"

Li Huan: "Oh? Then they are very familiar with this sea area?"

Boat boss: "That's natural, I'm reminding you to be careful, why is your focus not on the idea?"

Li Huan chuckled, "It's okay."

The boss of the boat: "Little brother, I think you are rich. The Ling family likes you the most. Now that you have offended their lady, I advise you to find a reliable boat after you arrive at Hurricane Island." Transfer, otherwise... difficult!"

Li Huan: "No problem."

Boss Chuan: "I didn't mean to bluff you! I came to remind you because you took care of my business and booked the best private room! The ancestors of the Ling family are amazing!"

Li Huan: "Oh? How powerful?"

The boss of the boat took a look around, then nervously approached Li Huan, and said in a low voice: "I heard that their ancestors are about to cross the catastrophe, and will soon be in the Spiritual Ancestor Realm!"

"Hehe! Lingzong! Well, I see."

The boss of the boat: "Brothers like you, it's the first time you go out, and you don't know the dangerous world outside, forget it! Anyway, I'm reminding you, my boat can only sail to Hurricane Island and return, you should be careful Bar!"

Li Huan: "Thank you!"

The boss of the boat looked at Li Huan with a look of resentment.

These young people are spoiled by the family!
One by one, I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!

Anyway, he did everything he could do!

The rest is up to them!

The boat boss shook his head and returned to the cabin.

The boat will soon be passing through the hurricane zone, and he's going back to get ready!
Li Huan looked at the sea in front of him, it was calm on the surface, but in fact there was an undercurrent.

If you are not careful, you will be buried in the bottom of the sea.

When Li Huan returned to her room, the ship shook, presumably it was in front of the vortex.

Li Huan entered the state of cultivation.

The top floor was quiet.

And the downstairs is miserable!

Everyone was jolting to pieces!

Every time I pass through Hurricane Island, I have to experience such bumps.

Therefore, even if the pirates have the heart, they don't really want to come to Eternal City.

Because the Hurricane Island in front of Wangu is really exhausting!

It's not as fast as robbing at sea!
Yan Xun also tricked Ling Rou out by talking nonsense!

The Gong family had already collapsed, and without a big tree to take shade, Yan Xun's cultivation resources could not be supplied at all.

I met Ling Rou when I went to sea by chance, and Yan Xun immediately clung to her!
A young lady like Lingrou just likes to hear good things!

As long as they flatter and be more careful, they will think they really love her!

Yanxun got a lot of benefits from this!

This time for Ling Rou to be able to give up on him.

It can be said that Yan Xun used all his strength to trick her out!

Finally got his wish this time, Lingrou is already a human for him!

Going back this time, even if the Ling family objected, Yan Xun was able to rely on Lingrou's status to stay on the wide area island!
Wide Area Island is a place rich in oil!

Everyone on their island made their fortunes from pirates!
Over the years, I don't know how much wealth I have accumulated!

Therefore, Yan Xun will serve Ling Rou obediently!

Just to be able to stay in the wide area island!
But this wide area island is still far from Hurricane Island.

Ling Rou was angry at this moment: "Yan Xun! Didn't you say you want to be nice to me!"

Yan Xun concealed the disgust in his heart, and said in a good voice: "Why is it bad? My sister-in-law, my heart is almost attached to you!"

Lingrou's face softened a little, but she was still very angry: "I'm about to faint!

If you are nice to me!

Just why stop me!

I want to live upstairs!

I don't care, you go now! "

Yan Xun: "Rourou, I want you to live a good life too!

But... But I can't beat him... You know, my cultivation has been unable to improve, if I can get the Purple Mist Orb, I will definitely be promoted!
At that time, I will definitely help you out! "

Lingrou: "Purple mist beads are not so easy to get. If daddy doesn't agree, I can't get it either!"

Yan Xun: "Rou Rou, you are all in my heart!

I only hate myself for being powerless and unable to protect you!
If you want to blame, blame me!
It's all because of me!

Damn me! "

Yan Xun slapped himself hard as he spoke.

Lingrou looked at it and softened her heart: "Okay! Stop beating!

It's none of your business, it's all about that kid!

How dare you throw me into the sea!
When I go back, I will tell my father to send someone to kill him immediately! "

Yan Xun was very disdainful in his heart, this idiot Miss Ling's family, her cultivation level is not good, her tone is so loud!
Patriarch of the Ling family, maybe he can't beat that man!
After all, the ancestors of the Gong family all died in his hands!

But Yan Xun could only hold back these words in his heart, and he still had to coax: "Okay, Rourou, I'll massage your head for you, why are you dizzy? Tell me."

Yan Xun's hand touched Ling Rou's body as he spoke.

This massage is fake, but taking advantage of it is real!

Ling Rou has been completely fascinated by Yan Xun's rhetoric.

In addition, the night before their departure, their love was uncontrollable, and they were already married!

Although it was only once, it made Ling Rou unforgettable.

Yan Xun is easy to catch this kind of fledgling little girl!
Now Yan Xun took the opportunity to tease, Ling Rou's face turned red instantly.

Delicate and charming, if you want to refuse, you will welcome!

The sound of rapid breathing soon sounded from the small second-floor compartment.

The person who was still angry just now has already left the troubled things behind!

Yanxun was naturally planned!

As long as he becomes Lingrou's man!

At that time, after returning to Wide Area Island, even if the Ling family came up with a thousand reasons to object.

He will always be Ling Rou's weakness!

It would be even better if Ling Rou could conceive his child!
The entire Ling family will be his in the future!

While teasing Lingrou who was already limp under her body, Yan Xun proudly fantasized about his own plan!
Under Yan Xun's teasing, Ling Rou felt like countless ants were eating too much.

I can't stand it anymore!

All I want is to have fun with the person I like.

It never occurred to me that the person in front of me was a human or a ghost!

When Yan Xun was clinging to Gong Shulan before, he was already aware of the sensitivity of the woman's body.

In comparison, Ling Rou is much easier to serve than Gong Shulan!
Besides, Lingrou is still a naive little girl right now, and she can't stand a little bit of sweetness.

It's not like Gong Shulan, who has raised a large group of bad guys, and if one of them is not good at serving, she will get angry!

Ling Rou is all determined by Yan Xun!

For this point, Yan Xundao is satisfied!
It's also about clinging, Yan Xun has high hopes for Ling Rou!
He wants Lingrou to bear him a child!
"Brother Yan, you will always love me, right?"

"Naturally! Love until the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, the sky will collapse!"

"Then you have to remember what you said! Don't go back on your word!"

"Naturally! You have a soft body, and you live up to your name. I can't live without you for the rest of my life! Don't worry, even if I die, I will die in your belly!"

Lingrou is both fresh and pleasantly surprised by such nasty jokes!
Brother Yan loves her!
(End of this chapter)

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