Chapter 901 Trap
Li Huan wandered around the valley alone to get acquainted with the terrain here.

After a while, Li Huan found someone in front of him.

Li Huan hid her figure and followed quietly.

This place still belongs to the imperial city. It stands to reason that no outsiders should come here in the royal hunting ground.

Except for hunting time, most of it is closed here.

Li Huan followed and saw that group of people setting traps.

Catch Warcraft?
No, there is a person in the middle who looks familiar!

Li Huan took an invisible pill, and only heard them talking when he got closer.

The one who took the lead turned out to be the Fourth Prince Yunhai.

The son of the imperial concubine, he is not talented, but he is very good at causing trouble!
What are the two doing here?
Still digging traps here.

Guard: "Master, it's set up. When the time comes, you just need to lure the prince here."

Yun Hai: "Good job, if I get the first place this time, all of you will be rewarded!"

Guard: "I heard that the No.1 reward given out by the imperial concubine this year is the extremely valuable spirit chalcedony? Or is it the highest grade?"

Yun Hai: "Naturally, it's an item in the old warehouse. I've wanted it for a long time, but unfortunately I haven't had a good chance. This time through this hunting conference, I can justifiably own it!"

Guard: "Then how can we ensure that we can win against the prince steadily? I heard that the prince's strength has recovered, it's amazing!"

Yun Hai: "Nonsense! I didn't come here to make preparations, otherwise what would the Queen Mother call me to do in the morning!"

Guard: "Our Fourth Prince is still the most powerful, with the imperial concubine as his backer, we are one step ahead in everything!"

Yun Hai: "That's right! That kid Yun Ling, isn't he just a bit talented, if you ask me, I am the one! One day, I will be able to defeat him with my strength!"

Li Huan looked at the fourth prince with a fleshy face, it seemed that the beauty of the noble concubine was wasted.

A person who is as fat as a ball is still clamoring to defeat Yun Ling?

Li Huan looked at the sea of ​​clouds in front of him speechlessly.

They set up big traps along the way, and Yunhai also did something that made Li Huan really disgusting!
He pissed in every trap!

Li Huan: Except for Gouzi, I’ve never seen anything like this before!
As soon as Li Huan became active, she went to a magical beast's lair and collected a lot of feces.

Then help the fourth prince to add material to every trap!
Li Huan looked at the fourth prince with a sneer, and she followed all the way, pinpointing the position of every trap of the fourth prince.

There is also a formation master among the guards, if Li Huan hadn't happened to bump into him, he might not have recognized him!
However, some people are so beautiful that God wants to help them!
All the traps of the fourth prince are in Li Huan's memory!

Li Huan followed the fourth prince and his party, and re-arranged all the traps with blindfolded methods.

It looks like the location is similar, but only Li Huan can recognize which one is the real one!
The Fourth Prince was busy until late at night before leaving.

When Li Huan went back, he was also riding Lightning, much faster than the sea of ​​clouds.

Li Huan waited at the gate of the palace.

When Yunhai came back, he saw Yunling standing at the gate of the palace, and he was so proud that he walked over to ridicule him.

Yun Hai: "This is not the prince, long time no see! I heard that you are busy with your marriage recently? Do you envy me, little brother!"

Yun Hai did it on purpose, knowing that Murong's family forced the marriage, but deliberately teased Yun Ling.

Li Huan: "Yes! A single dog cannot experience this feeling!"

Yunhai: "Single dog? What kind of dog is that? Why have I never heard of this breed?"

Li Huan: "There is one in front of me, do you want to see it?"

Yunhai: "Where is it? I want to see it!"

Li Huan: "Okay, the beauty of being an adult is the virtue of being an older brother, let's see!"

Li Huan took out a large mirror and placed it in front of Yunhai.

Yunhai: "No? Only the mirror."

Li Huan: Not only is she ugly, but her IQ is also touching!

Li Huan: "It's fine if you don't see it. Only stupid people can't see this kind of dog! You're stupid and I can't help it!"

Yun Hai: "How can you scold people!"

Li Huan ignored him and was about to leave, Yun Hai refused to give up and clamored to argue with Li Huan.

Li Huan: "It's getting late, go back and have a good rest, tomorrow's hunting will definitely win you!"

Hearing what Li Huan said, Yun Hai suddenly remembered tomorrow's competition.

Yun Hai: "If you say I'm stupid, I won't be convinced. I will definitely beat you in this hunt!"

Li Huan: "You will definitely lose!"

Yunhai: "Make a bet! I bet I win!"

Li Huan: "Okay! What are you betting on?"

Yunhai: "Ten thousand top-grade spirit stones!"

Li Huan didn't take it seriously: "Cut! That's all, and he said he would definitely win against me, it looks like he has no confidence!"

Yun Hai: "Then tell me, what are you betting on!"

Li Huan: "Gamble on marriage!"


Li Huan: "The royal family and the Murong family want to marry each other wholeheartedly. In this way, if I lose, you can do whatever you want. If I win, you can help me marry that Murong Xuezhi."

Yunhai: "What! Are you serious?"

Li Huan: "Why don't you lose money! Do you want to bet or not?"

Yunhai: "Gamble! You must bet!"

Li Huan suddenly pulled out two pieces of paper from his body: "Come and sign this bet, and the bet will begin."

Yun Hai: "Why do I feel that you are ready?"

Li Huan: "Then, did you lose out on this gamble?"

Yunhai: "It seems not."

Li Huan: "That's it, sign or not? If you sign, those who quit will be expelled from the royal family!"

"Sign! Must sign!"

Yun Hai picked up the pen that Li Huan handed over, waved his hand, and signed it!
Li Huan: "Come back so late, the road is so unsafe, go back earlier!"

Yunhai: "Don't! Your sudden concern scares me!"

Li Huan: ...

What a good fourth prince!
It was simply sent by the imperial concubine to save her!
Li Huan took the fourth prince to the ancestral hall on the spot to have the bet notarized!

After the fourth prince left, Li Huan sang a little song and returned to the East Palace.

Yun Ni: "Where have you been all day?"

Li Huan told Yun Ni about what happened today.

Yun Ni: "...I'm afraid the imperial concubine will spit blood out of your anger!"

Li Huan: "I gave birth to a stupid son, who is to blame!"

When the hunt starts, everyone gathers at the base camp in front of the hunting ground.

The imperial concubine took out three boxes and said they were this year's prizes.

Li Huan sneered, pretending to be selfish.

That top-quality spiritual chalcedony, Li Huan is going to decide!

Li Huan: "Why are the prizes not made public this year?"

Concubine: "Of course it's to surprise everyone!"

Li Huan sneered, you have taken all the benefits of this one!

If the fourth prince doesn't get the first place, then this box will be replaced with other things!

If the fourth prince is No.1, then he must be the spirit chalcedony!

Things that can make Yunhai covet for a long time are naturally of great value.

Li Huan is set!
(End of this chapter)

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