Chapter 916

Two months later, Li Huan finally returned to Haohanzong, but because he was staring at Yun Ling's face, he attracted a lot of attention for a while.

Li Huan finally experienced the scene of welcoming people along the road.

Sure enough, I still look at the face!

A few girls who are more courageous always try their best to get close.

But Li Huan dodged in an instant.

Li Huan had already been trained by the Four Demon Kings to know how to avoid this kind of initiative to throw himself into his arms.

When Li Huan came to the medicine pavilion, the people in the medicine pavilion couldn't help but come out to watch.

Li Huan directly used Yun Ling's identity, saying that he was visiting Elder Lin.

But he happened to meet Ling Rou who came to fetch the medicine!
Seeing the prince here, Lingrou was elated and hurried over.

Lingrou: "His Royal Highness, why did you come to Haohanzong?"

Li Huan ignored her.

But Ling Rou felt normal.

After all, the legendary Prince Yun is like this!

The strength is profound and unattainable.

Ling Rou took the medicine and waited here until the third elders urged her, then she reluctantly left.

Li Huan thought she would not come, but in the end, before Elder Lin came, the third elder came first!
When Li Huan saw Ling Rou behind the third elder, he looked disgusted!
I don't know if the three elders can see that their own is a fake.

Third Elder: "Are you Prince Yun?"

Li Huan: "Yes! What's the matter?"

The third elder had a fight with the Murong family and the Yin family before, and I don't know what happened!

The third elder: "If the prince is free, please sit in the humble house. I have something to discuss with the prince."

Li Huan: "I still have something to do, you can talk about it now!"

The third elder looked at Li Huan, although he was a little dissatisfied, he didn't say much.

Third Elder: "I heard that Murong's family forced a marriage in the imperial city?"

Li Huan pretended not to care, and said lightly, "Heh!"

When the third elder heard this tone, he immediately felt that there was something to be said, so he cut to the chase: "Let me just say it, I have a little bit of trouble with the Murong family and the Yin family, so if the prince needs it, I can help. "

From the looks of it, the fight last time should have been quite miserable, otherwise, with such a strong temperament as the third elder, it would be impossible for him to be so kind and willing to help.

However, it seems that it would be good if they continue to dog eat dog!
It seems that they don't know anything about Murong Xuezhi and Yunhai.

Li Huan: "Conditions?"

The third elder was very pleasantly surprised: "I just want to teach the Murong family a lesson, the conditions are easy to talk about!"

Li Huan: "One thousand spiritual pills, I will pay, you will contribute? How about it?"

A thousand elixirs, however, are just a waste of time, but the third elder has many subordinates, and Li Huan's family is alone, so naturally there is no way to fight the Murong family!
Of course, Li Huan is clear about the strength of the third elder. Although he himself is strong, he can't compete with the Murong family!

Li Huan naturally knew this, and the third elder himself knew it too, but it's good for the Murong family and the Yin family to be disgusted!
Third Elder: "Okay, deal!"

Just when the two reached an agreement, Ling Rou suddenly said: "Master, leave this pill to me, and I will hand it over."

The third elder glanced at Ling Rou, how could the third elder not know what kind of idea she was up to.

However, if she really has the ability to climb into the prince's bed, it will be good for her, even though the third elder is not optimistic about Ling Rou.

But, give it a try, it’s also possible!
Third Elder: "Then you can stay!"

Li Huan: "No need, just pick it up from Elder Lin in three days' time!"

After Li Huan finished speaking, he followed Elder Lin's people and left.

Li Huan followed the man over several hills before finally seeing a courtyard by the river valley.

When Elder Lin saw Li Huan, his eyes were a little displeased.

Li Huan: "Elder Lin."

Elder Lin: "It has become so ugly!"

Li Huan: ...

Said that Yunling's face is ugly, this is the first one Li Huan has ever seen!
Li Huan: "This is..."

See through?
Even the Third Elder couldn't see it, but Elder Lin could see through it at a glance!
So, Elder Lin is stronger than the third elder?
A powerful alchemist?

Who the hell is Elder Lin?

Elder Lin: "Ugly is ugly! Is your own face ugly? Why are you staring at other people's faces!"

Sure enough, I saw through it.

Li Huan: "It happened for a reason, but how did you find out?"

Elder Lin: "It depends? I haven't seen what you look like!"

I've seen you wearing crotch pants!

fart boy!
Li Huan: ...

Elder Lin: "Tell me! What do you want from me?"

Li Huan: "Since you have recognized me, I won't forgive you. I want to ask about the Lin family, and... Lin Yuxian."

Elder Lin looked at Li Huan: "What do you want him for?"

Li Huan's heart suddenly thumped!
he knows!
Elder Lin knows!
Elder Lin is also surnamed Lin, so... he must be from the Lin family too!
I think the elders of Misty Peak were left behind by my grandfather!
and so……

Elder Lin: "The surname Lin belongs to your Lin family! Your Lin family is bigger than others?"

Li Huan: ...

Elder Lin wanted to laugh when he saw Li Huan's appearance, but he was too embarrassed to do so.

He suffocated abruptly.

Li Huan: "Why can you see through my thoughts?"

Elder Lin: "Spiritualism."

But Li Huan also practiced before!
Obviously not used in this way!

Li Huan can only feel the emotions of other people, and is more sensitive than ordinary people, but he can't do it like Elder Lin.

Elder Lin: "It's just your cultivation level! What did you say you did! It's been so many years, you've been the Lingzong! The Lin family's face has been humiliated by you!"

Li Huan: ...

Elder Lin looked at Li Huan with dissatisfaction: "You said that you, all day long, don't practice hard and fall in love? Heh! Are men reliable? The cultivation is not good, the power of thought is not good, and this brain is not good either!"

Li Huan: "Hey! You are enough! Who are you? You! Why should you care what I do!"


Elder Lin finally shut up.

Li Huan always felt that Elder Lin seemed to have known him before, but he didn't know where he met him.

Especially those eyes!
I don't know if Elder Lin has changed his face just like himself.

Elder Lin: "What are you looking at! I've never seen a handsome man before!"

Li Huan: "You are enough!"

Seeing that Li Huan was really angry, Elder Lin finally shut up.

Li Huan: "If someone said that you have the information I want to know, who do you think you are! It's okay to be ugly, but you talk like a bastard! It's annoying! Ugly!"

Elder Lin: "You! You! I'm so mad! Little bastard! I won't beat you! If I don't teach you a lesson today, my surname will not be Lin!"

Li Huan: "That's just right! My surname is Li! Call me Dad! If you call me nice, give me sugar! If you call me bad, get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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