Chapter 946 The Devil's Eye
Li Huan and the others followed Ah Da until they left the city gate.

Ah San: "I've already left the city. The desert is so big, where should I find it?"

Ah Da: "Miss has a positioning jade badge on her body, which was customized by Madam, let's go! Let's talk after we catch up!"

Li Huan felt ashamed, and naturally followed behind extremely seriously.

But the rest of the people didn't think so, they were all picked up by Nian Yiyi, and they were very grateful to Nian Yiyi.

In the end, Nian Yiyi was lost by Li Huan!
Ah Qi: "I usually know how to steal, rape and play tricks, but at the critical moment, I will lose the chain!"

Ah Wu: "Missy is usually very kind-hearted, so she will be fooled!"

Ah Er: "Say a few words less, Li Huan doesn't want to, she is also looking for it seriously."

Li Huan: "They are right, I was too careless."

Ah Da: "Everyone stop arguing, they are going to the devil's eye!"

"What! Demon eyes!"

"Miss was actually taken to such a place by them!"

"Go! Go quickly!"

Li Huan followed Ah Da, wanting to ask where the Devil's Eye is.

Ada: "The Devil's Eye is an inaccessible place in the Wuji Desert. It is shrouded in poisonous gas all the year round and haunted by monsters."

Ah Da just introduced a few words briefly and didn't say any more. He was just hurrying on his way, but seeing how nervous they were, Li Huan also knew that the Devil's Eye was not a good place.

Ah Da's tracking skills are extremely powerful, and Li Huan followed Ah Da all the way to watch how Ah Da tracked.

Two days later, the group finally arrived at the Devil's Eye.

This turned out to be a hot spring canyon.

The gas from the hot springs is mixed with a strong sulphurous smell.

Ah Da: "Everyone, take the detoxification pill! Be careful when you go in!"

Li Huan took out the elixir he had refined: "This is Qingxin elixir, the effect is even better!"

Ah Qi: "Don't pretend to be kind!"

Li Huan froze in place, no one would take the pill in his hand.

In the end, Ah Da and Ah Er ate one.

Ah Da originally wanted to comfort Li Huan, but Li Huan smiled: "It's okay, it should be!"

Li Huan swallowed Qingxin Dan and followed everyone in.

Hot air is dense, but these hot air are poisonous and corrosive.

Not long after entering, someone felt short of breath.

Li Huan followed them carefully.

Ah Da: "When we get here, the traces disappear, so we can only look for it."

Ah Er: "Why don't we look for it separately? It's faster this way!"

Ah Da: "No, if there is any danger, if there are too few people, there will be danger of life!"

Ah Da is the leader, everyone listens to him and acts together. This is the entrance, and the inside is closed. As long as you walk along the edge, you can complete it in one circle.

After walking for a while, the inside is getting hotter and hotter.

Ah Wu: "It's so uncomfortable, I can hardly breathe!"

Ah Liu: "Me too! The air here is really bad."

Ah Qi: "Ah Da, Ah Er, why are you all fine?"

Ah Er glanced at everyone: "Xiao Jiu is fine!"

Ah Da: "The three of us just took Qingxin Pill, not Jiedu Pill."

Ah Er: "That's right! Xiao Jiu, take it out and share it with everyone."

Li Huan happily took out the elixir, and it turned out.

"I won't eat her!"

"I don't eat it either! Maybe it's the kitten who ran into a dead mouse."

"Yes! It's because your cultivation base is higher, so it's okay, it's not her elixir!"

After a few people finished talking, they left.

Li Huan Ah Er: "They are also worried about the safety of the young lady, not your problem."

Li Huan: "You don't need to endanger my safety. I really didn't think carefully this time. I leave this bottle of Qingxin Pill to you. If you need it, you don't have to tell them it's my medicine. I'll give it to you for the time being." Good separation."

Ah Er: "No, it's too dangerous here! You will die if you act alone!"

Ah Da: "This is a signal flare. If you encounter danger, release it and it will come to you."

Li Huan took the signal flare and nodded.

Ah Er: "How can you let Xiao Jiu leave alone!"

Ah Da: "If you continue to quarrel, I'm afraid the lady will die, so it will be faster to find them separately!"

Ah Er refused to say anything, and finally left with Li Huan.

Li Huan: "Actually, you don't have to do this, after all, we haven't known each other for long."

Ah Er: "Since Miss picked you up, you are one of us, and you didn't intend to do this. Who knew that bastard Yin Liancheng would do such a thing! He hid it deep enough!"

Li Huan didn't speak. In the final analysis, she didn't think carefully about Nian Yiyi's safety this time, so she handed her over to others so easily.

Thinking of Yiyi's treatment of him, Li Huan felt very uncomfortable.

Li Huan and Ah Er walked in the opposite direction to Ah Da and the others.

Not long after, Li Huan and Ah Er met a monster.

This demonic beast was not well cultivated, and it was also dead. Its dark green eyes appeared in the mist.

Without any hesitation, Li Huan immediately took out the Divine Phoenix Sword and stepped forward.

When Ah Er came up.Li Huan was already collecting the spar.

Ah Er: ""

Li Huan: "What's wrong with me?"

Ah Er: "Why are you so fast?"

Li Huan: "Soon?"

Ah Er: ...

He hasn't reacted yet, so it's over!
Isn't that fast?
Isn't his cultivation low?

Moreover, when he found the monster, Li Huan had already raised his sword.

Ah Er: "Your spiritual sense is sharper than ordinary people?"

Li Huan nodded: "That's right!"

After all, he is a spiritual teacher, so he must be better than ordinary people.

Li Huan gave the spar to Ah Er.

Ah Er: "This is yours, put it away!"

Li Huan: "There are more in the back, you can put these two away! Thank you for speaking for me just now."

Ah Er: "Then I will accept it. In fact, they are also angry. After all, we were picked up by the eldest lady when we were desperate. In addition, she is kind and treats us well, so they are more impatient this time. .”

Li Huan: "Understood, let's go!"

Soon, they encountered several monsters, and Li Huan dealt with them in an instant.

Ah Er really admired Li Huan's perception.

Every time before he notices, Li Huan has already made a move, and the speed is extremely fast.

Ah Er: "Go back and talk to Ah Da, let him teach you the tracking technique."

Li Huan: "I can do it too?"

Ah Er: "In fact, he wanted to teach us a long time ago, but no one can learn it. You are different. Your spiritual consciousness is stronger than ordinary people, so you should be able to learn it."

Li Huan: "Thank you."

Ah Er: "You don't have to be so polite."

Li Huan didn't speak, and walked forward avoiding Ah Er's eyes.

Ah Er was looking for topics along the way, trying to get closer to Li Huan, but Li Huan was rarely silent.

(End of this chapter)

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