Chapter 852 Dark River
It's not an option to go on like this.

Li Huan tried several methods, each time returning to the same place.

After walking for a while, Li Huan was really tired.

Simply sit on the ground and rest.

Yun Ling: "You try to use the sword directly here?"

Li Huan stood up and performed a few moves of the Four Seasons swordsmanship, but there was no movement.

Yun Ling: "Go a little further!"

Li Huan moved forward again according to Yun Ling's prompt, but found nothing suspicious.

Li Huan: "Is this a phantom formation? I was trapped as soon as I entered, right?"

Yun Ling: "No, I didn't sense the existence of the formation."

Li Huan: "Then I can't get out!"

When Li Huan got angry, he stabbed forward with his sword.


There was the sound of a mirror breaking.

This corridor; it is very loud inside.

Li Huan: ...that's okay?

Yun Ling: "Little Baozi's luck is really good!"

Li Huan: "A blind cat meets a dead mouse!"

Li Huan looked at the shattered mirror, only to realize that he had been wandering in various formations.

When I got here, I was preconceived from the beginning, and I never thought about it. There is actually nothing here!

Just used a mirror!

The most common blindfold method!
But he tricked her!
Li Huan has been circling around, but his vision is blurred by the mirror.

In addition, the light here is not clear, and here is only a small part, if you are careless, you will ignore it.

Then you can only stay here forever.

After a long time, the whole person will be driven crazy by this endless road!
I have to say that the people who designed this place really have a thorough understanding of people's hearts.

If it wasn't for Yun Ling's reminder, plus his random luck.

Li Huan might not be able to leave here today.

Li Huan stepped on the shards of glass.

Behind the mirror is another scene.

Li Huan found out that this was a dark river.

She didn't hear any sound of water in the corridor before, it seems that the glass is not ordinary glass.

It should be something like a crystal, and there is a soundproof formation inside.

This is extremely mysterious!

Li Huan walked upstream along this dark river.

Yun Ling: "Put away the Ye Mingzhu."

Li Huan immediately followed suit.


Before Li Huan could collect the Ye Mingzhu, an unknown creature jumped out of the water and swallowed it!

Li Huan was amazed.

That creature is transparent!
Because Li Huan could see the Ye Mingzhu glowing in its body!

This underground darkness must be very deep from the ground!

These creatures must have been out of sunlight all year round, which led to some kind of mutation!

Therefore, the whole body is transparent!
I have to say, it is really a magical existence!

Before Li Huan could appreciate it, the creature that had just swallowed the bead in Li Huan's hand was suddenly swallowed by something bigger!

Li Huan saw it clearly!

What it is!Long body, like a snake and a gecko!

The fangs on the mouth are as long as the palm of your hand!

His body is also transparent!
To Li Huan's surprise, the creature who robbed the Ye Mingzhu suffered an indiscriminate disaster just because of a little light.

However, before Li Huan had time to sigh, the elder's fangs were swallowed again!

In just a short moment, Li Huan saw several murders caused by a night pearl.

Yun Ling: "Don't use lighting objects in this kind of place where you can't see light all year round, because it may attract more powerful and terrifying unknown creatures."

Li Huan didn't dare to underestimate it, the simple thing is that one can use divine sense here.

Li Huan walked slowly along the small passage beside the dark river.

A little light appeared ahead.

Li Huan quickened his pace.

"What a nice view!"

Li Huan was stunned by the sight in front of him!
This stone actually glows!

Li Huan: "Like the stars in the sky! It's like walking on the Milky Way!"

Yun Ling: "Do you like stars?"

Li Huan: "No, I like you, the ones watching with you are called stars."

Li Huan couldn't see, someone in a certain tree in the space, was provoked by this sentence, his whole face turned red!
Like a ripe apple.

Seductive and alluring.

Yun Ling: "From now on... I will always watch the stars with you."

Li Huan: "Okay, I'll wait for you!"

The atmosphere gradually became a little ambiguous.

Unfortunately, one is a soul and the other is a person!
But Li Huan has faith in her heart.

As long as he can steal the soul-attracting stone from Murong's family, Yun Ling can return to his physical body.

After the matter on Haohanzong's side was over, Li Huan went to Murong City to steal the soul stone.

No matter how difficult it is, you must get it.

Someone inside the tree felt like drinking a jar of honey, it was so sweet that the whole person was tired of it.

Oh, no, it's the whole soul!
Li Huan: "I see that the light on these stones is a bit unusual."

Li Huan finally brought the topic back.

Yun Ling: "If I'm not wrong, this should be the raw material of the magic stone."

Li Huan: "Is that the glowing bead? Is it extracted from this kind of thing?"

Yun Ling: "It should be. See if you can bring some back. Find a high-level craftsman who should be able to refine pure magic stones. The magic array arranged with magic stones cannot be walked out by ordinary people."

Li Huan: "Look at me!"

Yun Ling: "The movement should not be too loud, as it will attract things under the darkness."

Li Huan glanced at the bottomless river bed, which reveals something strange.

Li Huan obeys Yun Ling's reminder.

This is difficult.

She originally wanted to take the whole piece away, but now she can't!

Li Huan had no choice but to find tools, and bit by bit all these shiny places were taken off!
Unexpectedly, after such a short period of time, I went back to my old job of mining!
Mining is not difficult for Li Huan!
However, there are so many glowing stones here, it took Li Huan a lot of effort to dig them all out.

Li Huan's space is illuminated by these stones.

Li Huan started from here and walked forward again.

For two days, there was no end in sight.

Along the way, Yunling chatted with Li Huan from time to time, but unfortunately, Li Huan didn't say a few words, and started flirting again!

In the end, Yun Ling could only remain silent!

Otherwise, he would not be able to resist the urge to eat buns!

There is finally light ahead!

Li Huan finally walked out of here, the creature in the dark river that had been staring at Li Huan, retreated automatically when Li Huan stepped out of the light!

Living in a dark place for a long time, it is impossible to adapt to the sun.

Li Huan looked at this place, this is a mountain grave!
Weeds are already overgrown on the mountain, but the tomb is already firm here.

It seems that no one has been here for many years!
The weeds covered Li Huan's body.

Li Huan could only barely carve out a path with his sword to move forward.

In order to avoid disrespect for the deceased, Li Huan didn't make much noise, but just opened the way with his sword.

She walked up the mountain alone.

I want to see who is buried on this mountain.

Although this place is called Immortal Sword Tomb, Li Huan never believed that it took so much effort for a sword!

(End of this chapter)

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