Chapter 908

"Fourth prince finally found his favorite girl."

Because Yunhai usually loves to eat, he met many like-minded diners in Louwailou.

This time, people who knew each other expressed their congratulations.

However, Murong Xuezhi couldn't break free from her hand.

Yun Hai: "In a few days, I invite you to drink wedding wine! Eat drunk chicken!"

"Okay! Thank you, Fourth Prince!"

"I wish you and the imperial concubine grow old together!"

At this time, because the building outside the building was on fire, many people were onlookers.

Seeing the movement here, they all came over to make a familiar face.

After all, this is the prince born to a noble concubine, so this little face is naturally to be given.

So more and more people gathered here.

Yun Hai was so happy that he shared the half drunk chicken in his hand.

"I don't know which family this girl belongs to?"

"Yes! It's such a blessing to be able to marry the Fourth Prince!"

"Looking at it this way, the two of you standing together are really a couple!"

Many people came here to compliment him, so they were very curious about this masked man.

Murong Xuezhi was about to vomit blood!
This sea of ​​dead clouds is taking advantage of me!

I knew it wouldn't come!
It's not right to go now, and it's not right if you don't go!

It's so frustrating!
But with so many people watching, she couldn't do anything.

Fortunately, there is still a veil, otherwise, today's matter would not be cleared up even if I jumped into the Yellow Sea!

Murong Xuezhi remained silent, and the rest of the people didn't care, they wanted to please the fourth prince.

As for the four princes and concubines, they are nothing before they get married.

But the words of the scene still have to be said:

"Girls should be shy!"

"That's right, all ladies are shy, so it must be embarrassing for so many people to watch!"

"It's okay, I'll get to know you a few more times in the future."

At this moment, a short arrow suddenly came galloping.

"call out!"

The speed is extremely fast, so fast that people have no time to react.

The lively crowd just now suddenly became silent!

Murong Xuezhi narrowly avoided the short arrow, but found that her veil was gone!

"What did I see!"

"Maybe they look exactly the same?"

"is it possible?"

The crowd who still couldn't believe it was exposed in Yunhai's next sentence!
Yunhai: "Xuezhi, your veil has fallen off! Let me pick it up for you!"

Murong Xuezhi's greatest embarrassment in this life is probably now!

"Is it Murong Xuezhi?"

Yun Hai: "Of course! Otherwise, who else would it be!"

"So, the object of your marriage is..."

Yunhai: "Murong Xuezhi!"

Murong Xuezhi suddenly used her greatest strength to push Yun Hai's hand away.

Because it was too forceful and too sudden, Yunhai was pushed directly to the ground by this force, and fell like a dog eating shit!
Murong Xuezhi looked at Yunhai angrily: "Just trick me out! And keep taking advantage of me! Fourth prince, even if you are a member of the royal family, you can't do this!"

Murong Xuezhi was domineering, but she couldn't leave!
If you leave now, it will be impossible to wash it off!

Therefore, as soon as she opened her mouth, she plucked herself clean. The meaning of that sentence was to tell everyone that I was forced!

Not really going on a date with the Fourth Prince here!

They have nothing to do with each other!

For the sake of his own reputation, the four princes had no choice but to give up the wooing.

Damn fire!

I don't know what's going on, the building outside the building never caught fire at all!

At this time, the buddy looked at the pile of wet firewood, and a thousand grass and mud horses flew by in his heart!
Now the guests have all run away, and they know who is playing a prank here.

"So, it's the fourth prince who covets beauty, so..."

"But, the four princes are all famous for their food, haven't you heard of beauty?"

"It seems that the place he often comes to has always been Louwailou, not Qingyuanlou."

Yun Hai was stunned, got up from the ground, and found that two of his teeth had been knocked out!
Moreover, Murong Xuezhi also said so!
She clearly agreed to it before!
He has seen what a femme fatale is today!
Yun Hai: "Murong Xuezhi! It was you who took the initiative to come to me today! I see that you are sincere, so I invite you to eat chicken! How can you be like this!"

Yunhai's IQ is not high, and he was teased by Li Huan, but it doesn't mean he is really stupid!

He couldn't even tell if Murong Xuezhi blamed him!

She 2 has learned a lot today!

So, women who don't like food are not kind!
He knows it!

A person who doesn't even eat such delicious drunken chicken must not be a good person!
Now it's showing its true colors.

Murong Xuezhi: "Fourth prince, don't think that you can talk nonsense just because you are a prince."

Yun Hai: "I didn't! You were the one who came to see me today! You were the one who told me to come to the building outside to eat chicken!"

"Yes! I saw that they came together before! Miss Murong is not unhappy!"

At this time, the guys in the building outside the building had already processed the wet charcoal in the store, and they came out to watch the excitement.

He greeted the fourth prince before, because the fourth prince was a regular customer, so when he saw the woman next to the fourth prince, he was a little curious.

He didn't see any dissatisfaction with Murong Xuezhi before.

Yun Hai: "You heard it! These guys have come out to testify!"

Murong Xuezhi: "If you hadn't forced me as a prince, I would have come out with you?"

Yunhai: "You! Okay! I know it now! You just don't like me at all! You don't want to marry me!"

Murong Xuezhi: "Married? Are you awake? The one I want to marry is Yun Ling, so what does it have to do with you! Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you are a prince!"

Yun Hai: "I'm talking nonsense? I do what I want? You don't even look at yourself! Look at what this is!"

Yunhai took out the betting contract signed with Li Huan and displayed it in front of everyone.

"So, Murong Xuezhi's marriage contract is really the fourth prince!"

"It's no wonder they come out early to meet more, presumably it's to deepen their relationship."

"Hmm! I think it's the same. There was so much opposition in the imperial city before. It's the best way not to marry the prince, but to marry the fourth prince!"

The more Murong Xuezhi listened, the more something was wrong, so she rushed over to have a look!
The whole person is sluggish!
Murong Xuezhi: "When did this happen!"

Yunhai: "The day before the hunt!"

Murong Xuezhi: "So, you won?"

She couldn't believe it, and there was still a last ray of hope in her heart.

But Yun Hai's words were like driving her directly into the abyss!

Yunhai: "I lost!"

Murong Xuezhi only felt a rush of blood rushing straight to her forehead, and she managed to calm herself down.

Tore up the bet in front of Yunhai: "You want me to marry you? Impossible!"

Yunhai: "You!"

Yun Hai was frightened by Murong Xuezhi's appearance, and started to stutter!

"You... you... you tear it up, it's useless... Yunling has it!"

Murong Xuezhi only glanced at Yunhai, and Yunhai felt that he was about to be devoured by the eyes of poisonous snakes!

very scary!
Beautiful women are not easy to mess with!
Still don't marry!

(End of this chapter)

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