Chapter 685 Bliss Island

This ship often travels between Hurricane Island and Eternal City.

Although the road was a bit bumpy, it was safe and sound and passed the most dangerous place safely.

After arriving at Hurricane Island, Sulby immediately went to find Li Huan.

She saw the island for the first time and couldn't wait to go down!
Dongfang Rui: "Master, I am free!"

Rhyme: "Childish!"

Dongfang Rui: "What are you talking about! You bloody monster, how dare you call me childish! It's kind of a heads-up!"

Li Huan: "Okay! Get off the boat! Make up your mind and go to the next place!"

Dongfang Rui: "What! Let's go now! I'm still fainting!"

Li Huan: "It's okay if you don't leave, you stay alone!"

Dongfang Rui immediately jumped over and grabbed Li Huan: "No! You promised! I'm going! Why don't I go!"

The four got off the boat together!

The people downstairs saw that the four private rooms on the top floor were all handsome young masters, so they took a few more glances!
Especially the girls, their eyes can't wait to stick to the four of them!
"very handsome!"

"Not only is he handsome, but his cultivation level is also high!"

"How do you know that someone has a high cultivation base?"

"Every time I go to sea, those who can live on the roof are either rich or expensive!"

Dongfang Rui also took out a folding fan on purpose, pretending to be serious!
Dongfang Rui: "Come, come! One for each! This is a good thing!"

Holding the wooden fan in his hand, it was actually heavy.

Spread out the fans, each is different.

But when the wind is blowing, there is aura surrounding it.

It is cool and comfortable, and can also help in cultivation.

Sulby: "Dongfangrui, have you stolen all the good things from your house?"

Dongfang Rui: "Steal or not! I am the only heir of the Dongfang family! Everything in the family is mine!"

Li Huan glanced at him, and saw a dozen or so seemingly ordinary purses around his waist, all of which were filled to the brim!
It's all space bags!
This kid is really ruthless!
I'm afraid Linlang Pavilion will not have space bags to sell in the future!
With this kind of thing, one is less!

There is no one in Tianyuan Continent who can make it.

"Ah!!! I'm going to faint!"

"My God! I want to marry! You can marry anyone!"

"They're gone! Follow!"

As soon as the four got off the boat, there was a commotion.

When Lingrou came out, seeing this scene, her eyes were about to burst into flames!

Yan Xun was puzzled.

"How not?"

Ling Rou: "Brother Yan, what are you talking about?"

Yan Xun: "Nothing! Let's go!"

Li Huan got off the boat and started looking for a transfer boat.

Soon the four of them set off again and changed trains several times in a row.

Ten days later, the four arrived at an inconspicuous island.

After getting off the boat, someone came up to chat with Li Huan and the others.

"These little brothers, it seems that they are out to play."

The man had a wicked look on his face.

Sulby didn't want to deal with such a person and wanted to drive him away.

But Li Huan said: "You have good eyesight, so what's the fun?"

The man was very pleasantly surprised: "Little bastard, I'm very happy to serve this young master. If you want to ask me about it, you can just find me! If you are familiar with this area near the Guangyu Sea, if my bastard is second, then why not?" People dare to be number one!"

Li Huan: "Okay, stop talking nonsense and lead the way!"

Erdanzi: "Hey! All young masters, this way please!"

Sulby: "Huan'er..."

Li Huan smiled: "Everyone is suffocated these days, let's have some fun before going on the road!"

Dongfang Rui: "Little Huanhuan! You are finally willing to love me!"

Li Huan slapped her fan on the shoulder: "Get your claws off!"

"Aw~ it hurts!"

Dongfang Rui withdrew his hand with an aggrieved face.

Yin Yun gave a mocking yet polite smile at the right time.

Dongfang Rui: "Hmph!"

Li Huan and the others followed Erdanzi all the way to the middle of the island.

Erdanzi: "Young masters, the center of the lake is just right, but before that, there is a small boat fee!"

As Er Danzi said, he threw his hands at Li Huan.

Li Huan threw out a spirit stone: "Enough is enough!"

The moment Erdanzi saw the Lingshi, his eyes never left!
So generous!

The man was right!

It really is a fat sheep!
Erdanzi: "There are four of you, and there is only one spirit stone here, isn't it..."

Sulby: "What! Just a small broken boat, and four spirit stones?"

Er Danzi immediately picked up Joe: "The center of this lake is the fairy cave of our Bliss Island!

I also kindly took a few young masters to see and see, if you don't appreciate it, forget it!
But the travel expenses along the way~ I will use this spirit stone to deduct it! "

Sulby: "What!
Walking fee?
You didn't ask us to come!If I don't go, I still have to swallow the spirit stone! "

Erdanzi: "I said, young man, it's your first time coming out! Are you so ignorant of the market?"

Sulby: "I don't understand your bullshit quotes! I only understand my fist!"

Sulby was about to make a move, but Erdanzi took a few steps back.

A whistle sounded, and a dozen big men rushed out of the surrounding forest in an instant.

Those big men were all sturdy, looking at Li Huan and the others with a fierce look on their faces.

The leader is the Linghuang realm!
Under his leadership, more than a dozen people surrounded all four of Li Huan.

Li Huan pulled Su Erbi and smiled: "Why are you so serious, are we short of money?"

"But, they made it clear that they were cheating us!"

Li Huan: "It's okay, let's play, I'm here just to play!"

Li Huan took out three spirit stones again.

Erdanzi's eyes are straight when he sees Lingshi!
Those strong men left the moment Li Huan took out the spirit stone.

Er Danzi: "This young master is more knowledgeable, let's get on the boat!"

Sulby: "Huan'er, are we really going? I don't think the center of the lake is a good place."

Dongfang Rui: "Xiao Huanhuan can do whatever she wants. Besides, are we the ones who are short of money?"

Dongfang Rui boarded the boat with a face of indifference.

Yin Yun boarded the boat without saying a word.

In this small boat, there are four people except Li Huan.

There were Erdanzi and rowers sitting on the bow, which seemed a bit crowded.

Sulby still looked dissatisfied, and looked at the bastard in front of him: "No matter how you look at it, you look like a human trafficker!"

Li Huan: "Okay, don't be angry, even if there is something, tell me, when the time comes, will it be them or us who will suffer?"

Su Erbi's big eyes suddenly lit up!

Huan'er is the Spirit Sect!

Several of them are in the realm of the Spirit Emperor!

It's just such a small island, if there is a real fight, they won't be the ones who suffer!

When Sulby thought of this, he lost his anger in an instant!

Dongfangrui: "Little Huanhuan, what is in this blissful island?"

Li Huan: "Go and have a look and you'll know!"

Dongfang Rui: "But as far as I know, such islands are generally..."

Dongfang Rui winked, as if you understood!
Sulby came over: "What? What are they?"

Dongfang Rui: "Guess!"

(End of this chapter)

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