Chapter 907

Yunhai: "Is that you?"

Yunhai was a little nervous when he saw such a beautiful person.

But then he remembered the bet with Yun Ling before. In this way, wouldn't he be able to embrace the beauty soon?

Thinking of this, Yunhai became even happier.

Yun Hai: "Miss Murong is looking for me, what's the matter?"

Murong Xuezhi: "I heard that the fourth prince performed outstandingly in the hunting conference, so I'm here to congratulate you."

Yunhai: ...So, she came to laugh at me?
When Yun Hai thought about it like this, he instantly became unhappy, because they only had Yun Ling in their hearts!

Murong Xuezhi didn't go to the hunting conference, she only knew that the imperial concubine had secretly helped the fourth prince, so she guessed that the fourth prince's performance this time should be very good, maybe No.1!
And the hunting conference has just ended, the news hasn't come out yet, and Murong Xuezhi doesn't know the specific situation.

Since Yunling's side doesn't work, let's establish a good relationship between the queen mother and the imperial concubine for the time being.

The fourth prince is a good bridge.

That's why Murong Xuezhi rushed over immediately, but this flattery was patted on the horse's leg!

Yunhai looked at Murong Xuezhi angrily. Seeing her happy face, he must have known that he fell see his own jokes!
Before Murong Xuezhi could say a few words, Yun Hai's face darkened.

Murong Xuezhi: "The fourth prince's talent is extraordinary, to be able to achieve such a result, he is already a dragon and a phoenix among men."

Yunhai: "Really? Do you really think so?"

Murong Xuezhi: "Of course, the talent of the Four Emperors is obvious to all!"

Yun Hai thought for a while, is it because Murong Xuezhi already knew that the two of them were going to get married, so she came to him to contact her?
Thinking about it this way, Yun Hai's complexion looked good again.

Murong Xuezhi noticed that the fourth prince's complexion had turned good again, thinking that her flattery had worked.

She wanted to marry Yunling, and the Queen Mother was an important supporter.

Yun Hai: "Since you are so optimistic about me, then I am not a stingy person, so please have a meal!"

Murong Xuezhi didn't know why Yunhai said that suddenly, but since he had already spoken, he couldn't refuse anymore: "Then... just listen to the fourth prince's arrangement."

Yun Hai also casually said tentatively, he thought that Murong Xuezhi would not agree, after all, they were not very familiar, and Yun Hai only made her look good.

Now that she actually agreed, it seems that she really knows about their marriage, so, is this showing her favor?

When the sea of ​​clouds thinks like this, it floats away!
This is one of the most beauties in Murong City!
This feeling is like a flower, about to be planted on my own cow dung!
Yun Hai: "Okay, let's go! Let's eat the drunk chicken outside the building!"

Murong Xuezhi was not very happy at first, because if she left the palace, she would definitely be seen by others. At that time, if bad rumors spread, the loss would not be worth the loss, but for this reason, wouldn't it be an offense if she refused Fourth prince?
Murong Xuezhi could only put on the veil, and followed the fourth prince out of the palace.

Yunhai thought she was shy, but never thought that it was Murong Xuezhi who didn't want people to see them together.

The two came to the building outside the building and went directly to the box.

"This drunken chicken is not bad, it's comparable to my skills!"

Yun Ni: "Hey! This is the most famous dish in the imperial city. I waited for a long time to get it! Cherish it!"

Li Huan: "This wine is not bad, I will go to the kitchen to steal some wine and make it myself."

Yun Ni: "What about the retreat you agreed to? I knew I shouldn't believe you!"

Li Huan: "If you don't eat enough, how can you have the strength to retreat!"

Yun Ni suddenly stopped what she was doing and stared at a man and a woman who were going upstairs.

Li Huan followed her gaze and frowned suddenly: "Those two..."

Yun Ni: "Murong Xuezhi is putting on a 'cuckold' for you!"

Li Huan: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Yun Ni: "Isn't it? While forcing a marriage, and at the same time getting together with the fourth prince, what is it if it's not a prairie!"

Li Huan took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Yun Ni: "Look!"

Yun Ni looked at it, and what Li Huan handed over was the bet contract signed with Yun Hai before, and it was justified by the elders!
Yun Ni: "When did it happen?"

Li Huan: "The day before the hunt!"

Yun Ni: "I really have you! No wonder you even prepared the sack, and your relationship is rushing to No.1! Not bad, it was done quietly, beautiful!"

Li Huan: "I don't even look at who it is!"

Yun Ni gave Li Huan a thumbs up: "However, everyone doesn't know about this, so when the time comes, as long as Murong Xuezhi refuses to recognize her, there is nothing she can do. The Murong family is not afraid of the royal family."

Li Huan suddenly approached Yun Ni and whispered something in Yun Ni's ear.

Yun Ni: "Okay, watch me!"

Li Huan: "Let's go! Split up!"

The two quickly checked out and left.

Yun Hai ordered the drunken chicken, and began to taste it with relish: "This drunken chicken is really the best thing I've ever eaten! Try it!"

While eating the chicken, Yunhai sipped his hands, and then kept pushing the chicken in front of him towards Murong Xuezhi with his oily hands.

When Murong Xuezhi saw this pair of oily, fleshy hands, she instantly lost her appetite.

Unexpectedly, Yunhai didn't know it, and kept sending it to Murong Xuezhi.

Murong Xuezhi: "Thank you fourth prince, I have lost weight recently."

Yun Hai suddenly froze, looked at Murong Xuezhi's figure, and then at his own body.

This drunken chicken loses its fragrance in an instant.


Too delicious to waste!

Yunhai could only take the drunk chicken back silently and eat it by himself.

This Murong Xuezhi looks good-looking, but he can't share delicious food with him. It seems that he should marry more side concubines in the future.

Before they got married, Yun Hai began to think about the side concubine in his mind.

The two sat at the same table and ate with their own thoughts.

"It's not good! It's on fire!"

The fourth prince still had half a chicken that hadn't been eaten yet, when he heard the fire started, he grabbed the chicken on the plate with one hand, and with the other hand, he took Murong Xuezhi and ran outside.

At this time, the building outside the building had already begun to billow with smoke.

Yunhai: "Fortunately, we ran fast!"

Murong Xuezhi looked dissatisfied at the greasy hand that was holding her, and wanted to break free, but Yun Hai's hand didn't know where the strength came from, so it just couldn't let go.

Yunhai: "It's on fire, as a man, it's our responsibility to protect our woman!"

Just as Murong Xuezhi was about to refute, she heard the crowd talking.

"Isn't this the fourth prince? Who is he leading?"

"Huh? Why is this girl covering her face?"

So the bolder ones became curious, and couldn't help asking: "Fourth prince, who is this beautiful woman beside you?"

Yunhai: "It's my fiancee!"

Murong Xuezhi was furious, what nonsense is this sea of ​​clouds talking about!
"Congratulations! It turns out that the young couple came to eat chicken together."

"I'm so envious!"

(End of this chapter)

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