Chapter 939 Nian Yiyi

Nian Wushuang turned around and looked at Yin Liancheng wanting to complain and cry: "I originally came to ask this little slave about my sister's recent situation to care about my sister, but...but he... woo..."

Nian Wushuang started crying before finishing her sentence, pretending to be pitiful is her forte.

And when Nian Wushuang was crying, he also found his best side, facing Yin Liancheng, it was really a lotus in the rain, beautiful and moving!

In addition to the disheveled clothes, Nian Wushuang simply lowered the angle to Yin Liancheng's position!
It's a pity that Yin Liancheng's eyes were on Nian Yiyi from the beginning to the end.

Nian Yiyi found out Nian Wushuang's scheming and was unhappy.

You bastard these days, after being with Liancheng and explaining everything clearly, I realized that you have been playing tricks behind your back!

I was really blind at the beginning!
I can't wait to slap myself a few times!

Nian Yiyi was angry when someone stopped her hand suddenly.

Yin Liancheng: "It doesn't look good to frown!"

Nian Yiyi was suddenly amused by Yin Liancheng's words.

Nian Wushuang's poisonous eyes stared at the pair of Bi people in front of him who seemed to be flirting and cursing!
She was the one who fell in love with Liancheng first!

Miss Yiyi, you shameless one!


"Miss seems to have a very good relationship with Young Master Yin!"

"Yeah! It looks like I'm in love!"

"I'm so envious of others! At first, I thought that Young Master Yin liked Third Miss! After all, Third Miss often goes to see Young Master Yin."

"What's the matter, maybe it's to help my sister deliver a love letter!"

"That's right! Don't tell me, Missy and Young Master Yin are quite a match!"

Nian Wushuang was already a little mentally blocked, but after Nian Yiyi's appearance, if she was with Liancheng in the future, she would have to think of a way to make things right.

When I heard these people praise the two of them, my heart became even more blocked.

It just adds fuel to the flames.

Li Huan: "Miss, when you come back, you have to decide for me! Although I am a servant, I can't be framed for nothing! Or maliciously framed, I really can't think that Miss San is such a person!"

Nian Wushuang: "What are you talking about! Li Huan! You scoundrel, you dare to argue at this time!"

Nian Yiyi: "Third sister, I advise you to tell the truth!"

Nian Wushuang burst into tears again: "Sister! Why do you think of me like this! Would I use my reputation to frame a slave! Shouldn't the reputation of my daughter's family be maintained with my life?"

Nian Yiyi: "Oh..."

Nian Wushuang suddenly became nervous because of Nian Yiyi's sudden sigh.

What do you mean?
How could she still have such an expression at this time.

Moreover, Li Huan didn't look scared at all!

Is there something wrong?

But at that time there were only her and Li Huan in the room.

No one knows what's going on in the room, as long as she insists on it, how can Li Huan explain it clearly!

Nian Wushuang probably didn't expect that the way of heaven is reincarnation, who will the heaven spare!

Those who love to die will eventually die themselves one day!
Nian Yiyi: "Third sister, it is impossible for Li Huan to do anything to you! Because..."

Nian Wushuang: "Sister! How could you do this to me just to protect your subordinates! Could it be that I am so annoying to you! Is it because I was picked?"

Nian Wushuang didn't even speak Yiyi's words, so she hurriedly interrupted!
Her heart was in turmoil, she was afraid that Nian Yiyi would say something that would make her unable to stand up!
Especially in front of Yin Liancheng!

Li Huan: "Miss San, do you know why?"

Nian Wushuang: "What?"

Nian Yiyi: "Li Huan is a woman! How could she do anything to you!"


Nian Wushuang just felt like his brain was blown apart!
Li Huan turned out to be a woman!


Then when she came out today, she made such a big fuss, and everyone knew about it, she really wanted to die!
Nian Wushuang wished he could disappear in place instead of digging into the cracks in the ground!

After Nian Yiyi finished speaking, the whole yard fell silent!

It was as if the old man of time and space had suddenly pressed the pause button.

Tens of seconds later, it exploded!
Everyone in the yard looked at Li Huan and Nian Wushuang in disbelief.

Looking at Li Huan, it's because everyone has been together for so long that they didn't realize that she was a woman at all!
Looking at Nian Wushuang, that... means a lot!

The third lady wrote and directed such a play, but she didn't expect such a result!
Therefore, Miss San really did not hesitate to use her reputation to achieve her goal!
As Li Huan said, in order to achieve the goal, use any means.

The image that Nian Wushuang had managed over the years was finally buried by himself!

I killed myself.

The onlookers didn't know what to say at this moment!

This melon is a bit big!
Need to digest it!
And, I'm full!

Mistress Nian: "Wu Shuang, you have framed others for no reason for your own selfishness. Go back and reflect on yourself. Without my order, you are not allowed to step out of the yard!! Come on, take the third lady down!"

Naturally, Mistress Nian will not leave any excuses for others, she will be locked up first, and when everyone has almost forgotten about this person!

When the time comes, I will find another excuse, and justifiably drive him out!
When Nian Wushuang was taken away, his face was pale!

Mistress Nian has isolated her!
Once her power and influence are all gone!

Then death is not far away!
After all, in these years, he has done many things that are not good for Nian Yiyi.

She just relied on thinking that Yiyi was too stupid, she couldn't beat herself, and she got carried away with complacency!
Coupled with the reputation he had built up by himself, Mistress Nian took care of Nian Jia's face, so it was naturally not easy to punish her.

It got her carried away!

I thought I was really a Miss who missed home!

She was picked up!
Before Nian Wushuang left, he stared at Li Huan!
It's all her!
Even if I die, I will hold you back!

Nian Yiyi: "Li Huan, what's wrong with you?"

Li Huan: "I was missed by a mad dog!"

Nian Yiyi: "Speak well!"

Li Huan: "She wants to kill me!"

Nian Yiyi: "She dares! Let's go! I'll take you to the treasury to pick things up! After you get promoted, hit her until she's convinced!"

Li Huan's eyes are shining, she likes to pick a baby or something, she loves it the most!

Sure enough, there are rewards!
It seems that if Nian Wushuang is completely solved in the future, wouldn't there be a super gift package?

The more Li Huan thought about it, the happier she became, and Nian Wushuang's murderous eyes had long since been forgotten.

Li Huan changed back to her daughter's outfit, so naturally she couldn't live in the previous place.

Nian Yiyi deliberately found a relatively small yard next to her own yard and allocated it to Li Huan to live in.

Li Huan is thinking of home and has her own yard!

Nian Wushuang lived in peace for a few days and didn't come to make trouble, but Li Huan felt that she had suffered such a big loss and would not let it go!
In addition, she has been studying at home for so many years, and her subordinates may not know how many people are secretly waiting for an opportunity.

She didn't miss Yiyi, someone was secretly protecting her continuously.

The first thing Li Huan did when he entered the yard was to set up a psychedelic array.

Then set up a blindfold in his room.

(End of this chapter)

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