Chapter 924 Slaves
Get rich!

A full twenty boxes of crystals!
It is estimated that there are tens of thousands of them!

Li Huan finally realized what it means to get rich overnight!
Half of the crystals in this wave of monsters are in Li Huan's hands!

Li Huan felt like she was starting to float when she walked!

Li Huan hadn't calmed down and enjoyed the surprise of getting rich, when a discordant voice sounded!

"Little milk cat! What are you doing!"

Li Huan looked at the little milk cat angrily.

Little milk cat: "I've been picking it up for a long time, and I'm hungry! You're only allowed to do things, not to eat!"

Li Huan: ...

Yu Wan saw the little milk cat eat the spar but jelly beans, so he picked one up and put it in his mouth!


Yu Wan instantly looked at Li Huan with tears in his eyes: "The tooth is broken! Huh...ahhhh! I'm dead! I'm a majestic little prince of the demon clan, I have no teeth!"

Little milk cat: "Heh! There is a price to pay for learning from your uncle!"

Yuball: "Get lost! You pervert! You can eat anything!"

Little milk cat: "If you can't eat grapes, just say that the grapes are sour, ouch...I look down on you!"

Yuball: "Let's fight! Come on! I'm not afraid of you!"

Li Huan: ...

Can each one be a little more worry-free!
The two cubs fought together in an instant, even refusing to listen to Li Huan's shouts.

There are quite a lot of crystals, Li Huan did not expect that Jin Huan's power is so great.

The two little ones were too busy fighting to shout, so Li Huan could only pick them up by himself.

Simply, I have picked up a lot before, and only a small part is left.

If you go faster, you can pick it up in a while.

But at this time, someone came!

A group of people came towards Li Huan.

Li Huan: "Stop beating! Someone is coming! Hurry up and put away your things! Otherwise there's nothing to eat!"

As soon as the little milk cat heard that there was nothing to eat, she hurried over to help.

Fish Ball said that he was unwilling, but the little claws still helped to pick up the spar.

Acacia blew up all the corpses of the monsters into fine powder, coupled with the erosion of the cold wind, they quickly dissipated.

What Li Huan and the others had to do was to pick up the spar from the sand.

Li Huan had already put away those twenty boxes of spar.

This time I picked up a small half box again.

Li Huan quickly put it away.

When those people came, Li Huan had already picked up all the crystals!

Holding the spar, the little milk cat ran all the way to Lihuan, and entered the space in the next second, and began to eat 'Jelly Doudou'.

But Yuball Cat ran so far that he was seen before he could hand over the spar in his hand to Li Huan!
"What a beautiful fox! Catch it!"

As soon as the group of people approached, they saw the fish balls, which were not full.

Li Huan hurried over.

Li Huan: "This is mine!"

The leading woman didn't even look at Li Huan, she just said to the person behind her: "Why are you still standing there! Grab it!"

Just as those people approached, Yu Wan rushed towards Li Huan.

In the next second, he hid in the space.

The woman noticed that the fish balls were missing, she pointed at Li Huan and said, "Hand it over!"

Li Huan didn't want to pay attention to her, so he turned around and left!

In the end, before he could take two steps, he was stopped by the woman's men!
The woman walked up to Li Huan: "Hand it over!"

Li Huan: "That's mine!"

Woman: "Oh! I like it, it's mine!"

Li Huan looked at the person in front of him speechlessly, such a blatant robbery is really rare!

Li Huan: "Then go find it! If you catch it, I'll give it to you!"

Woman: "I saw what disappeared on you! You hid it! Hand it over!"

Li Huan ignored her, but the people around her all blocked Li Huan's way.

Li Huan: "What do you want to do?"

Woman: "If you don't pay, I'll arrest you and make you a slave!"

Li Huan couldn't see the strength of the woman herself, but she was surrounded by attendants in the realm of spiritual sages.

There is also the last old man who is in the realm of spirit and god.

Li Huan can't beat it!
Li Huan: "That's my contract beast, it's useless to give it to you!"

Woman: "Then catch you! Go!"

Li Huan was speechless, but his strength did not allow him, so he could only follow the woman.

The woman looked around and said, "Why does the terrain change a lot here! Ada, come out and have a look!"


A person walked out from behind the woman. The person observed carefully and then came back.

Ada: "Miss Hui, there was an explosion just now, and there seems to be traces of monsters infesting. There is also a small defensive formation here, but it has been destroyed. But why is there no trace at all?"

Woman: "You mean monster beast tide? Then I am developed?"

Ah Da: "That's right, but the wave of monsters disappeared! It should be related to the explosion we heard before, but the wave of beasts was destroyed and weathered!"

Woman: "Who has been here?"

Ah Da: "The traces have disappeared."

Woman: "Even you can't see it?"

Ah Da: "Yes! Small ones are useless!"

Woman: "It's useless! Get out!"

Ah Da was accused, and dared not complain a little, so he could only back off.

Li Huan was shocked, this Ah Da was able to restore the whole process, this ability shocked Li Huan.

Fortunately, he said that he couldn't see who was there, and Li Huan escaped unharmed.

The woman took a few steps forward and looked at it: "We heard movement here just now, do you know what's going on?"

Li Huan: "I just came here too."

The woman looked at Li Huan: "Of course I know that you came here just now. Could it be possible that you are able to wipe out a wave of monsters of this scale!"

So, it's not that Ah Da didn't see it, but that he saw Li Huan's cultivation and automatically ignored her!

Therefore, with a low cultivation base, he successfully escaped the catastrophe!
The woman stayed there for a while, but she didn't find any traces, so she gave up resentfully.

Li Huan breathed a sigh of relief.


She was taken as a slave!

Li Huan followed the woman to where they wanted to go.

The woman kindly gave Li Huan a number: "Number Nine".

That is Ah Jiu!
Li Huan: ...

The group of women originally came to chase the beast tide, but they came a day late.

So, the beast tide has passed!

Woman: "I said I could make it! It turned out to be delayed! I'm going to tear that bitch's skin off when I get back!"

Li Huan followed behind them and dared not speak.

According to them, it was delayed by someone, and that person said he could catch up.

In fact, according to the direction they came from, if Li Huan's two acacias hadn't blown up the entire wave of monster beasts, they would have just been able to catch up with the wave of retreating monster beasts!
After all, it was Li Huan who cut it off!

However, whoever gets it is the skill!

Originally, Li Huan could have taken the opportunity to leave in Wuji City!
Just hide in your yard and wait until the woman leaves!

Because of my own yard, no one else can enter without an ID card.

However, Li Huan didn't do that.

Li Huan found out that this woman had a lot of background, and Li Huan wanted to follow her to other cities to see.

In this way, Li Huan started the first slave career in history!
(End of this chapter)

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