Chapter 940 Trap
After Li Huan set up the formation, he moved all the treasures he selected this time into the space and began to practice.

When I was in Huahai before, I absorbed a lot of spiritual energy.

Li Huan used these auras to circulate Zhou Tian in his body, and it was painful to widen his tendons, but Li Huan still gritted his teeth and persisted.

The path of cultivation is really too difficult, and any relaxation will become an obstacle to promotion.

After Li Huan had been running several times in a row, he suddenly felt that the speed of absorbing spiritual energy accelerated!
At this moment, there was movement outside the house.

It's late at night, so it's natural to do some shady things when you come here at this time.

Li Huan was in a critical period of cultivation, so he couldn't pause, he could only spare a little bit of consciousness to pay attention to the outside situation.

Three men in black came.

The three of them had just broken in, and they were currently immersed in their own cultivation and contempt for the person they were about to kill.

Man in black No. [-]: "It's just such a small broken yard, and the three of us are required to come at the same time!"

Man in Black No. [-]: "That's right! Overqualified, if it weren't for the spar, I wouldn't want to take this trip."

Man in black No. [-]: "Okay, don't complain, hurry up and get rid of it, go back and report. Take the spar and leave!"

Man in Black No. [-]: "That's right, this kind of mission is equivalent to giving spar for free, don't want it for nothing!"

Man in black No. [-]: "It's right, let's go! Huh? Why is it foggy?"

The three of them didn't jump over the wall, they just opened the door and came in confidently!

In their eyes, this kind of lowly cultivation little slave is not enough to look at at all, how could there be other possibilities.

In their eyes, a task of this level is free spar.

But the moment they came in, it became foggy, which made the three of them vigilant.

Man in Black No. [-]: "Be careful, there might be fraud."

Black One: "Oh! Play tricks! Let's go!"


As soon as the man in black No. [-] finished speaking, he disappeared!
Men in black No. [-] and No. [-] only heard a strange noise, and the people around them disappeared!
Man in Black No. [-]: "What's going on?"

Man in black No. [-]: "I don't know! Be careful, I always feel that there is something wrong, I feel uneasy."

Man in Black No. [-]: "Then look for it or go in?"

The man in black No. [-] thought for a while: "Let's look for it! It was here a few days ago, it must be some kind of trap, you go there, I'll go here."

No. [-] and No. [-] went to find No. [-] separately.

And No. [-], right now above their heads, was hung by a rope and tied up like a mummy.

He wanted to call for help, but for some reason, his mouth seemed to be numb, without any feeling.

No. [-] looked at No. [-] and No. [-], and walked away from under his nose.

He wanted to scream but couldn't do anything, he tried hard to remind them, but when he moved, the rope swayed.

Shaking his head dizzy.

No. [-] had no choice but to stop.

No. [-] and No. [-] failed to find No. [-], but they also lost each other's figure in the mist.

At this moment, number one suddenly moved!
With something tied to his feet, he was suddenly dragged by something and slid up. His head was facing down, and he suddenly accelerated, shaking him so that he lost his balance.


"Jie Jie Jie..."

Suddenly there were bursts of strange, ghost-like voices in the yard.

Then, a gust of cold wind suddenly swept over.

Number three and number two are calling each other's name, they can hear each other's voice, but they can't find each other's location.

"call out!"

A shadow suddenly flashed in front of number three.

No. [-] holding a sword: "Who!"

"Jie Jie Jie..."


The howling cold wind, the ghostly shadows flashing, and the late-night atmosphere made No. [-] feel a little nervous.

After all, this is a traceless desert, and there are no human bones that can be blown by the cold wind, let alone such weird ghosts!

In the Traceless Desert, there are legends of all kinds of ghosts.

After the shadow flashed, it disappeared very quickly, and Number Three didn't dare to take it lightly.

Standing in place, trying to find the shadow of that thing.

On No. [-]'s side, it was the same situation as No. [-], but the shadow was so fast that he didn't even have time to pull out the knife in his hand.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Suddenly, several shadows appeared, flashing from Number Two's side just like that.

Number two: "Pretending to be a ghost! Get out!"

Number two yelled a few times, and the shadow disappeared!

No. [-] heard No. [-]'s voice, but he just couldn't find out the specific location of No. [-]. Hearing No. [-]'s voice, he seemed to have encountered something, and it might be the same as him.

"call out!"

A voice came from No. [-]'s side again, and No. [-] stabbed the attacking shadow with a sword.

But soon, the shadow disappeared again!

"Tick, tick..."

Suddenly there was a strange sound of dripping water on No. [-]'s side. No. [-] gripped his knife tightly in his hand, and his mental strength was highly concentrated.

"call out!"

Another sound, No. [-] sneered, and shot instantly!
Number two: "See where you go this time!"

No. [-] made a swift move, cutting the attacking shadow in half with one blow!


The shadow fell!
At this moment, the fog suddenly dissipated.

Number three sees number two ten meters away from him.

Number three: "So you're right next to me! I just couldn't perceive your location no matter what! This place is kind of evil."

Number three walked towards number two, but number two, not only did not answer, but also froze in place.

When number three came, he found that something was wrong with number two, so he followed his gaze.

Then he saw a No. [-] that had been cut in half with a knife, lying on the ground, bloody and terrifying.

No. [-] looked at the blood on No. [-]'s knife and No. [-]'s expression, and instantly understood!
"You killed him!"

No. [-] was a little angry, and just came in, he killed one of his own people!

Although they are not brothers and sisters, at least they came to carry out the task together!
Only then did No. [-] come back to his senses. When he saw the corpse lying on the ground, it was true that he hadn't seen it clearly just because he had shot too fast. However, looking at it now, he found that there was a sword hole in No. [-]'s body.

Number two: "Your sword! Isn't it!"

Naturally, No. [-] also saw it, and at this moment both of them understood that this was a trick of the people in the room!

They were just trapped in the formation, confusing their minds.

Number Three: "It's not our fault! It's him!"

Number three pointed to the inside of the room.

No. [-] naturally nodded tacitly: "Yes! Go, go in and kill him!"

No. [-] and No. [-] had learned from the past, and walked together very carefully this time, for fear that after they were separated, the situation just now would happen again.

Li Huan's yard is not that big, and he can walk into it within a few steps.

The door of Li Huan's room was closed, and they were blinded by the fog when they came in.

The two looked at each other and were about to break through the door.

(End of this chapter)

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