Chapter 923 Traceless City

But this shock could not shake the enthusiasm of the people upstairs and the despair downstairs.

Li Huan was among the crowd, and only after hearing their conversation, did he know that this Wuji City is one of the few cities in the Wuji Desert that can encounter a wave of monsters and beasts.

People who come here hope that they can meet the tide of monsters and beasts here, and then get enough crystals to become rich overnight!
The spar is their goal of getting rich!
And the wave of monsters is the way to get rich!

In the entire Traceless Desert, spar is the only thing that all major races need, and it has become a hard currency.

Spirit stones, witch stones, magic crystals...these things that other races need, here, are only limited to the previous use of the same race, so the depreciation is severe.

Li Huan only knew that spar could resist the erosion of cold wind, but he didn't know how to use it.

After living here for so many days, I only know that in the Wuji Desert, all the cities only accept crystals.

Without spar, you can't enter the city, and you can't apply for an identity card.

People without identity cards can only be counted as slaves, vagabonds, and beggars.

Without the shelter of the city, he would die at any time.

Because only the inside of the city has the ability to resist the erosion of the cold wind.

Those who live at the bottom can only wait to die.

Li Huan was lucky, she was sent here, even though she walked through the desert for half a year, she survived to a place with a city!
He also saved the most important spar in his hand.

With the original spar, Li Huan obtained the remaining capital.

I used to think that everything was my own choice, but now, look at the desperate crowd under the city tower.

Li Huan had to sigh with emotion that human beings are really insignificant in front of the wheel of fortune.

Grandpa was able to go against the sky back then, what a powerful force that was.

Li Huan clenched the Divine Phoenix Sword tightly in his hand. Anyone who could change his fate against the sky did not need strong strength and firm determination.


The tide of monsters is approaching, and the mysterious and numb monsters are coming like a tide.

The battle downstairs has begun!

These people came to Wuji City for a glimmer of hope, and they wanted to get rich overnight with the spar when the tide of monsters and beasts came.

The people upstairs began to stir.

Some people who couldn't help but come down with their swords one after another.

Li Huan didn't take any action, this was the first time she experienced such a wave of monsters.

With this unusual wave of monsters, Li Huan was not sure that he would be able to escape unscathed.

Some people, like Li Huan, stood still.

Those who went downstairs first had already collected a lot of crystals.

A few people downstairs also beheaded a few monsters and began to collect crystals.

But the people upstairs immediately snatched it up!

The man was not convinced, but was pierced by a sword.

He didn't die at the hands of a monster, but at the hands of a monk.

From the looks of it, it's not just monsters to be wary of here.

The monks around him are equally terrifying!
There are many monsters, and they will recede before dawn.

Li Huan didn't go down, and stood on the tower to watch the battle downstairs.

The city wall is blessed with mysterious power, and the monsters dare not approach it, but for some reason, there is something that attracts them here.

Make them keep approaching here.

Then fight the monks in front of the city wall.

While observing the changes in the battles of various monsters, Li Huan also observed the attack methods of the various races.

This is the first time that Li Huan has directly seen the fighting methods of other races.

The Bone Race turned out to be spells.

The power of water used by the Sea Clan.

The dwarves use tools, and I heard that their refining skills are extremely advanced. Li Huan found that all the dwarves use high-level spiritual weapons, and the lethality is equally astonishing.

There are also people from the Witch Clan here.

While observing, Li Huan remembered the battles of the various races in his mind.

After a while, Li Huan was the only one left on the tower.

The rest of the people have already gone down, and they came here just for this wave of monsters.

The time of monster beast tide appears is irregular.

Sometimes once a year, sometimes once every ten years.

The probability of a wave of monsters appearing is random!

But some people are willing to wait for a chance to get rich.

Li Huan observed the scale of the wave of monsters. If it was dawn, they would recede. According to this speed, these people would not be able to kill the monsters no matter what.

Li Huan kept calculating in his heart, kept calculating in his heart.

The cold wind began to continuously erode the corpses of the killed monsters.

When the tide of monster beasts came, the erosion rate of monster beast corpses around the city became extremely slow.

Is it because of the spar?
There are crystals in the eyes of every monster, and the number of monsters in the monster tide is extremely large.

Therefore, the spar here is equivalent to forming a certain scale.

Li Huan wondered if the mysterious power on the city wall was the power of the spar?

Use formations to transform the power of the spar on the city wall to prevent the invasion of monsters, and at the same time not be eroded by the cold wind?

Li Huan silently kept his guess in his heart, and if he had the chance, he would just sneak into the city lord's mansion.

In this way, the real situation of the formation can be detected.

When the night receded, the monsters also gradually receded.

Strangely, no one dared to catch up.

After a night of fighting, there was very little left in Wuji City, which was still lively last night.

In another hour or so, the cold wind will completely recede.

Li Huan went downstairs!
But she went directly to Yujian to the back of the monster, and then ran forward.

After a night of observation, Li Huan already had her own plan.

Li Huan kept running until he was very far away from the city before stopping.

Li Huan had carefully observed that this direction was the direction where the tide of monster beasts was about to recede.

Li Huan lay in ambush here, and after waiting for a while, finally heard the sound of "Boom".

The wave of retreating monsters is coming!

Li Huan took the Invisibility Pill and stood in the middle of the formation he set up.

This time, Li Huan used spar as the source of energy in the defensive formation.

In order to verify his guess, Li Huan replaced all the places that needed spirit stones with crystal stones.

Although it is a bit painful, but if it is successful, there will be an additional means of life-saving in the traceless desert in the future.

When the beast horde came, Li Huan stood in the middle of the formation he had set up.


All the demonized monsters are walking around Li Huan!
Therefore, spar is not only their source of energy, but also something they are afraid of!

What is the origin of this spar?
The wave of Warcraft receded.

Li Huan suddenly sneered, and there were two more acacias in his hand!

"Boom! Rumble!"

There were two loud bangs today, and the entire animal horde was blown to pieces by Li Huan's two acacias!
Li Huan looked at his hands in surprise!

This acacia is used at the same time, and its power is so amazing.

When superimposed, it is equivalent to a full blow in the realm of transforming gods!
so horrible!

Li Huan quickly came out of the formation and put away the unused crystals.

Then ordered the little milk cat and the fish ball to come out to pick up spar.

(End of this chapter)

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