Chapter 918 Demonization
But, it's too cold!

The further Li Huan walked, the colder it became, even if he stayed inside the aura cover, it was still useless.

The place is empty and endless, like a barren plain that never ends.

Not even a cave.

There is no shelter, not even plants.

There are only a few unknown weeds here and there.

Li Huan was too cold to walk, so she could only retreat.

But the door that came out couldn't be opened no matter what!
Li Huan: "God! I'm actually freezing to death!"

Li Huan hid by the door, took out firewood from the space, and tried to light it for warmth, but it was useless!

It's so cold here that I can't even burn firewood.

What the hell is this place.

Li Huan soon saw the cold roaring towards him.

Li Huan could only use spiritual energy to keep out the cold, not even the big cloaks prepared by the space to keep out the cold were useless.

It was still cold, except for aura, almost nothing could stop the cold here.

The ground actually started to freeze. At night, the sky didn't change, but it was extremely cold.

The cold was whistling in my ears, and the wind visible to the naked eye came towards me in groups.

And the time of day and night is much longer than that of Wuji Continent.

Li Huan was trembling all over.

No matter how many clothes you wear, the spirit energy is consumed at an accelerated rate, and one piece of the spirit stone in his hand is broken, and he immediately takes out another piece.

Soon, because of too much calorie consumption, Li Huan began to feel drowsy.

No, if you fall asleep here, you may never wake up again.

The little milk cat is clamoring to come out.

Li Huan released him, and Li Huan found that it was not afraid of the cold at all.

The little milk cat sat beside Li Huan and stared at Li Huan, as soon as Li Huan's eyes were closed, the little milk cat would wake her up immediately.

Li Huan: "You're still welcome, don't let me fall asleep!"

Looking at the little milk cat, Li Huan suddenly remembered the monster that he had dealt with before. Li Huan quickly ran back to look for the corpse of the monster that he had dealt with before.

After the monster's eyes were gouged out by Li Huan, except for a piece of the heart, the rest of the place was still intact.

Li Huan immediately crawled in from the hollow in the monster's heart, and a strong stench came over the surface.

Xun Li Huan gagged for a while.

Li Huan directly blocked her sense of smell.

Then keep crawling inside.

The wet and slippery touch, as well as the smelly mucus, stuck to Li Huan's body, causing a chill, but after entering, the monster's body directly blocked the cold wind.

It's finally not cold anymore!
It was pitch black, Li Huan didn't know where it was, it looked like his abdomen.

However, the surrounding internal organs are still intact, probably due to the cold, so the rate of rotting has slowed down.

It may also be because of some kind of power here that keeps these corpses from decomposing.

Of course, it may also be because the monster was demonized shortly after its death.

So, there was no time to rot.

It seems that although the monsters here are terrifying, their bodies are not afraid of the severe cold.

One side of water and soil supports one side of people.

The spirit energy cannot resist the cold, but the monster's body can.

After Li Huan came in, she was extremely tired and soon fell asleep.

The little milk cat kept eating in the space. Although it didn't feel cold, but for some reason, it always got hungry very quickly when it stayed in this place. It might be because it was too cold, and its appetite also improved.

When Li Huan woke up again, she found that the cold wind had receded, and she was squatting among a pair of skeletons.

Therefore, the monster that was killed yesterday rotted overnight!
A little aged minced meat is gone!
The skeleton seems to have been dead for many years and has been weathered.

The wind yesterday was not just cold!
It will also accelerate aging!

If Li Huan stayed outside last night, blowing the cold wind all night...

Li Huan fought a cold war, and within two days, she turned into a pink skull!

It's scary to imagine!
No, you have to go out!

Li Huan went back to the door from which she came out, but!
The door is gone!

Li Huan: "Crap Elder Lin! The next time we meet, you will call me Dad!"

Tucao return to Tucao, Li Huan must find a way to solve the problem of staying overnight.

Before finding a better way, the beast must be killed first.

Only fresh corpses of Warcraft can escape the erosion of that strange cold wind.

Li Huan ran to the depths of the plain.

The endless plains, empty and hopeless!

Li Huan didn't know how long he had been running, but he only knew that his legs were no longer his own.

I can't stop, if I don't find another monster before dark, I can only wait to die!

She can't die, dying here is absolutely not what Li Huan wants!
Li Huan tried his best and finally found a flying fox before evening!

The flying fox is not big, only half the height of Li Huan, but seeing that it is getting dark, this is the only monster that Li Huan can find.

Li Huan shot without hesitation.

With the experience of last time, this time Li Huan started directly from the eyes.

However, the consumption was too great before, so Li Huan could only recover with Lingshi while dealing with the monster in front of him.

Fortunately, Feihu's strength was not high, and Li Huan successfully killed it before dark.

Li Huan took out the transparent crystal beads in the middle of the flying fox's eyes, then shrunk his whole body into a ball, and surrounded himself with the flying fox's body.

The soft fur brings the warmth Li Huan needs, and Li Huan just feels like she is lying on the pile of cotton.

The cold wind was still howling, but this time it wasn't all wrapped up, so Li Huan could only use spiritual energy to resist it.

With the body of the Flying Foxmon, it was finally able to barely survive the night.

This time Li Huan didn't fall asleep, until midnight, Li Huan found that the flying fox on his body was gradually shriveling.

Soon the flying fox's fur also began to fall from its hide.

Sure enough, the flying fox still couldn't do it, but it was already halfway through the night, and Li Huan would have a hard time tonight, but he wouldn't die.

When it was almost daytime, the wind gradually died down.

But the flying fox beside Li Huan was nothing but a skeleton.

Li Huan used aura to continuously deepen the power of the aura shield.

But the darkest hour is always before dawn!
The cold wind began to erode the aura shield, and Li Huan had no choice but to increase the consumption of aura.

Going on like this is not an option, if the aura is exhausted, there will be no way to hunt and kill monsters once the day comes!
At that time, you will still die!

The flying fox was useless, so Li Huan simply got up and ran forward.

See if you can find a place to hide.

But no!

It is still an endless plain!

What the hell is this place!
Alone to despair!
Li Huan was running, the wind stopped!

That means daytime is coming!

Li Huan only felt that his whole body was going to fall apart.

But can't stop!
If you stop now, you will die tonight!
Li Huan ran ahead and was lucky this time, successfully finding a winged beast.

Huyi beasts are usually relatively large in size and can accommodate Li Huan's body.

But the bigger the body, the harder it is to pay more. At this time, Li Huan was exhausted.


Huyi Beast found Li Huan!

(End of this chapter)

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