Chapter 913 Human Traffickers

The wedding failed, and even the innocence was lost!
It also became a joke in the imperial city, this time Murong Xuezhi really fell into Li Huan's hands.

Yun Hai has been following Li Huan, and Li Huan took him to find a place to hide because he was Yun Ling's brother.

One day in a city, Li Huan and Yun Hai came out after eating in the canteen. On the street, Yun Hai was suddenly stopped by a woman.

Woman: "My kind son, please! Help me!"

Seeing such a delicate little girl, Yunhai actually knelt down in front of him with rain on her face, and for a moment she became soft-hearted and confused.

Just when he was about to speak, Li Huan directly dragged him away!
The woman suddenly stepped forward and hugged Yun Hai's thigh: "Master, please, if you don't save me, I will be beaten to death by those villains!"

As soon as the woman finished speaking, a group of people suddenly rushed out from the street next to her. The moment they saw the woman, they shouted: "Grab her! Grab her!"

The woman panicked and burrowed straight into Yunhai's arms.

Jiao Didi's voice sounded again: "Master, please! Help me! They will catch me back and beat me to death!"

Yunhai: "Third Brother, I want to save her!"

Li Huan: "Leave it there!"

After Li Huan finished speaking, he left.

Yun Hai was in a hurry and hurried to catch up.

Yun Hai: "Third Brother, that man is so pitiful! How could you refuse to save him!"

Li Huan: "It's none of your business!"

Yunhai: "How can you do this!"

Li Huan ignored the sea of ​​clouds and walked forward alone.

The woman caught up and said, "My lord, please!"

After Yun Hai saw that face that I felt pity for, his heart softened instantly, and he stepped forward to stop the woman: "What do you want to do!"

Those vicious people came out with a broken arm.

Broken Arm: "Who are you!"

Yun Hai: "I' don't care who I am! You openly rob people in broad daylight, you are courting death!"

Broken Arm: "Her father owes us a large sum of money, and it's only natural to use her to pay off the debt!"

The woman suddenly knelt down: "Master, please! I don't want to go back with them, they will buy me to a brothel!"

Yunhai: "How much I owe you! I will pay it back!"

Broken Arm: "One thousand spirit stones!"

Yun Hai: "Heh, it's just a thousand spirit stones, take it!"

Yunhai handed over the spirit stone, but the man with the severed arm still refused to leave.

Yun Hai: "Why, words don't count?"

Broken Arm: "Now the price has increased, and it costs two thousand spirit stones!"

Yun Hai: "Is it robbery?"

The woman suddenly started crying again, and while crying, she approached the sea of ​​clouds: "My lord, you have the best heart, good people will definitely be rewarded."

Although Yunhai was a little dissatisfied, he still gave him a thousand spirit stones.

Those people took the spirit stone before leaving.

Yun Hai: "I have already redeemed you, you can go!"

Woman: "Since the son helped the little girl, I will definitely repay you!"

Yunhai: "No need."

But the woman has been following the sea of ​​clouds.

Yun Hai couldn't resist, so he let her follow for a while.

But Li Huan had long since disappeared!
Yun Hai was a little anxious, without Yun Ling, where would he go!

As long as the concubine mother has a heart with the Murong family, she will find him soon!
Sea of ​​Clouds: Stinky Cloud Order!He couldn't help but die!And left me behind!
Yun Hai was about to leave, but suddenly another person rushed out from behind the woman.

A middle-aged man came: "Yan'er, Yan'er, I found you!"

As soon as the man came, he grabbed the woman's hand and kept checking the woman, as if to see if she was injured.

After the inspection, the man looked at Yunhai, but his expression seemed to be...

Man: "Okay! It's you, a human trafficker! My good girl was tricked into coming here by you! If you don't give me an explanation today, I'll arrest you and see the city lord!"

Yun Hai: "You are her heartless father? Heh! Arrest me to see the city lord? I think you should see the city lord!"

The man suddenly shouted at the crowd: "Everyone, come and comment! This man kidnapped my little girl, and even said he wants to arrest me! Everyone, come and see! How can there be such a person in this world! It is a disgrace to the human race!"

Yun Hai: "Don't spout blood! When did I abduct your daughter! I didn't! Not only did I not, I just saved her!"

But the man had a look of disbelief: "Heh! What you say is better than what you sing! Go! Come with me to see the city lord! People like you should be arrested!"

People who eat melons: "I didn't expect such people to exist in the world! Catch them!"

Onlookers: "This young man doesn't look like a human trafficker?"

People who eat melons: "You can't judge people by their appearance! You see, if she is not coerced, how can she follow her! After all, she doesn't look very good!"

Man: "That's him! Everyone, come and comment! My daughter lived well with me in the country before, but she disappeared suddenly! I searched all over the village but couldn't find it! Someone reminded me to come to the city to have a look. It’s been so many days! Finally the emperor pays off! I caught the culprit! Girl! You’ve been wronged!”

After the man finished speaking, he hugged the girl and cried.

The crowd who came to watch, after listening to it, looked again, the father and daughter hugged each other and cried into a ball, accusing Yun Hai one after another!
Yun Hai: "You! You are so unreasonable! I didn't abduct her! If you don't believe me, ask your daughter! I just saved her!"

Yun Hai walked up to their father and daughter, looked at the girl, and said, "Tell me, did I save you from a group of people just now?"

The woman was crying, not looking at the sea of ​​clouds, but kept hiding behind the middle-aged man.

Man: "What are you doing! You villain! You dare to attack my woman! If you don't give an explanation today, don't even think about leaving!"

Yun Hai looked at the woman puzzled: "You are talking! Did I just save you! Tell me!"

Seeing more and more people, Yunhai became a little anxious. He couldn't reveal his whereabouts, and he would be caught by his mother and concubine!
Yun Hai was a little anxious, and his tone was naturally eager: "Speak up! Why don't you speak!"

People who eat melons: "Look! This person is indeed a human trafficker. He was exposed and tried to clean up his crimes!"

Onlookers: "Yeah! I didn't see other girls afraid of you! You still dare to be arrogant, don't you! Grab it!"

Yun Hai looked at the woman eagerly: "Did someone chase you just now, saying that your father owed money, and I paid you back two thousand spirit stones, so you followed me! Didn't you!"

Middle-aged man: "What! I owe money? Old man, I have been honest and responsible in the village for generations, how could I owe money!"

People who eat melons: "This man, he can't even lie! Two thousand spirit stones are enough to buy a brothel in our source city!"

Onlookers: "Exactly! I can't even lie! Sophistry!"

Yun Hai was in a hurry, he was clearly telling the truth, why these people just didn't believe him!

Yun Hai wanted to pull the woman out from behind the man and let her speak clearly, but the woman hid as soon as she saw him.

(End of this chapter)

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