Chapter 905
That didn't kill him!
This is a whole pack of crystal nuclei!

With these crystal nuclei, Yun Ling will lose at that time!

As long as he wins Yun Ling, he can let him give up the crown prince!

Yun Hai thought of this, the crystal nucleus in this hand is no longer a crystal nucleus!
It was the key to his struggle for the throne for many years!

Absolutely can't return it!
Yun Hai made up his mind, and instantly became firm!

Yun Hai: "What? Do you dare to snatch what is in the prince's hands?"

Team One: "What do you mean?"

Yunhai: "This thing is mine! Do you hear me clearly?"

When the fourth prince said this, he was extremely arrogant, and the subtext was: Even if it is yours!But when it's in my hands, it's mine!

Although he did not admit that he robbed them, these people are not fools!
Team One: "Since you admit it, that's good!"

The rest of the team came quietly when the second team released the news!
Just witnessed the whole process!

In these two, three or four teams, people in them were snatched by Li Huan!
Right now, what the fourth prince said, although he was thinking differently from everyone else, he was charged with robbery in a disguised form!

The fourth prince is just relying on his own status to be arrogant, plus the bet with Li Huan.

He just wants to win Yunling!
I don't want to find out what the truth is.

The crystal nucleus in his hand is his!

It fell from the sky!

He didn't grab it!
But the rest of the people don't think so!
Just grab it, and say it so confidently!

I really want to beat him up!
However, this is the fourth prince, the son of the noble concubine, and the most honorable prince besides the prince.

They can't be bothered!
I can only swallow Coptis chinensis dumbly.

After a long confrontation, someone asked about the smell emanating from the fourth prince!

The fourth prince hadn't had time to change his clothes yet, it was a long distance before, but after a long time, the smell came out!



A large group of people started to vomit from the smell!
"It's him! I remember that it smelled like this when I was knocked out before!"

"Yes! That's right! It's him! It wasn't so strong before."

The crowd looked at the fourth prince angrily. The fourth prince thought it was his own bad smell that made these people hate him.

Instant dissatisfaction!
The fourth prince: "What are you doing looking at me with such eyes! A bunch of ants! How dare you look down on me, I'll go back and let my concubine punish you!"

It's good that the fourth prince didn't speak, this sentence is like poking a hornet's nest.

Suddenly someone shouted from behind: "Too bullying! There are so many of us, the law does not blame the crowd! Come on, brothers! Beat him up!"

The aura that was originally angry and victorious, was ignited by this sentence!

"Go! Beat him up!"

"Yes! The law does not blame the public!"

"Good! Uphold justice!"

Yunhai only saw a group of people rushing towards him.

Instantly overwhelmed by the crowd!
You punch, I kick...

"Ah! Ouch! It hurts..."

The sound of fists and feet was accompanied by shouts, and the sounds echoed each other.

By the time the crowd dispersed, Yunhai had been beaten beyond recognition!

The face that was already fat is even fatter now.


The crystal nucleus in his hand is gone!

Yunhai fainted again.

Li Huan crouched under a tree and counted today's harvest.

Yun Ni: "Yunhai was messed up by you this time."

Li Huan: "I don't have a good IQ, and I can't help it. Who knew he was so stupid."

Yun Ni: "That's what you call it, you're a good boy when you get cheap!"

Li Huan: "How did you talk! Do you want crystal nuclei?"


With the addition of this large bag of crystal nuclei and the ones from the previous robbery, it is almost certain that this competition will be won!
Li Huan took Yun Ni to explore the depths, while hunting, while practicing his actual combat experience.

As for the sea of ​​clouds, once the pot is carried on its back, it cannot be thrown away.

After Yunhai woke up, he changed into clean clothes, and there was no crystal nucleus in his hand.

Even those who hunted before are gone!
In order not to lose to Yunling, Yunhai sent another signal.

Attendant: "Fourth Prince, if we help you, this is against the rules!"

Yun Hai: "Will you help or not! After you are killed, I will dig out the crystal core! This is not considered unreturned, it is simply borrowing external force!"

Attendant: "But..."

Yun Hai: "But what! I am the master, or you are the master! My mother and concubine are in charge of this matter! What are you afraid of!"

The attendant had no choice but to agree to Yun Hai's request.

With the help of someone, the speed of the crystal nucleus in Yunhai's hand is also extremely fast.

three days later.

Everyone rushed to the base camp to gather and see who won the game this time!

In order to win Yunling, Yunhai's hand for digging the crystal nucleus blistered and he didn't stop. In his own words, he lost more than ten catties in three days!
Yun Hai: "I won't do this kind of dirty work in the future! What's the use of hunting competitions!"

Yunhai walked on the road, complaining while walking.

The rest of the returning people looked at him speechlessly.

Since it's not important, what are you doing stealing from others!
Stand up again and again, do it for whom!
Everyone rolled their eyes at the sea of ​​clouds, but no one paid any attention to him.

Yun Hai: "You people, when you saw me before, why did you nod your head and bow your head! Now that you see Yun Ling coming back, you have changed your face! You are playing with power!"

"That's better than you! One thing in front of one's face, one thing behind one's back!"

Yun Hai: "Hmph! Go back and say it again if you have the ability!"

"You know what it is to bully others!"

Yunhai: "You! It's you! The one in the white dress! Did you say that!"

Yun Hai pointed at a person, and made a gesture to attack him. As a result, the crowd ran away in an instant.

Yunhai: ... coward!

Those who returned to the base camp began to count the number and grade of crystal nuclei one by one.

Yunhai has a team of attendants to help, and after the statistics came out, it turned out to be the one with the most!
"I got it by sloppy means, what's there to be proud of!"

Yun Hai had relied on his attendants for help, so he was a little guilty, and it was rare that he didn't refute this time.

But the rest of the people thought he was acquiescing!
"There is such a person in the royal family, it really ruins the family style!"

"Yes! If it weren't for the concubine, what would he be!"

"The most important thing in a person is self-knowledge, so shameless people are invincible in the world!"

Yun Hai was a little guilty at first, but there were more and more discussions about him in the crowd. He was so angry that he rushed into the crowd and beat up a few people!
The appearance of the sea of ​​clouds successfully aroused the anger of the crowd.

With the beating experience last time, everyone didn't even hesitate this time, and they went forward together and beat towards the sea of ​​clouds.

When the imperial concubine came, she saw a man who had been beaten like a pig's head sitting in her place.

Concubine: "Bold! Drag it out!"

"My eyes... are not... my mother is not like me!"

The fourth prince used all his strength to straighten his tongue and speak.

The imperial concubine felt that the voice was familiar, so take a closer look!
"Sea of ​​Clouds!"

(End of this chapter)

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