Chapter 941 The Organ

But with the lessons learned from the past, neither No. [-] nor No. [-] dared to step forward first.

Number two: "Go and open the door!"

Number three: "Why don't you go?"

Number two: "Then together?"

Number three: "Okay, together, I'll count to one, two, three!"


The moment the two touched the door, a strong electric current suddenly stuck their hands to the door!

Li Huan's door is a metal door!
It's just that a layer of green wood-colored paint was painted on the outside, just for the convenience of setting traps. Without her permission, no one can come in.


A smell of meat being roasted wafted out.

It wasn't until No. [-] and No. [-] were burnt black from the electric shock that their hands left the door!


The two fell to the ground at the same time.


The burned skin hit the ground, and the whole body trembled in pain.

After a long time, No. [-] and No. [-] slowly got up from the ground.

Li Huan sneered, and speeded up his practice, as long as he finished the cycle, Li Huan would be able to move.

Number two and number three, it took a little while to recover.

The pain level of scalding is ten times more painful than that of a woman giving birth.

Number two and number three are completely speechless in pain!
Teeth are chattering.

The first time the two recovered, they looked at the door with resentment, and kicked it open if they were too soft!

When No. [-] got angry, she pointed at the door of Li Huan's room and greeted her!


Number Three: "Keep your voice down, don't attract everyone!"

Number two didn't answer, just clutching his feet, his face wrinkled in pain.

No. [-] looked at No. [-] with contempt, and decided to open the door by himself, and he stepped up.


An unknown liquid suddenly sprayed out from the door, and it all fell on the bodies of No. [-] and No. [-].



Number Two: "What the hell! You're crazy!"

Number three: "I don't know either! It must be poison!"

Number two: "No! I know poison, it's not like that at all!"

Number three: "Then why is it so painful?"

No. [-] and No. [-] had just been injured by the electric shock and hadn't healed. When they were stained with such pepper water, they were so hot that they couldn't breathe.

This kind of pain is simply sour as hell.

The two blamed each other, but they refused to take the initiative to go in!
Just wait outside.

Number two: "Go!"

Number three: "Why!"

No. [-]: "Do you want any more spar?"

Number three: "It's not that you said you were overqualified! You go!"

No. [-] felt a little apprehensive, this small yard was full of weirdness, it seemed that the little slave was not an ordinary person!

Number three and number two looked at each other and reached a consensus.

This person is extraordinary!
But, they are killers!
Wouldn't it be embarrassing to leave like this!

Number two finally decided to go in!
After all, this little slave is not good at cultivation!

It couldn't be easier to kill her.

He must know that he can't do it, so he made so many things at the door!
It must be so!
A capable person will never play tricks!
Number three: "Attack with aura!"

Number Two: "Good!"

One of the two makes the ice-attribute aura, and the other makes the wood-attribute aura!
At the same time, he attacked Li Huan's door!


After the aura attacked the door, there was no response.

Number three: "What's going on?"

Number two: "I don't know, it seems to be absorbed?"

No. [-] and No. [-], waited for a while, and dared to approach to check after making sure that there was no movement.

After all, this door is really beyond their cognition!

This is the universal mechanism door that Li Huan spent several days to make.

After the electric shock came the chili water, commonly known as the 'anti-wolf artifact', and now...


No. [-] and No. [-] approached suddenly, and the aura they attacked just now bounced back all of a sudden!
Number two and number three were hit at the same time.

I saw two figures, suddenly flying from the door of Li Huan's room to the door of the courtyard.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two loud bangs, number two and number three, were stunned by their aura.

Li Huan stood up and opened the door.

Directly with one hand and one person, they were carried away like chickens!

Nian Wushuang was anxiously waiting for the killer he had hired to come back, pretending to be lying on the bed, tossing and turning.


Two loud bangs, Nian Wushuang thought it was the killers coming back!
In an instant, he walked out of the yard excitedly.

But those two were from the ground.

Nian Wushuang: "What's the matter with you?"

When Nian Wushuang saw the two lying on the ground, she suddenly had a bad feeling.

Before she got close to the two people on the ground, something suddenly fell from the sky and landed beside Nian Wushuang.

When the thing fell, there was still a little liquid that splashed onto Nian Wushuang's body.


A shocking cry resounded through the entire Nian family.

After Nian Wushuang saw the things around him clearly, it was too late to regret!
Because there are already patrolling people knocking on the door!
"Miss San, what's going on inside?"

Nian Wushuang: "No, nothing!"

Nian Wushuang suppressed his nausea, looking at the bloodstains all over the floor, and the people who had been cut in half.

She knows this dress!

It's the killer she found, the one who went to kill Li Huan, but now it's not obvious what it means to appear in her yard like this.

It must be Li Huan!

She killed these people and then deliberately threw them over!
But Nian Wushuang has no way to go out now.

Nian Wushuang thought number two and number three were dead too!

So, just lay on the ground motionless.

Since this is the case, it happens to be a reason to lift the ban!
The patrolling guard at the door was about to leave when he heard Nian Wushuang's shout again!

"Miss San, is there something wrong?"

Nian Wushuang: "There are... there are assassins!"

Nian Wushuang shouted.

The patrol guard came in quickly.

I saw three men in black, one of whom was still in a terrible state of death.

Immediately, someone went to report to Mistress Nian.

Nian Wushuang: "Someone is going to kill me! I can't live here anymore!"

Nian Wushuang looked panicked.

Then walk towards the door.

But the patrol guard stopped her: "Miss San, wait until Madam comes, you can't go out without Madam's order!"

Nian Wushuang: "Didn't you see, someone is going to kill me? If I die here, can you afford it?"

"Miss San, Madam will be here soon! Please wait a moment!"

Nian Wushuang: "You dogs look down on people! Don't you just think that I'm locked up here, if I go out, I've already lost power. Why don't I look like this when I'm flattering you?"

The patrol guard didn't answer, but seeing Nian Wushuang's expression, he had a look of disdain.

From this point of view, the usual cute and pitiful appearance is really pretending, not what the rumors say at all.

Ma'am is right!

Miss San will definitely find a way to get out, so she has already spoken, no matter what happens to Miss San, she must be reported to her before a decision can be made!

(End of this chapter)

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