Chapter 878
Li Huan: "I... I fell asleep, I didn't mean to."

The inspectors came out from behind the rockery and shook their heads at Murong Xueying, indicating that they found nothing.

Murong Xueying: "Raise your head!"

Li Huan was unwilling to do so, but her strength did not allow it!
Li Huan looked up and saw a pair of probing eyes.

Murong Xueying: "This is a reward for you. Do you know what to do when you arrive in Yincheng?"

Li Huan: "I know, the little one knows, the little one knows everything about my uncle without saying anything!"

Murong Xueying nodded in satisfaction: "Well done, after getting married, there will be rewards!"

Li Huan: "Thank you, Miss!"

After Murong Xueying left, Li Huan immediately went to the courtyard where Yin Jiuye lived.

There was nothing to say all night, and Yin Jiuye took the people away early the next morning.

Murong Xueying looked reluctant, but was successfully coaxed by Yin Jiuye.

Li Huan naturally set off with Yin Jiuye, if there is a chance on the way, he can steal the soul stone.

But halfway through, they were stopped by a group of them.

It was the Master Chief who came.

Yin Jiuye: "Butler, is this?"

Butler Murong: "Uncle, there are some urgent matters at home that require you to go back."

Yin Jiuye: "Come out now, what's the matter, isn't it the same after getting married?"

Butler Murong: "Young master, something is really going on, you should go back with the little one."

Yin Jiuye: "Say! What's the matter!"

Butler Murong was a little embarrassed, but he still said: "Yes...the house was stolen, Madam would like you to go back and assist in the investigation."

Yin Jiuye's face was a little unnatural, was it discovered that he took the soul-attracting stone?
Yin Jiuye was in a hurry to go back, but if he left now, it would be tantamount to confirming his suspicion.

and so……

"Okay! In that case, let's go back!"

Yin Jiuye's people followed him back home.

Li Huan naturally followed at the end.

Before entering the courtyard, Li Huan heard Murong Xueying's voice.

"Mother, it's definitely not Brother Jiuye."

"Mother, we are going to get married soon, these things will not belong to Brother Jiuye and me, there is no need for him to do this."

"Mother, do you even believe me?"

Yin Jiuye walked in, and Murong Xueying's voice instantly changed from grievance to surprise.

Murong Xueying: "Brother Jiuye, tell mother quickly, have you ever been to mother's private treasury?"

Yin Jiuye: "Didn't you go there when you were choosing fabrics?"

Mistress of the Murong family: "After that!"

Yin Jiuye: "I haven't been with Yinger all the time, why? What happened?"

Li Huan stood watching and had to say that Yin Jiuye's acting skills were also top-notch!
There was never any panic.

If Li Huan hadn't seen him take the soul-attracting stone with his own eyes, he would have been tricked by him.

Murong Xueying was so focused on Yin Jiuye, how could she just watch him being wronged.

Murong Xueying: "Mother, Brother Jiuye is definitely not the one who stole the treasure house!"

Mistress of the Murong family: "Then why is he leaving in such a hurry?"

Yin Jiuye: "I want to go back and prepare so that I can marry Ying'er as soon as possible."

Murong Xueying: "Yes, mother, brother Jiuye, you have already told me."

The mistress of the Murong family was unhappy, she was not as obsessed with Yin Jiuye as her own daughter.

Mistress of the Murong family: "Until the matter is cleared up, let's stay here for a while longer!"

Yin Jiuye looked at Murong Xueying puzzled: "Mother found out that the private treasury was emptied this morning, and there was nothing left. I knew it must not be you!"

Yin Jiuye breathed a sigh of relief, but his face was filled with surprise: "What! The whole thing was emptied?"

Yin Jiuye also became curious.

Who would have the guts to steal everything in a warehouse!
No wonder the butler didn't let him go no matter what.

All in all, he does have a lot of suspicion.

Because only the three of them entered the warehouse before, and he was the only outsider!

Yin Jiuye: "You should stay, I will definitely help you find out the reason as much as possible."

Murong Xueying: "Brother Jiuye, you are the best! I told my mother that it wasn't you."

Yin Jiuye: "Even if it's not me, we will be a family soon, so how can we let you bear it alone at this time."

Yin Jiuye's words moved Murong Xueying beyond belief.

But Li Huan obviously didn't notice any emotion from his heart.

Therefore, Yin Jiuye has no heart.

But Murong Xueying is not worthy of sympathy!

Li Huan followed Yin Jiuye to live in Murong's house again.

This time, because it was a birthday banquet, there were too many people here. After investigation, it might not be too big.

Li Huan felt that she couldn't get out for the time being.

But what method must be used now to steal the soul stone!

Yin Jiuye didn't know where he put the soul-inducing stone.

For several days, Li Huan tried to get closer.

But Yin Jiuye has no other requirements except to look at himself occasionally.

The sachet that was suspected to be a space bag that Li Huan saw before was not found.

Li Huan was listless.

Yin Jiuye: "Are you the son of a family?"

Li Huan didn't expect that Yin Jiuye would suddenly ask such a question, and Li Huan didn't know how to answer it.

If the answer is yes, then, when you ask, there will be no such person as her!

If not, the Murong family has no outside recruits!
Li Huan thought about it for a while, and then explained his identity when he got in: "The little one was a helper in the kitchen before, and only came here to serve during this time."

Li Huan also couldn't figure out why Yin Jiuye cared so much about a 'man' like her.

Li Huan doesn't want this concern at all!

She just wanted to steal the soul stone and run away.

Moreover, Li Huan found that Yin Jiuye looked at him strangely every time!


Facing a man, the spring heart is rippling, it's so simple!

But when Li Huan looked at it carefully, he felt that it was not the case. Yin Jiuye didn't seem to be looking at himself.

It's like looking at someone else through yourself.

So, who does she look like now?

Murong Xueying didn't have to think about it, she couldn't get involved at all.

Li Huan: "If my uncle is fine, I will leave first."

Li Huan really couldn't stand the killing eyes.

Although Li Huan has no feelings, but there is a jealous big devil living in the space, so naturally try to avoid some unnecessary misunderstandings as much as possible.

Mainly Shunmao, too sad!

Li Huan wanted to leave, but Yin Jiuye didn't say anything.

But just as Li Huan was going out, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Yin Jiuye taking out something from his cuff!
Soul Stone!
After working for a long time, it was hidden in the cuff!

Li Huan didn't leave in an instant.

Pretending to be a little transparent, standing by the door and watching.

(End of this chapter)

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