Chapter 906 Retreat
The imperial concubine hurried to find a pharmacist to check Yunhai's body.

But they are all injuries, as long as they cultivate a little, they will be fine, and there are pills, these are not injuries.

It's just a little pain.

But this kind of opportunity, Yunhai will naturally sue!
Concubine: "Arrest all these people!"

"Isn't this the imperial concubine? Are you so angry?"

Yun Ni and Li Huan just walked over.

Concubine: "Shouldn't they be arrested for beating the prince openly and despising the royal family?"

Li Huan: "What do you mean by them? They are the royal family themselves, do they still despise themselves?"

Concubine: "If you hurt the prince for no reason, you should be arrested!"

"No prince! We just can't bear the fourth prince's bullying!"

"Yes! He even cheated in order to win the competition!"

"His No.1 was obtained by robbing our crystal nucleus!"

"Prince, please be the master for us!"

Li Huan: "Since everyone has invited you so sincerely, I will naturally help you solve this matter!"

Concubine: "The prince is helping outsiders deal with his younger brother?"

Li Huan: "Help the manager but not the relative."

"Hmph! Let's see how you want to help!"

Lihua looked at the sea of ​​clouds: "Did you hunt these crystal nuclei?"

Yunhai: "Of course!"

Li Huan: "Really?"

Yunhai: "Really!"

Li Huan: "Oh! It's too late to tell the truth, or it will be exposed in a while."

Yunhai: "I'm doing my best, sit still!"

Li Huan: "Bring it up!"

The people behind Li Huan stepped forward with a group of attendants.

When Yunhai saw them, his expression was extremely unnatural.

Li Huan: "Speak!"

Yun Hai: "Yun Ling, what do you mean? Why arrest my servant for no reason!"

Li Huan: "Yunhai, do you think I'm blind? You hunted for ten days, and you fell into the cesspit for eight days. With so many crystal nuclei, you said that you came from hunting. When you talked, why didn't you say anything?" Overthinking?"

"My God! What did I hear!"

"You are not alone!"

"Fourth prince, he spent eight days in a cesspit! Is it true?"

"Yes! No wonder the last time we met him, he was so stinky!"

"Ouch! Stop talking, it makes me sick!"

Originally, there were a few people who did not form a team, and other royal family members who were waiting for their children to hunt out from the base camp were waiting here.

Now, being told by Li Huan, the Fourth Prince Yun Hai is in a bad mood!
Yun Hai: "You're talking nonsense, obviously it wasn't eight days! I only fell into it for seven and a half days! There's still half a day you forced in! Don't talk nonsense!"

The crowd suddenly fell silent after Yunhai's words fell!

It was so quiet that the chirping of insects in the distance of the whole forest could be heard clearly.

The imperial concubine rushed straight to the forehead with a mouthful of old blood, really wanting to slap this stupid son to death!
All she wants to do now is pretend to faint and run away!

The stupid son can't take it anymore!
Can't wait to remake it!
Li Huan: "Your concubine, please don't pretend to be dizzy, or the fourth prince will go back and sue later, saying that we bullied him!"

The thoughts in the imperial concubine's heart were pierced by Li Huan, and her teeth itched with hatred, but the prince has already said it bluntly, if she faints now, the faces of their mother and child will be lost!

The imperial concubine looked at the sea of ​​clouds angrily.

Yun Hai also knew that he had said the wrong thing, so he kept going backwards.

Concubine: "Did someone frame you?"

Yun Hai immediately nodded knowingly: "Yes! Concubine Mu, I was framed!"

The noble concubine looked at the sea of ​​clouds with satisfaction, she was quite smart!
As long as you are framed, you still have a chance to clear your name!

Concubine Gui: "Since you were framed by others, tell me, Concubine Mu will be the master for you!"

Yunhai: "It's him!"

Yun Hai pointed at Li Huan angrily.

Li Huan: "Do you think anyone will believe you if you blame yourself like this?"

Yun Hai: "It's you! It's you who led me into the cesspit!"

Li Huan: "You say yes, yes, what about the evidence?"

Yun Hai: "It's you! You admitted it when you were in the hunting area! You admitted it in front of me!"

Li Huan: "Are you talking about the four cesspit pits you dug?"

Yunhai: "It's not four, it's seven! There are three more, you can't imagine where they are!"

As Yunhai said, he became proud again in an instant!

That is to say!

No matter how powerful Yunling is, how can he guess all the potholes!

It's not that there are three that haven't been found!
Still he is better!
Yun Haiyang was complacent, immersed in his pride.

I didn't notice it at all, the surrounding area was even quieter than before!
Li Huan smiled: " admit it, you dug that hole!"

Yunhai: "What nonsense are you talking about! What did I admit!"

Li Huan: "No? Where are the remaining three potholes?"

Yunhai: "Here...huh! If you want to trick me, I won't tell you!"

The imperial concubine can't hold it anymore!
I fainted on the spot!
A lifetime of fame, half a lifetime of fighting, will be ruined in the hands of this stupid son!
God is unfair!

Don't rest your eyes!

Li Huan: "It's fine if you don't say it! I don't want to know yet!"

Yunhai: "Oh! Please! Please, I will tell you!"

Li Huan: ...

The IQ of the Yun family may have been concentrated on Yun Ling.

Therefore, it led to several other princes whose IQs are a bit touching...

No wonder Prince Yun has not been suspected for so many years.

It all depends on the peers!

It was only after this moment that everyone realized what was going on!

The fourth prince Yunhai dug a trap, trying to frame Prince Yun!
But it was discovered by Prince Yun, and he rebelled against the army.

So, who snatched the crystal nucleus?
Although everyone has come to their senses, but!

Who dares to ask!
Didn't you see that the fourth prince has been played to death?

I dare not even say this anymore.

It has to be said that the prince is still the same prince as before!

Black belly, arrogant, evildoer!

There is no trace of the whole person!

No one can offend the crown prince!

Suddenly, everyone reached a certain consensus in their hearts!
At the end of the hunt, Li Huan finally got the chalcedony she wanted.

And Yunhai originally wanted to fight for No.2, but was drowned by everyone's spit!

In the end, after the imperial concubine returned to the palace, she hurriedly sent someone to take him back!

Yun Ni: "The level of this spirit chalcedony is not low!"

Li Huan: "Go back to retreat!"

Yun Ni: "I'll help you guard!"

Li Huan nodded.

Of course, the matter here is not in the least, and it has been spread to the queen mother's palace.

The queen mother knew the cause and effect, and when the noble concubine came to cry again, the queen mother naturally had no good face.

Yun Hai: "Concubine Mu! Why does everyone like Yun Ling and not me!"

Concubine: "It's not that you're stupid! When you were born, you should have been thrown into the toilet, so that I won't be ridiculed now!"

Yunhai: "Mother Concubine..."

The imperial concubine left angrily.

Only the sea of ​​clouds remained in place.

"Fourth prince, it's been a long time!"

Yunhai turned his head and saw Murong Xuezhi walking towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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