Chapter 902 Smoked
Li Huan: "Well, since this is the case, I suggest that everyone place a restriction on this, and when the result comes out, everyone will watch the prize together."

As soon as Li Huan's words fell, the imperial concubine's expression changed.

Concubine: "Prince, what do you mean by this, I suspect that I will not be able to exchange prizes secretly!"

Li Huan: "Of course!"


Yun Ni: "I agree with the prince's proposal. You don't want your things to be stolen! After all, anyone can get the top three!"

"Yes! I also agree with the prince's proposal!"

"The prince is right. Since it is not made public, everyone should seal it together."

"Yes! Only in this way can we compete with peace of mind!"

"Everyone wants fairness!"

The royal relatives of some big families are not under the control of the imperial concubine, so naturally they are on the prince's side!

The noble concubine could only reluctantly agree to Li Huan's request.

Everyone who participated in the competition has set their own restrictions on the prizes. When the hunting is over, they will come here to check the prizes together.

The noble concubine's teeth itched with hatred, it was Li Huan who couldn't help it.

So many people agreed, she objected again, not to tell others, this prize might be tricky!

Fortunately, she put the spirit chalcedony in it before!
The palm-sized spiritual chalcedony is still top-quality and very rare. With this piece of spiritual chalcedony, the fourth prince can at least advance to another level.

The imperial concubine went to the fourth prince to make sure, to see if he needed help and if he was sure.

Yun Hai: "Mother, don't worry, I will definitely get the first place, I'm ready."

The imperial concubine looked at her son with relief, and finally made some progress.

If he can win the first place in the hunting competition this time, then his marriage can be put on the agenda.

The fourth prince's talent has never been very high. Over the years, she tried her best, but the effect was not very obvious.

Blame that cloud order!
This royal family has Yun Ling, so which one of the other princes has a chance to succeed!
In the eyes of the noble concubine, the reason why the fourth prince is not outstanding is because Yun Ling is too outstanding...

This kind of brain circuit is incomprehensible to ordinary people.

If the imperial concubine's thoughts were heard by the guards of Prince Yun, she might be drowned in saliva!
She didn't even think about it, if it wasn't for Yun Ling, how could the royal family have a next generation who could take action!
If it weren't for Yun Ling's talent that others were afraid of, the imperial city would have changed its surname long ago!

At the beginning of the hunt, everyone headed towards the valley.

This hunting ground was huge, and after the dense crowd walked inside, they quickly scattered all over the place.

The hunting results are also calculated according to the number and level of crystal nuclei.

Li Huan took Yun Ni to the depths.

The fourth prince soon caught up.

Li Huan knew what he was going to do and naturally pretended nothing happened.

Soon Li Huan found a plump pearl rabbit.

Li Huan: "Want to eat?"

Yun Ni: "I want to!"

Li Huan was about to catch it, but an arrow flew behind him, and Li Huan narrowly avoided it.

Seeing the fourth prince and others approaching, Li Huan pretended to be angry and said, "Yunhai, what do you mean!"

Yun Hai: "It's nothing interesting, I just fell in love with this rabbit!"

Li Huan: "Yo! You are still 'Master Rabbit' in love!"

Yun Hai: "Why is Master Rabbit not Master Rabbit! I just like to snatch you!"

Li Huan: "If that's the case, then let's compete!"

Yunhai: "Okay, let's compare!"

Li Huan winked at Yun Ni, and Yun Ni immediately walked away knowingly.

Yun Hai wanted to lure Li Huan into the trap he had carefully arranged, so he didn't fight very hard, but he ran very seriously!

Soon the first trap was reached.

Yun Hai suddenly turned around, trying to push Yun Ling into the trap, but the moment he turned and moved forward.


The sound of a lump of meat dumpling weighing several hundred kilograms falling heavily startled a flock of flying birds around.

Yunhai fell into a daze!
This trap was made by himself!
In order to prevent Yun Ling from running out, he also specially asked people to set up a formation that prohibits flying, and it is also soundproof!
When Yunhai came to his senses, he realized that he couldn't get out!
The only way is to call Yunling to help open the restriction!

Because this trap was never thought of letting Yunling come out at the beginning, the way to open it is all outside!
Yunhai shouted at the top of his voice: "Yunling! Help! Help!"

Li Huan smiled, and deliberately walked around the trap in confusion: "Huh? Why did the sea of ​​clouds suddenly disappear? It's strange!"

Yunhai: "Here! Below! Below!"

Li Huan walked back and forth in rapid circles, but happened to avoid the trap every time, Yun Hai could only watch helplessly as Li Huan circled around him a few times, and then left!

Yunhai didn't even know how he fell down!

He clearly remembered that the location of the trap was still a little away!
Why is it at my own feet!
Now he lifted a rock and hit his own foot!

Yunhai is really suffering and can't tell.

Why is the ground still so smelly!

Seeing the feces all around, Yunhai was so angry that he gasped all over his body!

It must be some life-or-death Warcraft that treats this place as a cesspit!
When shitting, he destroyed the formation outside the trap, so he fell down!

If I knew which monster did it, I would have skinned him!

Damn!This shit is still fresh!

Yunhai felt like he was going to be suffocated by the smell!

Why are you so careless?
After Li Huan left, he led Yun Ni forward.

The hunt lasted for several days, and the main purpose of Li Huan's visit this time was to win over the sea of ​​clouds.

While eating the roasted rabbit leg, Yun Ni looked at Li Huan puzzledly: "Why don't you go hunting, isn't it a bet?"

Li Huan: "Do you think Yunhai will try his best to win me?"

Yun Ni thought for a while and nodded: "Yes!"

Li Huan: "Yes! Then why should we work hard?"

Yun Ni: "I don't really understand."

Li Huan took out a thickened sack: "Did you see it? What is this?"

Yun Ni: "It's just a bag."

Li Huan: "No, this is the winning formula!"

It wasn't until the end of the competition that Yun Ni knew what Li Huan's bag was for!
Sure enough, it is a must-win cheat!
After Li Huan and Yun Ni had eaten and drank enough, they walked forward slowly.

Compared with other people, they are like walking in the garden, there is nothing to be nervous about.

Along the way, Li Huan did not forget to collect elixir and eat it!

The food in this mountain has been raised by the royal family for many years, and it is extremely fat.

Yun Ni: "After hunting with you for a few days, I feel that I have gained at least three catties! If this competition is over, then I will roll out of the hunting ground!"

Li Huan: "How wonderful that is!"

"Heh! If you want to get out, then I will help you!"

The fourth prince is here again!

I don't know if it's because I've been in that pit for a long time, but Li Huan always feels that the sea of ​​clouds is a bit...

(End of this chapter)

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