Chapter 851 Lost
Li Huan looked at the glowing bead in his hand, it was a phantom bead.

This magic bead is really powerful, it can actually bring Li Huan into her childhood memory.

It was a near miss.

If it was replaced by other places, Li Huan dare not imagine.

After the bead was snapped off by Li Huan, the wall disappeared.

If it weren't for Yun Ling's guidance, Li Huan wouldn't be here at all.

It's no wonder that no one in the Boundless Sect can pass through. The illusion at the beginning alone has already made most people out.

Some people approached the bead even though they found something was wrong.

But it is also possible to be trapped in the illusion of the Magic Orb and not be able to get out.

This should be the first pass.

Holding Yun Ling's thigh, he came out of here.

Li Huan passed through this area, in front of him was a mountain of swords.

The towering sword mountain is full of swords.

Some are rusty, some are half-worn, and some are like brand new.

This time Li Huan didn't notice any resentment, and with previous experience, Li Huan didn't dare to be careless.

If Li Huan guessed correctly, the tests here should all be synthesized by the power of thoughts.

If you are not careful, you will enter the illusion.

Li Huan walked forward, this mountain was full of swords, if he wanted to climb over it, he had to go over the mountain.

Step on the sword and be careful with every step.

Li Huan covered his whole body with the Vajra Body Protector Art.

just in case.

This time it was still the same as before, Li Huan couldn't get out of here no matter what.

Li Huan: "Do we also need to close our senses and consciousness?"

Yun Ling: "No, there is danger here. If you close your perception, you will be hurt by the dark sword."

Yun Ling had just finished speaking.

Suddenly, with a '咻' sound, a sword energy attacked Li Huan.

Li Huan quickly took out the Divine Phoenix.


Shenhuang knocked the sword away, and Li Huan felt pain in his tiger's mouth.

This sword is extremely powerful.

"call out!"

Another sword came galloping.

This time the speed was faster, Li Huan took precautions and finally saw clearly.

This sword came from the Sword Mountain.

There are so many swords here, it is difficult to judge where the next sword comes from.

You can only concentrate your mental strength highly.


Li Huan's sword was getting faster and faster, but more and more swords were flying from all directions.

Li Huan had to go all out.

If it is stabbed, it will be smashed into a sieve in a short time.

"Four Seasons Sword is back!"

"Four seasons swordsmanship, causality!"

This Four Seasons Sword Art has three moves, each with four moves, a total of twelve moves.

So far, Li Huan still has not learned the last two tricks of 'Autumn Water Changtian' and 'Thousands of Miles of Frozen'.

At this moment, here is really the best opportunity.

The sword in mid-air kept galloping towards him.

Li Huan skillfully used the four seasons swordsmanship to resist, and the sword energy merged into the artistic conception. Li Huan entered the state of ecstasy in this immortal sword mound that was constantly fighting.

The sounds of wind and swords, clanging and knocking, can be heard endlessly.

The swords on the sword mountain could not be attacked for a long time, and they gathered into a long stream of swords, rushing towards Li Huan to attack in groups.

Li Huan looked at the sword array shining like a galaxy with firm eyes.

The sword energy connects with the sky, like a swimming dragon, attacking with majestic momentum.

Li Huan suddenly had an epiphany.

Li Huan's Divine Phoenix Sword suddenly transformed into a huge phantom in front of Li Huan.

The sky is full of phantoms, and the sky is the same color.

"Autumn waters last forever!"


The phantom of the Divine Phoenix Sword collided with Youlong in the sword formation, and the huge impact resounded throughout the Immortal Sword Tomb.

The sword array was scattered, and countless swords fell from the sky like rain.

"A thousand miles of ice!"

Li Huan strikes again!

Therefore, all the swords that fell in midair were fixed by some kind of force!
Li Huan looked at Man Tian's sword in surprise.

This is Thousand Miles of Frozen!
That's the trick Su Xiaodie used against herself back then!
A thousand miles of ice, a thousand miles of ice!
It is the strongest move that can use the invisible sword energy to fuse the artistic conception, and directly freeze the opponent with the artistic conception ice!
Li Huan finally learned it!
But what is the artistic conception of this last gesture?
It was only after Li Huan left the Sword Mountain that he revoked his Thousand Li Frozen Seal.


"Ding ding dong!"

The sound of countless swords falling down was clear and sweet.

Li Huan crossed the sword mountain and reached the end, but there was no way.

No, this is not over yet, why is it gone?


Yun Ling exclaimed, and Li Huan hurriedly backed away but was still a step late.

A crack suddenly appeared under Li Huan's feet.

The moment the crack appeared, Li Huan fell straight down!

Li Huan only felt that his body was in a state of weightlessness.


There was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Li Huan was finally able to keep his feet on the ground.

I don't know where it is, it's pitch black.

Li Huan took out a night pearl.

The light of the night pearl instantly illuminated the place.

This underground, turned out to be a cemetery.

Whose tomb is this?
How could it be in such a place?
Yun Ling: "Sword Tomb, whose graveyard are you talking about?"

Li Huan: "Isn't it possible to build a tomb just for a sword?"

Yun Ling: "Why not?"

There is nothing here, it should be an ear chamber or something.

Li Huan looked around and found that the ear chambers are generally symmetrical.

The side of the ear chamber should be the main chamber.

Li Huan held up the Ye Mingzhu and searched the wall for a while, and sure enough there was a trap.

Li Huan's moving mechanism 'Kaka...'

A stone door appeared before Li Huan's eyes.

Li Huan entered the stone gate, but as soon as he entered, the gate closed automatically.

Li Huan: "It seems that if we don't find the exit, we might not be able to get out of here."

Yun Ling: "Just be careful, if my guess is correct, this should be the key to breaking through."

Li Huan nodded, if he could go out from here, he should be able to find Xiu Yuanming.

Breaking through the level is secondary, seeing Xiu Yuanming is the key.

Whether Shenhuang can wake up or not depends on Xiu Yuanming.

Li Huan lightly stroked the sword in his hand.

For her sake, Shenhuang resisted the catastrophe. Not only was she downgraded, but she was also damaged.

It was originally an artifact, but now it has ended up like this.

Li Huan: "Don't worry, I will definitely cure you."

Li Huan walked all the way to the front of the corridor.

The road was deep and silent.

Li Huan had to cheer up and come here, no one should have been here before.

Li Huan saw thick dust accumulated on the ground.

Every step I take, I can see clear footprints left behind.

Li Huan walked forward, but...

Li Huan: "I was here just now!"

She looked at the footprints on the ground, she paid special attention to them just now, they walked up by herself!

So, she's lost!

Li Huan took out a rope, tied one end of the rope with a big rock, put it on the ground, and walked forward with the rope.

But not long after, Li Huan saw the stone in front again!

On the stone is the rope she tied with her own hands!
She is lost!

And she didn't even notice how she got lost!

Because she has been walking in a straight line!

(End of this chapter)

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