Chapter 879 Running away
Yin Jiuye looked at the soul-attracting stone, wondering what he was thinking.

Li Huan looked at him, as if he was thinking about others.

But Yin Jiuye can miss anyone.

Li Huan stared at the soul-attracting stone, wishing he could grab it immediately and run away.

How does it feel to see the thing you want in your dreams in the hands of your enemy!
It really can't be described in words.

Yin Jiuye suddenly looked back at Li Huan.

Li Huan immediately came back to his senses, and then turned his gaze away.

But still secretly watching Yin Jiuye put the soul-inducing stone in his sleeve.

This time Li Huan saw it clearly.

Be sure to seize the opportunity and look inside your sleeve.

Yin Jiuye: "What are you looking at?"

Unfortunately, it was still found.

Li Huan: "I think the stone in my uncle's hand just now is very beautiful."

Yin Jiuye: "Your eyes are beautiful too."

Li Huan: ...

Broken sleeve man!
to disgasing!
Li Huan: "Young Master is wrong, the most beautiful one is Missy."

Yin Jiuye didn't answer Li Huan's words.

Li Huan suddenly remembered that Yin Jiuye didn't care much about Murong Xueying either.

Li Huan felt bored and prepared to leave.

But Yin Jiuye sighed softly: "She is the prettiest."

Li Huan thought Yin Jiuye was talking about Murong Xueying.

Nodded: "My uncle said that the eldest lady is the prettiest."

Yin Jiuye didn't speak, so Li Huan naturally didn't leave either.

I have already seen the soul-attracting stone, why is Li Huan still willing to leave?

Li Huan was waiting for the opportunity here to steal the soul stone.

In the next few days, when Yin Jiuye had nothing to do, he would take out the soul-inducing stone and come out to have a look.

Li Huan didn't find a chance to make a move either.

Just following behind Yin Jiuye listlessly.

In the end, the Murong family's theft was not concealed.

Soon there was a lot of gossip in Murong City.

Eat melon crowd:

"Isn't Murong's house the strongest? How could it be stolen?"

"That's right, they are all born at home, outsiders can't get in at all!"

"Maybe it's the Peerless Thief who came back here!"

Onlookers: "What kind of peerless thief, I think it is an inside thief!"

People who eat melons: "You know?"

Onlookers: "Of course! I heard that the entire private warehouse was evacuated! In less than one night!"

"That's right! In that case, it's already been planned!"

"Maybe that person is still at Murong's house and hasn't come out yet!"

The Murong family also thought of this!

So, the object of the investigation was sent outside and moved inside.

Li Huan didn't dare to leave the door!
Because, there is no such person as her!
Simply, he is now Yin Jiuye's attendant.

Therefore, no one came to check the courtyard where Yin Jiuye lived.

Li Huan just escaped a catastrophe!
Dangerous and dangerous!

After staying for several days, Yin Jiuye mentioned to Murong Xueying several times that he wanted to return to Yincheng.

But the mistress of the Murong family has been unwilling to let go.

The yard of the mistress of the Murong family.

Murong Xueying: "Mother, it must not be Brother Jiuye!"

Mistress of the Murong family: "Silly boy, men are the most untrustworthy."

Murong Xueying: "Brother Jiuye is absolutely not!"

Mistress of the Murong family: "Only the three of us went in, and everything disappeared the next day, what do you think?"

Murong Xueying: "No! Definitely not!"

The mistress of the Murong family looked at her daughter helplessly, she was fine with everything, it was just this emotional matter.

For so many years, I can't understand, hanged for so many years for a tree.

Murong Xueying: "Mother, don't you want me to get married soon? Just let Brother Jiuye go back to prepare for the marriage, okay?"

Murong Xueying insisted that Yin Jiuye go back with the help of Murong's mistress.

When Li Huan received the news, she was not very excited. If she went to Yincheng, she would have no chance!

I don't know what Yin Jiuye is going back for.

But Li Huan's intuition told her that it was because of the soul-attracting stone.

If Yin Jiuye used up the soul-inducing stone as soon as he returned...

You must get the soul stone as soon as possible!

For this goal, Li Huan has been extremely diligent recently.

Yin Jiuye's attitude towards Li Huan was also a little strange, but he didn't ask any more questions.

By default, Li Huan waited by his side.

On the way, after several days of hard work, Li Huan finally gained trust.

Seizing the opportunity, he sprinkled all the newly developed medicine in Yin Jiuye's wine.

"One, two, three, down!"

Yin Jiuye drank the wine handed over by the servant, A Huan, and suddenly felt dizzy.

Before he fell into a coma, he saw A Huan's expectant eyes.

Yin Jiuye: "Huaner, is that you? Huaner, are you back?"

Li Huan slapped Yin Jiuye on the head and knocked him unconscious: "Is it disgusting! Huaner! I'm a man! Why didn't I find out before, you are a broken sleeve!"

While complaining, Li Huan began to look for the soul stone.

So many days of hard work were not in vain, Li Huan successfully got the soul-attracting stone from Yin Jiuye's sleeve.


Keep the clouds open to see the moonlight!
I've been aggrieved for so many days.

It's finally here!
The emperor pays off!
Li Huan happily put the soul stone into the space.

Trying to get out now!
Because Li Huan is a servant, he has the right to enter Yin Jiuye's animal cart.

But the rest of the guards don't have this special treatment.

Li Huan: "Stop!"

The showman who pretends to be a tiger is online.

Li Huan said angrily, "I'm going to do something, you wait here for me!"

Seeing that Li Huan was speaking so loudly, the guards didn't stop them inside, thinking it was the order from their Patriarch.

So they all stopped.

Li Huan got off the animal cart and walked in the opposite direction.

After leaving the guard's sight, the Broken Cloud Step was immediately used!

I saw a figure flash by in the forest, faster than ghosts.


If you have the item, don't leave now, waiting to be caught!
Li Huan wanted to rush back to the imperial city immediately, and let Yun Ling return to her body.

I don't know what happened to Prince Yun's stupid bag.

Fortunately, this time because of Murong Patriarch's birthday banquet, Murong Xuezhi's marriage was suspended.

In addition, the marriage between Murong Xueying and Yin Jiuye will be ranked first.

Li Huan and the others still have room to maneuver.

So, now is the time when you need it the most!
Li Huan ran towards Murong City non-stop.

As long as you arrive at Juding Tower, you can use the secret teleportation array to leave!
Unbeknownst to God!

No one knew she had been here!

But God just can't see Li Huan having a good time!

The Murong family found out!
There is no such person as Li Huan!

And the mistress of the Murong family discovered that the number of people who entered the treasure house that day was not three, but four!

After they left, someone came in!

It's time for the birthday party!
Yin Jiuye's suspicion is cleared!
However, the boy he took away has now become the biggest suspect!
The members of Murong's family quickly lead people to catch up!

But Li Huan had already run away!

Yin Jiuye touched his sleeve after listening to the housekeeper's words!

(End of this chapter)

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