Chapter 944 Help
Mistress Nian gave Li Huan all of the box of crystals.

Li Huan: "If you don't get paid for your merits, you still can't take this spar."

Mistress Nian: "It's for you. Aren't those people Nian Wushuang here to kill you?"

Li Huan didn't open her mouth. It seemed that Mistress Nian knew everything, and it was true that the matter of Nian Family could not be hidden from her eyes.

It just depends on whether she pursues it or not.

Li Huan: "Then... Miss San..."

Mistress Nian: "It's just a grasshopper after autumn, you just need to protect Yiyi!"

Li Huan: "Yes!"

After Mistress Nian left, Li Huan put away the spar.

Although this is nothing compared to his own inventory, it is still a considerable asset.

It's just that crystal stones can't be used for cultivation. Li Huan is very depressed about this, or is it that his method is wrong?
Li Huan was studying the spar in his yard, and after a while, a maid brought dessert.

The maid said that Madam Nian sent it, but the moment Li Huan picked up the jade cup, she could smell the strong smell of medicine inside.

The servant girl was a little nervous looking at Li Huan, but she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that she drank it as soon as she picked it up.

Li Huan took this into consideration and pretended not to know anything.

After the maid left, Li Huan immediately followed her out!
Mistress Nian came here just now, if she sent someone to deliver something, she just brought it along.

Therefore, it is impossible for the mistress Nian to give it to her.

Naturally, Li Huan wouldn't drink that sweet soup, it was just a show.

Li Huan went out with the maid, but...

Nian Wushuang again.

After the maid went in, Li Huan also went in.

Nian Wushuang: "The things have been delivered?"

Maid: "Yes! Miss San, this servant saw Li Huan drink it with her own eyes."

Nian Wushuang: "Go down!"

In the end, before the maid turned around, Li Huan came in!
The servant girl yelled in fright and fell to the ground.

He looked at Li Huan in horror.

Li Huan ignored her and walked past the maid to Nian Wushuang.

Nian Wushuang: "I knew you would come."

Li Huan: "What? Ask me to undress you?"

Nian Wushuang's face was a little ugly, but he soon calmed down.

She has already broken with Li Huan, and there is nothing to pretend.

If it weren't for this little slave, how could his reputation in Nianjia plummet!
Nian Wushuang hates Lihuan as much as Nian Yiyi!
After all, Nian Yiyi can't beat her, so there is nothing to be afraid of, even if you want to rob Liancheng, you need to plan well.

Li Huan looked at Nian Wushuang: "What? Stop pretending? Don't you cry?"

Nian Wushuang: "Oh! What are you! Why are you crying!"

Li Huan stepped forward and raised her hand, pretending to slap Nian Wushuang.

But Li Huan deliberately stayed in midair.

Nian Wushuang: "What do you want to do! You want to hit me?"

Li Huan sneered: "What? Are you scared?"

Nian Wushuang: "Oh! I'm afraid! I have nothing to be afraid of! This is Nianjia, and every day I am the third miss of Nianjia, I will be higher than you, a slave, every day!"

Li Huan: "Then what are you hiding? Are you afraid of what are you hiding?"

Nian Wushuang: "When did I hide! Hit me if you have the ability!"

"Crack! Crack!"

Li Huan suddenly waved his hand and slapped him twice, Nian Wushuang's face instantly swelled up!
Li Huan: "It was you who asked to fight, so I have no choice but to grant you! You are welcome!"

Nian Wushuang seemed to be crazy, his eyes were red with anger, and he attacked Li Huan!

But before finding Li Huan, she was slapped to the ground again!

Li Huan's palm was so hard that Nian Wushuang's footsteps were unsteady, and he fell directly beside the maid.

The maid who was still on the ground saw such a wonderful scene before she could get up in time!
Miss San was actually beaten by a slave!

Still three slaps!
Is the world crazy, or is she dreaming?

Nian Wushuang: "How dare you hit me! How dare you hit me!"

Li Huan: "You didn't tell me to call me? You heard that too, didn't you?"

Li Huan asked the maid on the ground, the maid looked at Li Huan and nodded involuntarily.

Nian Wushuang pushed the servant girl away: "You actually betrayed me!"

The maid was pushed by Nian Wushuang, and instantly woke up: "Miss, no, I don't know what's going on!"

Nian Wushuang was not willing to listen to the maid's explanation, so he just slapped the maid and slapped the maid out.


The servant girl fell outside the yard, not knowing whether she was alive or dead.

Li Huan: "The strike is really ruthless, as expected of a vicious woman!"

Nian Wushuang stood up and stared at Li Huan, if eyes could kill, Li Huan would not be able to live now!

Nian Wushuang: "You will pay the price for what you did today!"

Li Huan: "Then hit a few more times, wouldn't it be too much of a disadvantage!"

After Li Huan finished speaking, just a few slaps in front of the mountain!
Nian Wushuang wanted to resist, but found that he was restrained by Li Huan and couldn't move!
"You! Your cultivation!"

When he came here before, he was just a person in the spirit realm!

Why is the momentum completely different now!
Li Huan: "What? When you sent someone to kill me last time, didn't you investigate clearly?"

Nian Wushuang: "It really is you!"

Li Huan: "Accepted! You let someone poison me today, don't you just want to disgust me? Could it be that you really asked me to discuss? Then let's fight now?"

Nian Wushuang found that he was under Li Huan's hands, completely powerless to fight back, so he didn't have any thoughts.

She originally wanted to lure Li Huan over and teach Li Huan a lesson!

In the end, instead of losing money by stealing the chicken, Li Huan slapped him a few times!
It's just a shame!

Nian Wushuang: "I will kill you!"

Li Huan: "Being with you at any time, it's better not to play such a trick, otherwise I'm afraid your face won't be able to bear it!"

Nian Wushuang: "I must kill you!"

Nian Wushuang was like a curse, with a resentful tone.

Li Huan: "You must be the one who dies first! Or make a bet? Let's see who dies first?"

Nian Wushuang: "Oh!"

Li Huan: "You don't think that no one will pursue the fact that you hired a killer?"

Nian Wushuang: "What do you mean?"

Li Huan: "Do you think Mrs. Nian doesn't know anything? It's just that you haven't met a suitable reason! You don't need me to take action if you continue to do this, and you will die first! Moreover, you are the one who killed yourself of!"

Nian Wushuang didn't speak.

Just staring at Li Huan.

After Li Huan left, she didn't leave.

She did it on purpose!

Sure enough, after a while, Nian Wushuang, dressed as a maid, came out of the yard.

Li Huan, who was squatting on the roof, sneered, looking for death by himself, and still in such a hurry, if he didn't help you, how could he be worthy of the dead killers?

Li Huan followed Nian Wushuang all the way, and found that the place she was going to was the address reported by No. [-] and No. [-] last time.

Li Huan didn't get close, and there was a strong aura inside, which Li Huan could not deal with right now.

(End of this chapter)

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