Chapter 922 Traceless Desert
The spirit stones here don't seem to be very valuable, so Li Huan exchanged a few crystal stones for several large boxes of spirit stones.

I stayed in the yard and practiced for a long time.

When Li Huan went out, he went to the tower to have a look.

You can see a lot of people under the city tower, because you can't enter the city without crystals, but these people's cultivation base is not low.

Just because there is no spar, you cannot enter the city.

"The city lord is really hard-hearted!"

"That's right, so many people die under the city tower every day, why don't you let us in!"

"We sleep on the street and don't take up any resources. Why!"

Li Huan heard a few people downstairs complaining.

Li Huan looked at the city tower, the city wall seemed to be made of some special stone.

And it depicts the formation. There is a mysterious power in the formation, so the city wall can resist the erosion of cold wind.

Those who can enter the city can survive without having to endure the cold wind of the night.

Those who can't get in can only use their own cultivation to maintain. If they are injured and their spiritual energy is not enough to live, they can only die in the cold wind in the middle of the night.

There are many skeletons under the city wall, but even the skeletons will disappear in the cold wind after a few days.

into white fine sand.

The snow-white sand under the city wall is formed by the weathering of the bones of dead monks.

Thick white sand piled up, you can imagine how many people died here.

No wonder this place is called Wuji City.

There is no trace, and death is death.

Even the bones will not leave half a trace.

Li Huan recalled his days in the Wuji Desert, and that he was able to survive was all due to luck!
Around the city, Li Huan hadn't seen any demonized monsters half a month ago.

If you want to hunt demonized monsters and obtain crystals, you must travel a long distance.

But if the distance is too far, there is no way to come back in time, so the spar is even more precious.

Li Huan looked around in the city, and went to the City Lord's Mansion. She has no way to go out to participate in the task for the time being, so she can only take some work on refining elixir and return to the courtyard to refine it.

For Li Huan, pills couldn't be easier.

While consolidating his cultivation, Li Huan refined pills in exchange for spirit stones.

Here, spirit stones are enough, but they can kill each other for a spar.

Li Huan dared not contact anyone these days.

The strength is too weak, there are almost no people under the Holy Spirit Realm in Wuji City, who own such a large yard.

Moreover, there is a lack of food here, and monks need to fight against the cold and need a lot of energy. There is already a lot of food, but apart from inside the city, there is no food in the traceless desert outside!

Even monsters are transformed from dead bodies and cannot be eaten.

A person like Li Huan who has no worries about food and clothing and has a yard, but is not very strong, is walking in the dark holding a golden mountain.

If you are not careful, you will be eaten!

Every time Li Huan goes out, she will change into a different look.

Fear of being recognized.

After a long time, Li Huan also adapted to the rhythm here.

There is no day and night, the only thing that can distinguish is temperature.

The temperature difference between day and night is huge.

The little milk cat and fish ball don't like it here, so they seldom come out.

Li Huan only dared to go out when his cultivation base had been promoted to the high level of Lingzun.

Li Huan went to the city lord's mansion, and after turning in all the pill tasks he took over, he got a few boxes of spirit stones.

The spirit stones here are really worthless.

After inquiring about it, Li Huan found out that the spirit stones are not needed by other races except for human cultivation.

And the human race has always been weak, often assassinated by other races, and there are not many left.

Li Huan only saw a small part of the human race here.

Li Huan doesn't know much about other races, so she hasn't contacted anyone for the time being.

The missions issued by the city lord's mansion all need to go to far away places.

The most dangerous thing in the desert is the night, so Li Huan didn't dare to go out with them alone to pick up the mission, which led to Li Huan being isolated here.


That day Li Huan was asleep and was awakened by the sound of the trombone.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The hasty knock on the door forced Li Huan to get up and open the door.

Li Huan didn't have time to hide her appearance, so she found a hat to cover her entire head.

The person who knocked on the door was the person from the City Lord's Mansion: "Come out and assemble!"

Li Huan: "What's the matter?"

"The wave of monsters is coming, and everyone has to go out of the city to fight."

After Li Huan closed the door, he followed the man to the city gate.

After climbing the tower, there are already many people here.

They are all residents of Wuji City with ID cards, just like Li Huan.

Li Huan didn't know why, and wanted to find someone to ask about the situation.

But everyone looked anxiously at the dark place ahead.

Soon a piece of green came towards this side.

Those are eyes!

So many demonized monsters!

They all came here!

"Here we come! I didn't expect to be so lucky this time!"

"That's right! Last time I waited here for two years but didn't get the beast tide."

"That's right! I only stayed for half a year when I came back this time before I met him!"

The people around Li Huan were very excited, as if this was a great opportunity.

Li Huan's back felt a little chilly, these people's cultivation bases were not weak, and he mixed in with the crowd, like a newborn among a group of professional warriors.

Li Huan didn't dare to speak, and silently listened to the others' discussions.

The guards guarding the city came up:

"Everyone, don't take it lightly. The scale of the beast horde is very large this time, so handle it with caution!"

"There is one chance for the identity card, go back to the city directly, remember not to abuse it, there is no chance of regret!"

"Once again, this beast horde is huge, please be careful!"

The guard guarding the city finished speaking and left!
Li Huan saw the dark green light rushing towards this side like a tide.

Those people who were not qualified to enter the city below the city reacted completely opposite to those on the tower.

They are terrified, they are helpless, they are desperate...

For the first time, Li Huan clearly felt the gap in strength.

When the beast horde came, the first ones to be among them were the people in the city who were not qualified to live often.

They are the cannon fodder for those people upstairs.

Even if they were torn apart, no one would feel sorry for them.

People watching the excitement upstairs will only dislike them for being too weak.

The people upstairs hope that the people downstairs can hold on longer, and they can pick up ready-made ones when they go down.

The people downstairs hoped that the people upstairs would come down as soon as possible, so as to give them a quick fix.

These people also came here to enhance their own strength.

In essence, they all hold the hope of becoming stronger.

But reality is so cruel.

In the end, they couldn't even enter the city gate!

Reduced to a pile of sand under the tower.

As the beast horde approached, the green light that was still in the sky just now gradually became clearer.

Standing on the tower, Li Huan could feel a powerful vibration.

(End of this chapter)

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