Chapter 917 Mysterious Monster Beast

Li Huan was hit by a punch!
The whole person fainted!
Attendant: "Young Master, Miss was knocked out by your punch!"

Elder Lin: "Leave her alone! Damn girl! Your wings are so stiff, you dare to talk to me like that! My skin will itch!"

Attendant: "But..."

Elder Lin: "But what! Take it away!"

Li Huan was carried away like a chicken by Lin.

When Li Huan woke up again, she found herself in a closed space.

Li Huan: "Damn it! I found it! I didn't expect that Lin was bad!"

"Who are you talking about! Damn girl!"

Li Huan looked up and saw Elder Lin looking at him from outside the enclosed space.

There is a screen above this space, and Elder Lin only shows one face.

He looked at Li Huan with a serious expression on his face.

Li Huan: "What do you want?"

Elder Lin: "No, the best way to deal with a weak chicken is to hit her confidence and make her become a weak chicken forever!"

Li Huan didn't speak, and kept thinking in his mind.

The final conclusion is that although Elder Lin has a poisonous mouth, he has no malicious intentions.

Li Huan: "Well, it's not bad to be a weak chicken for the rest of your life."

Elder Lin: "You're worthless! You can't help it! If you haven't been promoted to the Holy Spirit, don't even try to let me out!"

After Elder Lin finished speaking, the screen above his head was turned off.

Li Huan felt that the closed space was moving, what does that mean?
Promoted to Holy Spirit?
She is only the Spirit Sect now!

Lingzong, Lingdi, Lingzun, Lingsheng!
Three big realms!
Is promotion a matter of eating and drinking?
It's a pity that no one answered Li Huan, Li Huan only felt that a large amount of liquid suddenly appeared in this place and rushed from all around.

It quickly covered Li Huan's feet, and passed his knees in the blink of an eye.

Soon Li Huan's neck was also submerged.

The little milk cat came out in a hurry.

Li Huan: "No, it's flooded, it's dangerous!"

But after all the liquid had submerged Li Huan, she didn't find any discomfort in herself.

Li Huan discovered that these liquids had some kind of mysterious power, and they were drilling into her body.

Li Huan tried to absorb a little.

But those mysterious forces seemed to have found a vent, and they kept sweeping towards Li Huan's body.

Li Huan almost fainted from the pain!
But no!

What are these things!
Li Huan was in a panic, but those forces had already entered his body and couldn't get out.

Li Huan could only absorb it forcefully, but it was too much!

She just felt that she was about to explode and die soon!
Oops, what the hell is this!
Li Huan panicked again.

But after a while, those things started to help Li Huan repair the damaged tendons.

Li Huan looked at the bloody body that was hit by the impact, and suddenly started to repair himself spontaneously.

Just under the nourishment of these liquids.

The painful feeling just now, like a dream, disappeared completely without leaving any trace.

Instead, it is a feeling of moistening the body and mind.

Li Huan absorbed the liquid as much as possible, and her whole body was soaked in it.

After making sure there was no danger, Li Huan released the little milk cat.

The kitten started to drink as soon as it came out.

Sip one after another continuously into the mouth.

The little belly rolled up visibly to the naked eye.

Li Huan was amazed: "Sure enough, those who are born are incomparable."

Li Huan closed his eyes and absorbed continuously, but compared to the little milk cat, the speed was a little slower.

It wasn't until Li Huan felt that his dantian was full of strength that the liquid began to recede.

Disappeared around this closed space.

Then, a door appeared on one wall of the enclosed space.

Li Huan reached out and opened the door.

The moment I went out, the cold air swept in.

In a place like a desert, the earth is black.

The sky was dark, it seemed that it was going to be dark, Li Huan stayed for a while, only to realize that it wasn't that it was going to be dark here, but that there was no distinction between day and night, it was always gray.

Li Huan walked forward with the little milk cat.

"Boom, boom!"

The ground suddenly shook violently.

Li Huan saw something coming towards him in front of him!
Li Huan stepped forward to check.

It's a monster!

This monster is dead?
When Li Huan saw that huge monster, his heart was empty!

The heart of this monster has been dug out!

But why is it still walking!
Li Huan has a sense of detachment from what she sees in front of her eyes.

What appeared in front was a corpse?

Walking corpse?
This place is too weird, what the hell is this place!
It's a pity that the only answer to Li Huan is the cold.

The monster found Li Huan.

Li Huan saw its eyes, they were green!

Ghostly eyes!

The moment Li Huan was being targeted, she was horrified.

Li Huan wanted to leave, but the monster rushed towards Li Huan.

Li Huan took out the Divine Phoenix Sword, ready to fight!


The monster punched down, and the whole ground shook.

Li Huan flew into the air, avoiding the punch just now.

If it is hit, it will be disabled even if it is not dead.

The monster missed Li Huan and waved again.

This is a giant orangutan, with five fingers spread out, like a small mountain, pressing towards Li Huan.

Li Huan could only keep dodging, unable to get close.

This monster was beyond Li Huan's cognition, so he couldn't do it at all.

They don't seem to feel pain, and their hearts are gone.

Where should the attack be useful?
Li Huan tried a few times, but it didn't work. Her sword slashed at the monster, like a mud cow falling into the sea, without any movement.

The blood on this monster has long been drained.

There is no vital point at all, and it cannot be killed at all!

Li Huan didn't know how long he had been fighting with it, until he was almost exhausted, and he couldn't take down this monster.

There is neither day nor night here.

Li Huan was alone in this barren place, fighting against a monster that he never knew what it was.

Still an unbeatable monster!
Just when Li Huankuai was about to despair, the monster's eyes suddenly dimmed!

The eyes are the weak point!

Li Huan finally found out what was wrong, his eyes were dark green before, but now they have dimmed a lot.

Therefore, they rely on their eyes to maintain basic actions.

As long as the eyes, the source of energy, are smashed, it should be fine!

Li Huan found the point of attack and finally saw hope.

After a while, the green light in the monster's eyes was finally extinguished.

Li Huan sat on the ground and rested for a while.

After checking this strange monster, the green light in the eyes disappeared, and there were two transparent crystal beads inside.

Li Huan used the Divine Phoenix Sword to dig out the two beads, and after a closer look, he could only feel some unusual power inside, but he didn't know what it was for the time being.

When it got cold, Li Huan shivered, there are day and night here!

Because Li Huan saw the wind blowing!
Shivering from the cold, Li Huan had no choice but to cover himself with an aura mask and walked forward.

(End of this chapter)

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