Chapter 943 Confrontation
When Nian Wushuang saw the guards entering his room to search, he was extremely nervous.

If she was found out, she would be dead!

If you are expelled from the family, then you will have nothing.

Nian Wushuang will never leave Nian's house no matter what.

The guards went in and searched for a while and came out, but found nothing.

Nian Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the empty-handed guards coming out.

Fortunately, no!
It must be the last one. Yes, I must have been too anxious at the time, so I didn't check how many flares there were.

Now the guards come out empty-handed.

So, without conclusive evidence, she doesn't have to be expelled!

Nian Wushuang: "Mother! I am innocent! They framed me! Really! Nian's family is my home, how could I do something that is not good for Nian's family! This is life for me, and it will bring me up O place! Mother!"

What Nian Wushuang said was sincere, and the sound of rain and tears was so pitiful.

People who eat melons: "It's so pitiful! Even if you have a miserable life experience, you still have to suffer such grievances! It's so pitiful!"

Onlookers: "People who can do things that slander others are not good people!"

Melon eaters: "How do you talk! You know! People who want to take advantage of a few melon seeds are not qualified to talk to us!"

Onlookers: "Cut! Who cares!"

People who eat melons: "Then you go away! Don't stay with us!"

Onlookers: "Such a wide place, write your name!"

Melon eaters: "You stand here just to smell our fragrant melon seeds!"

Onlookers:  …

The onlookers and the melon eaters are about to fight!
But on Nian Wushuang's side, the mistress of the Nian family ordered: "Take him away! Nian Wushuang continues to be confined!"

Number two and number three exclaimed at the same time!

Don't let them be taken away!
If it is taken away, it will be a dead end!

People eating melons: "Is this the end?"

The mistress of Nian's family: "Trespassing on my Nian's house without permission, death is not a pity!"

Number three: "No! We were really called by Nian Wushuang!"

No. [-]: "I have evidence! There is a case in our organization! It was signed by Miss Nian Jia! As long as it is her signal, we will come to help her! Really!"

Number three: "Yes yes yes! Nian Wushuang called us here! Mrs. Nian, you can ask our manager to confront us! We are innocent!"

Although No. [-] and No. [-] were treated a bit miserable by Li Huan, their cultivation was still there, and their desire to survive was aroused, so they could say anything!
This kind of thing that is absolutely confidential in the organization must be said for the sake of my life!
No. [-] and No. [-] saw Mistress Nian's hesitation, and felt that there was still hope.

Mistress Nian: "What are you talking about, I don't quite understand?"

How could Mistress Nian not understand that she was trying to uproot the forces that Nian Wushuang had wooed outside!
Over the years, Nian Wushuang relied on Nian's family's resources to get acquainted with some people outside.

Since she was going to be expelled from the Nian family, it would be better to get rid of her troubles later.

Save yourself trouble in the future.

Nian Wushuang: "No! I didn't! Mother, they are talking nonsense! Would you rather believe a few assassins than me?"

Mistress of Nianjia: "Of course I think about Nianjia. You keep saying that it is for Nianjia and that you are grateful for Nianjia. Are you not even willing to find out the truth? Could it be that what you said before is all false? You don't care about the safety of Nianjia ?”

Nian Mistress's words blocked all the next words of Nian Wushuang!
If Nian Wushuang stops her again, Zhi Nian's family's safety will be at stake!
Then what she said before and the gestures she made have all become false.

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy!
According to the address provided by No. [-] and No. [-], Mistress Nian sent someone to invite someone.

Not long after, a steward from No. [-] and No. [-] came.

When No. [-] and No. [-] saw the steward coming, they kept leaning towards the steward as if seeing a life-saving rope.

Nian Wushuang was extremely nervous.

What to do, what if the steward tells his own affairs in order to keep those two people?
Nian Wushuang can only minimize his sense of existence and treat himself as a transparent person.

But is it possible?

Unless there is a miracle, otherwise...

She is fucked!

Mistress Nianjia: "You are their manager? They said that Nianjia came here at the request of our Third Miss Nianjia? Is that so?"

The steward glanced at Nian Wushuang, then at No. [-] and No. [-]. After a moment of silence, he still said, "You acted on your own and blamed others! The organization can't keep you anymore! Just do it yourself!"

Nian Wushuang looked up at the steward in surprise, a miracle happened!

what happened?

The housekeeper didn't look at Nian Wushuang, but looked at Mistress Nian: "Since Mrs. Nian has caught someone, I will let you handle it. As the manager, we are willing to pay a little compensation in order to express our apology."

The steward said, and took out a box: "This is a little kindness, I hope you can accept it!"

The steward opened it, and it turned out to be a box of crystals!

A whole box!

This apology is really full!
When Nian Wushuang saw so many crystals, his eyes went straight!

However, these crystals are not hers, and now she just wants to clear herself up, and she will slowly plan for other things in the future.

Mistress Nian didn't expect that the steward would say such things, and there was nothing he could do about it.

We can only take No. [-] and No. [-] down and order someone to deal with them.

Mistress Nian: "I'm sorry!"

After the manager left, Mistress Nian was going to take her away, but Nian Wushuang refused to let go of such a good opportunity.

Nian Wushuang: "Mother! I beg my mother to lift my restraint. My daughter doesn't want to be killed quietly! I beg my mother, let me live! I beg my mother!"

As Nian Wushuang said, he knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing.

That appearance, how pitiful, how pitiful.

This time it wasn't that Nian Wushuang was lying, because she knew that if she was locked up again, she would really die in her yard.

Therefore, this time it is a rare expression of true feelings, coupled with Oscar-like acting skills.

Eat melon crowd:

"Miss San is so pitiful! I'm about to cry! I sympathize with her so much!"

"This is a pitiful life experience. If you encounter such a thing again, you will really suffer this time!"

"That's right! Miss San can't be locked up anymore!"

This time, the onlookers did not express their opinions, they just remained neutral and stood aside.

People who eat melons: "Do you have a conscience!"

Onlookers: "Conscience is based on the truth!"

People who eat melons: "Didn't you already know the truth! You are cold-blooded!"

Onlookers: "Just now the steward took three peeks at Nian Wushuang, and Nian Wushuang peeked ten peeks at the steward. Although they haven't met, their eyes can't deceive anyone! They must have an affair!"

People who eat melons: "Pfft! That old man can be someone's father!"

Onlookers: "Anyway, we remain cautious and do not comment! We will see at the end!"

No matter how much Mistress Nian Jia didn't want to lift Nian Wushuang's restraint, she had to take into account the eyes of the rest of Nian Jia.

Mistress Nian: "You are not allowed to leave the house!"

Nian Wushuang: "Thank you, mother!"

As long as you can get in touch with other people, there are plenty of opportunities, so you can't leave the house for the time being!
(End of this chapter)

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