Chapter 914

At this time, a man in stone blue clothes suddenly stepped out of the crowd, blocking the sea of ​​clouds.

The man in the stone blue clothes: "You man! The little girl is scared when she sees you! You dare to come forward! You are really arrogant!"

Yunhai: "I didn't! Please explain quickly!"

Yunhai shouted at the woman he had just rescued.

The woman then came out from behind.

But he still looks like he is afraid of the sea of ​​clouds.

The man in the stone blue clothes: "You can tell me what you feel wronged! Everyone is watching! Don't be afraid!"

People who eat melons: "Yes! Don't be afraid!"

Onlookers: "We're watching, he doesn't dare to play tricks on you anymore!"

The woman stopped her tears and was about to speak.

Just when the sea of ​​clouds saw hope, the woman spoke!

However, as soon as she opened her mouth, Yunhai fell into the ice hole!
Woman: "'s him! It's him. I was waiting for my father to come back from farming at the door of our house, but he was forcibly taken away by this man! He was the one who forced me! He said he would take me to the city and sell him Great price!"


Yun Hai's brain seemed to explode!
Looking at the woman accusing him, it's unbelievable!
Obviously she knelt on the ground and begged him to save her just now!

Obviously, you just gave me pity!

He is obviously a poor person, but how did he become like this in a blink of an eye!
Yunhai: "You are talking nonsense! I will kill you!"

The woman yelled and quickly hid, when the man in the stone blue clothes suddenly made a move and restrained the sea of ​​clouds!

Stone blue clothes: "Oh! There is a shameless person like you! Go! Go to the city lord's mansion and lock him up!"

Yun Hai's cultivation was not good enough, and he was too fat. For a while, after being restrained by that person, he couldn't move and could only be slaughtered by others!

Yun Hai: "You are in the same group! You gangsters! I was fooled!"

Only then did Yunhai realize why Yunling ignored these people before!
and so……

He regrets it!

If I knew it earlier, I would have listened to Yun Ling!
What is he going to do now?
Will these people kill themselves?
How stupid of him to believe these people.

But Yun Ling has already left, and no one has come back to save him now!
Yun Hai's intestines were full of remorse, and he stared at the woman firmly: "Poisonous woman!"

The woman was so frightened and cried by Yunhai's words!
So the onlookers began to criticize Yun Hai again.

Yunhai can't say, can't beat, wants to cry but has no tears!

The man in stone blue clothes wanted to escort Yun Hai to the City Lord's Mansion.

Yunhai was not happy in his heart, but when he arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, he could only reveal his identity. When he thought of being captured by his mother and concubine and marrying Murong Xuezhi, Yunhai's scalp became numb!

The woman's father suddenly stepped forward: "Wait a minute! Since my daughter has been found, I will let you go this time, but! I can't take advantage of you!"

The man in the stone blue clothes: "Since you are the masters of suffering, I will listen to you! If you have any demands, just say so, we are all watching, he dare not make any moves!"

Man: "I want compensation of three thousand spirit stones!"

Yunhai: "Why don't you go grab it!"

Man: "The daughter I raised with great difficulty, has been abducted by you, and my reputation has been ruined! Of course we can't go back to the village. If I want to live in the city, I need to buy a house! People like you, It must be severely punished!"

It was only then that Yunhai realized: "You and the people before are also in the same group!"

He was blackmailed!

Yunhai looked at the woman angrily, it was in vain for him to help her so much!

But it turned out to be a scam from beginning to end!

The man in stone blue clothes restrained him, Yun Hai wanted to do it, but he couldn't.

Yunhai was in pain and cried instantly!

A handful of snot, a handful of tears!
Just when Yunhai was in despair, suddenly "Boom..."

In mid-air, it was as if dumplings were about to be dropped, and a person was thrown down!
Li Huan stood in mid-air: "Let him go! Otherwise..."

An extremely strong murderous aura attacked the man in the stone blue clothes.

The man in the stone blue clothes retreated instantly, Yun Hai broke free from the restraints, and ran towards Li Huan: "Third Brother!"

Yunhai ran while crying!

Li Huan: ...

Yunhai: "Third Brother, you are right! I will listen to you in everything from now on! Third Brother, you are my lifesaver!"

Li Huan: "Stop rubbing, disgusting or not!"

Li Huan looked at the sea of ​​clouds that approached him with a disgusted expression.

A man of two hundred catties kept crying affectionately to himself, the picture was too ugly!

Li Huan: "Professional cheating? Are you the leader?"

The man in stone blue clothes looked at the man in front of him vigilantly, but did not speak.

The woman who blackmailed Yunhai before finally saw Li Huan's face clearly, to be more precise, it was Yun Ling's face!
The whole person is sluggish!
There are such beautiful people in this world!

The gods in the sky are nothing more than that!

Before, the man in the stone blue clothes only said to let her catch the fat one, but she didn't even have time to see the appearance of the person next to her, and that person left.

Now that I can see it clearly, it is really beautiful!
However, Li Huan came to urge her to die!
Li Huan: "They've all confessed, you should break up!"

Li Huan let the melon-eating crowd go, but the melon was just in time, and it turned over!
How can you go now!
No one listened to Li Huan's words.

Li Huan shook his head, with a helpless expression on his face. If these people really ran into such a big gang committing crimes, they might be punished.

Li Huan had already given them a chance, but if they didn't cherish it, they couldn't blame her.

At this time, the most appropriate thing to do is to leave, so that no one will remember your face!
The man in the stone blue clothes: "Are you two on the same team?"

Li Huan: "No!"

Yunhai: "Third Brother..."

The man in stone blue clothes: "Heh! Arresting a few people at random and saying that you have been slandered, isn't it too childish?"

Li Huan didn't speak, and with a sword strike, one of the hands was cut off.

The man howled and kept begging for mercy from Li Huan.

Li Huan: "Whenever your boss admits that he is with you, I will let you go!"

The man in the stone blue clothes was a little angry, but he still didn't move!

It's been a long time since I met such a fat sheep!

It is really not reconciled not to bite down on a few pieces of meat!
Seeing that the man didn't speak, Li Huan made another sword strike!
Another hand was broken.

Li Huan looked at the sword in his hand: "If this is all disabled, it will be easy to find! How about changing the name to the Broken Hand Gang? It's a good name, and it depends on what you want!"

The man in the stone blue clothes still didn't speak, as if these people lying on the ground had nothing to do with him!
Li Huan: "Oh, your boss is really cruel! For a little spirit stone, you can even lose your life! What are you still following him! Are you ready to break your arm?"

Li Huan drew his sword again.

The screen started to go bloody.

Some people who eat melons start to get scared: "Such a person who looks like a banished fairy is so vicious!"

(End of this chapter)

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