Chapter 942
Mistress Nian will be here soon.

How could Nian Wushuang let go of this opportunity!
So when Mistress Nian came, she cried again!
Nian Wushuang's "Nirvana of Crying and Crying" is online!
Nian Wushuang: "Mother, I did something wrong and deserved to be punished, but why did this happen to me when I was cultivating myself in the yard? Could it be that there is no room for me in Nianjia?"

Mistress Nian has already ordered people to check the people on the ground!
Many people heard that something happened here, so they hurried over to watch the excitement, after all, this is the excitement of the third lady!
Third Miss has been the laughing stock of Nian Mansion's leisure and conversation recently.

Now everyone knows that Nian Wushuang took the initiative to approach Li Huan in order to put blame on Li Huan, but it turns out that the person who put the blame on is a woman!
After this incident happened, the whole Nian family felt incredible!

Therefore, if you want to say who the most popular person in Nianjia is now, it must be Nian Wushuang!

Now something happened to her again, and the melon-eaters rushed over to watch.

The one with a small bench and melon seeds!
I have to say, this efficiency is amazing!

Melon eaters: "Why is it Miss San again! Does she have a lot of melons lately?"

Onlookers: "People who love to be demons, no matter where they go, they are good masters of demons!"

People who eat melons: "It makes sense! Eat, eat! The new melon seeds I bought today are very fresh!"

Onlookers: "That's right! We'll prepare some next time. Without the excitement of the melon seeds and small benches, it seems that there is always a little sense of ceremony."

People who eat melons: "That's right! Don't always look old-fashioned, learn from us!"

Nian Wushuang's side hadn't started the interrogation yet, but the onlookers were already chatting with each other.

Especially the onlookers who have always remained neutral, because there are too many melons, they have begun to move closer to the people who eat melons.

Mistress Nian: "What's going on? Are these people here to kill you?"

Nian Wushuang: "Yes! Mother, can I still lie about this kind of thing? You just don't believe me? Is it because I am not your own? Mother, you have always been the most important thing in my daughter's heart man!"

When Mistress Nian saw Nian Wushuang who was so affectionate towards her, she was so disgusted that she almost vomited out the next night's meal!
This guy, why are you so shameless!

He did such shameless things to Yiyi before, and the incident of framing Lihuan before.

It's all like this, and you can still pretend that nothing happened!
I have to say that Mistress Nian also began to admire Nian Wushuang's face!
But she couldn't say it clearly.

The inspector has come to report.

But the man only told Nian the situation in a low voice.

Nian Wushuang wanted to prick up his ears to listen, but he couldn't hear anything.

Nian Wushuang gritted his teeth, but still had no choice but to pretend that he was innocent.

Mistress Nian suddenly sneered, this is interesting!

Mistress Nian: "Do you know these three people?"

"I don't know! Mother, how could I know them?"

Nian Wushuang instantly denied it, what a joke, he is already dead, no one can ask anything!

At this time, it is to wash yourself for nothing!


Then it's easy to unban!
Being locked up here, she is like the grasshopper after autumn, who will not be able to hop for a few days.

Sooner or later it will be dealt with.

Nian Wushuang: "Mother, don't you believe me in the facts before you? These people are killers at first glance, they are here to kill me!"

Mistress of Nianjia: "You swear to God, you don't know these people, if you lie, I will drive you out of Nianjia!"

Nian Wushuang was silent for a while, then looked at the half of his body on the ground!

Dead are dead!

Dead without proof!

What a swear!
Nian Wushuang: "Since mother must do this to believe me, then I will swear!"

Nian Wushuang really wants to pretend to be pitiful all the time to win sympathy.

The people eating melons: "It seems that the third lady has been wronged this time!"

Onlookers: "It's not the end, it's unknown!"

People who eat melons: "The melon seeds are still coming! Everyone is eating melons, why are you pretending to be deep! You are the only one with foresight!"

Onlookers: "Stingy! Just two melon seeds! What are you!"

The people who eat melons: "Then you still come!"

The crowd of onlookers: "... whoever looks like you when watching the excitement, is also a melon seed and a bench!"

People who eat melons: "Stand up again! Shameless! Go! Don't get close to them!"

So the people who eat melons follow and watch the people, because of the two melon seeds, they parted ways again, and fire and water are incompatible!
Mistress Nian: "It's not that I don't believe you, but what you did before is so disappointing!"

Nian Wushuang looked at the mistress of the Nian family with aggrieved expression: "I swear, Nian Wushuang, that I don't know these people. If I tell a lie, then... I am willing to be expelled from the Nian family!"

As the old saying goes, when you talk too much, you are always easy to get slapped in the face!
"Cough cough!"

Just as Nian Wushuang finished his oath, a discordant cough sounded!

Then came the sound of kicking breath!
No. [-] and No. [-], who were stunned by their aura, woke up!

The people who eat melons: "Damn! It's a corpse!"

Onlookers: "That's called backlight! No experience!"

People who eat melons: "I want you to take care of it! It's a scam!"

Onlookers: "Cut!"

Nian Wushuang is the one who really wants to cheat the corpse!
Of course she heard the voice, it was the voice of the two killers lying on the ground!

They are not dead!

Nian Wushuang was in shock.

not dead!

Then she just swore!
Mistress Nian: "Bring it here!"

Number two and number three were picked up and arrested.

Mistress Nian Jia: "Is the courtyard of my Nian family home also broken into by you?"

The coercion of Madam Nian's mother instantly hit No. [-] and No. [-]!

Poor No. [-] and No. [-] woke up just now, and they vomited blood due to the coercion!
Mistress Nian: "Tell me! How did you get in?"

Nian Wushuang: "Mother!"

Nian Wushuang was terrified!

Huge regret, why didn't I just check it out!
Why not go up and make up a few knives to avoid future troubles!
It's too late to say anything now!

No. [-] and No. [-] saw this posture, how could they dare to hide anything, they naturally revealed everything!

Nian Wushuang: "You guys are talking nonsense! It's not me! I don't know you guys!"

Number two: "Nian Wushuang, you didn't ask us to come, so why don't we come to Nian's house to seek death?"

No. [-]: "It's you! You evil spirit! We almost died here just because of your little spar!"

Number two: "Nian Wushuang, you can't be too hypocritical!"

Nian Wushuang: "Mother, they did it on purpose! They were sent by Li Huan! I don't know them at all! I've been grounded! I can't get out! How can I contact them!"

Number three: "Of course you don't need to go out! You don't have our signal flares."

Mistress Nian: "Go in and search!"

Nian Wushuang: "No! No! I don't!"

It's a pity that the guards wouldn't listen to her to stop at all.

(End of this chapter)

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