Chapter 904

When Yunhai found Li Huan and Yun Ni again, Li Huan had already hunted many crystal nuclei.

Yunhai: "Isn't it the crystal nucleus! Who doesn't have it yet!"

Li Huan: "Yo! Did you crawl out of the cesspit?"

Yun Hai: "What are you talking about! I didn't fall into the cesspit!"

Li Huan: "No? Then why are you still so ugly!"

Yun Hai: "What good is spreading rumors like this to you? Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you are good-looking!"

Li Huan: "That's right! If you have the ability, you look as good-looking as I do!"

The sea of ​​clouds suddenly!
He was pissed off by Li Huan!

Li Huan looked at the sea of ​​clouds staring at him angrily, and walked over suddenly.

Yunhai: "What do you want? Let me tell you, apologizing is useless!"

Li Huan: "Apologize? Why should I apologize? You are being teased for being stupid. You can only blame yourself!"

Yunhai: "What are you talking about! Who dares to tease me if I was teased by someone!"

Li Huan stretched out his slender fingers, and pointed to himself: "Me! You don't really think that you are careless, do you? Once or twice is a coincidence, but what about three times? Sigh... How can your IQ be so far behind! You, you will never be able to compare with me in this life!"


Yun Hai's brain seemed to explode!
on purpose!
He fell into the cesspit three times because Yun Ling did it on purpose!

Yun Ling has been teasing himself!

Yunhai: "I'm going to kill you!"

Yun Hai was suddenly furious and rushed towards Li Huan.


Yunhai: ...

Li Huan stood on top of the pothole this time: "You said you, why are you running so fast! I didn't even have time to remind you! This time I really want to remind you, it's you who ran too fast!"

"You! You! Poof!"

Yunhai spit out a mouthful of old blood, and fainted immediately.

Li Huan: "Oh! I feel so sorry for the imperial concubine, I can't help it, who made him unlucky to meet such a naturally beautiful opponent like me!"

Yun Ni: "You are enough!"

Li Huan: "Let's go!"

Yun Ni: "What about him? Leave it alone?"

Li Huan: "Someone will come to the rescue in a while, let's go, let's get down to business!"

Yun Ni: "You're finally willing to start, it's almost over, do you still want No.1?"

What responded to Yun Ni was a mask.

Li Huan: "Hurry up and cover up, let's get down to business."

Yun Ni: "This? Isn't it hunting?"

Li Huan: "When did I say I was going to hunt?"

Yun Ni: "Then..."

Li Huan took out the thicker version of the sack: "Let's go! The ultimate secret weapon!"

So Yun Ni finally knew what Li Huan's bag was for!

Every time he met someone who was alone, Li Huan would put a sack on that person's head, knock it off with a sap, then grab the crystal nucleus and run away. When he left, he deliberately left some evidence.

Yun Ni: "If you rob it, just rob it, and leave some evidence to tell others that you did it?"

Li Huan: "Did your eye see that it belongs to me?"

Only then did Yun Ni come to her senses, and took a look, it was something from Yunhai!
Yun Ni: "Where did you get these things?"

Li Huan: "He fell into the cesspit so many times, I don't know how many times he has changed this clothes, it's not difficult to find something."

Yun Ni: "Admiration, admiration!"

Yun Ni really sympathizes with Yun Hai at this moment, meeting Li Huan, the little devil, is simply unlucky for eight lifetimes.

From this day on, the entire hunting ground began to panic.

Because as long as you place an order, you will be robbed!

And the coming speed is extremely fast, and the method used is also the simplest and rude one!

Put on the sack and hit!

After the person faints, grab the things and leave.

I can't see the way of cultivation at all.

There is no way to verify it.

But as more people were robbed, everyone began to discover some clues.

"Have you noticed that every time we were robbed, we asked for a smell?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Me too! The smell is very stinky!"

"Do you think the savages here did it?"

"It's possible! This hunting ground has not been used for a long time, maybe something strange has gotten in!"

For a while, everyone in the hunting ground was discussing about being robbed.

Those who were not robbed were lucky, while those who were robbed looked gloomy. After all, it was the result of so many days.

But I couldn't find out who it was!

How good this is!
So someone discussed it and started to form a team. Before, it was just a small group of people who were close to each other on weekdays. Now, for everyone's safety, they all gathered together.

Everyone is combined, but there are only three or four teams.

After there are more people, everyone mainly looks for places like lairs to attack, so that the crystal nuclei can be divided enough, and the efficiency is a little higher than before.

This day, a group of people managed to take a nest of blue-scaled birds, dug out the crystal nucleus, and they were robbed!
That man was extremely fast, he grabbed something and ran away!
People from the first team went after them, and met people from the second team on the road.

People from both teams were robbed, so they chased them together.

Li Huan carried the crystal nucleus she had snatched in her arms and ran forward.

Yunhai finally woke up and fired a signal flare.

Finally he was rescued.

But just when she was about to take a bath, a big package fell from the sky, and a big package hit her head.

Yunhai opened it and saw that it was a bag of crystal nuclei!

Yunhai: A windfall from heaven!God really favored me!
But before he could cheer up, a crowd of people came from behind!

Everyone saw it!

The fourth prince Yunhai is holding a pack of crystal nuclei in his hand!
Looking at the package, it belongs to the person who just robbed them!

A group of people stood up: "Fourth Prince, that crystal nucleus is ours!"

Yun Hai: "What! Do you dare to grab what is in my hand?"

Team One: "That's ours!"

Yun Hai: "What you say is yours is yours! Here's the evidence!"

He spent almost all of these days in the cesspit, no, he spent it in fighting against Yun Ling.

No time for hunting!
This package, he saw clearly, it obviously fell from the sky!
It was God who cared for him!
Why are these people robbing him!

The first team: "Fourth prince, please be reasonable, it's not good to rob so blatantly something that others have hunted so hard!"

Yunhai became angry in an instant!

He robs?

Obviously it fell from the sky!
Yun Hai: "The more you bully the less, don't you?"

Team [-]: "Obviously it belongs to us! All of us are witnesses!"

Yunhai: "I said it's mine, it's mine!"

The first team: "Most of them are the crystal nuclei of the blue-scaled birds that have just been hunted. You can see for yourself! This is not the nest of the blue-scaled birds. How could there be any in your bag!"

Yunhai opened the package and took a look, it was indeed there!
He felt a little strange, but he still didn't want to admit it. Once he admitted it, the contents of this package would have to be returned!

(End of this chapter)

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