Chapter 947


Suddenly there was the sound of water in front, and Li Huan looked ahead vigilantly.

Ah Er: "Something came out of the water!"

The fog is so thick here that it blocks the view.

With Li Huan's consciousness, Li Huan saw a monster coming out of a spring in front of him.

That monster came out from here unexpectedly.

Li Huan quickly dragged Ah Er to find a place to hide, and then observed with his spiritual sense.

This devil's eye is actually a huge spring.

The water in the spring continuously emerges from the ground, forming a lake in the valley.

Around the lake are the stones where Li Huan is hiding now.

The monster came out of the lake and soon started walking elsewhere.

There should be a big spring in the middle of this spring, and some small springs are distributed around it.

Li Huan squatted for a while, and sure enough, as she guessed, a monster appeared from the same place again!

Although each monster is different, they all emerge from the spring!

This is a forbidden area in the Traceless Desert. Because there are many monsters and poisonous fog, few people come here.

Ah Er: "Those monsters come out of the water!"

Li Huan: "Has anyone ever gone underwater?"

Ah Er: "The spring water is extremely poisonous, how could anyone go down there! I heard that someone went down there a long time ago, but he was crazy. There is something wrong with the water. The crazy people can't see anything wrong, and they haven't been poisoned. It's not the same as fog."

Li Huan thought for a while: "Go! Go ahead and have a look."

Li Huan walked forward with Ah Er, and soon confirmed Li Huan's guess.

Monster beasts will appear in the spring water every once in a while.

This monster actually came out of the devil's eye!
All of them were dead, with dark green eyes.

Ah Er: "Let's go find Ah Da and the others!"

Li Huan: "This is a circle, we go forward, they also go forward, we will always meet."

Not long after the two left, they killed some monsters. After a while, they heard the sound of fighting in front of them.

Li Huan and Ah Er stepped forward, and indeed it was Ah Da and the others.

They were besieged by monsters!
Li Huan and Ah Er hurried forward to help.

After the battle, Ah Er told Ah Da what they had just seen.

Ah Da: "We also discovered that something is not quite right here."

Li Huan: "The person should be right below!"

A Da looked at Li Huan, indicating that he had guessed the same way.

Ah Da: "It's just that I don't know what's going on below. It's too dangerous to go down hastily."

Li Huan: "I'll go!"

After Li Huan finished speaking, he jumped straight into the spring water.

Ah Er: "Why don't you stop me!"

Ah Da: "Someone has to go down!"

"That's right, if it wasn't for her, how could the eldest miss disappear!"

"Now that I know I was wrong, what's the use!"

"Count her to be acquainted."

Ah Er: "You guys are enough! Xiao Jiu didn't do it on purpose either! In this way, he teased others along the way and didn't refute him."

Ah Da: "Don't talk about it in the future."

Although the rest of the people were a little unhappy, they didn't talk about divorce.

After all, in this kind of place, you can jump if you say jump.

After getting along for so long, they actually knew Li Huan's personality.

Seeing that Li Huan hadn't come up, he felt a little anxious again.

Ah Er: "Now I know I regret it! When people kindly gave you the pills before, you still satirized them!"

In fact, it didn't take long for them to have difficulty breathing. The fog here was much more poisonous than they imagined!
It was extremely corrosive, if Ah Da hadn't taken out the Qingxin Pill left by Li Huan, they might not have come here.

The moment Li Huan jumped into the water, he felt the difference in water temperature.

The Untraceable Desert is extremely cold, but it warms up once you enter the water.

It is indeed a hot spring, but the hot spring water contains a lot of sulfide, so Li Huan had to wrap his body with aura.

Even the use of water-repelling beads cannot completely block the water vapor here.

If you don't take precautions, the skin will be corroded over time.

Li Huan dived all the way to the depths.

Li Huan slowly approached the spring water.

Seen from above, there are large and small water columns, but diving below, there are channels, and every spring seen from above is a channel.

Large and small springs are connected with large and small passages.

The transparent passages lead to the depths invariably.

Li Huan guessed that these were the paths for those monsters to go out from here.

Li Huan went all the way to the depths, the light here was getting darker and darker, Li Huan could only use his spiritual sense.

All the way to the bottom, those passages converged into one place.

Li Huan saw a real spring behind.

It's just that the water gushing out of this spring has a trace of the breath of a monster!

It should be here!
Li Huan tried to go in, but was blocked by a transparent passage.

Li Huan cut off one of the passages with the Divine Phoenix Sword and squeezed in.

After entering, there is no water vapor in it.

Li Huan took off the aura mask, and then used the aura to dry her body.

What the hell is here.

Li Huan took an invisible pill and walked deeper.

All the passages converge here and connect to a corridor.

Not long after walking, a monster came from the front!
With green eyes, staring straight ahead, Li Huan held his breath, lowering his sense of existence.

Fighting here is not a wise choice, but fortunately the passage is wide enough, and Li Huan is close to the edge of the passage.

The monster paused for a while, then left.

Li Huan breathed a sigh of relief and continued walking forward.

Along the way, I encountered many monsters one after another.

Fortunately, Li Huan had the foresight to take the Invisibility Pill, otherwise, he would be surrounded by monsters just in the tunnel.

After Li Huan walked around for a while, he finally heard the voice in front of him.

"Why did you lie to me!"

I miss Yiyi!

Finally found!
Quicken your pace.

Li Huan walked to the end of the corridor, and here was a wide altar!

It turned out to be an altar!
This altar looked familiar.

Li Huan thought about it carefully, when Dongfang Rui was possessed by a spell, it seemed to be such an altar!

So, here is for sacrifices!

Yin Liancheng stood opposite Nian Yiyi, looking at Nian Yiyi.

Nian Yiyi was tied to a pillar in the middle of the altar.

Yin Liancheng: "Yiyi, I have no choice but to blame you for not being born in Nianjia! Otherwise, I will definitely marry you!"

Nian Yiyi: "Yin Liancheng, you approached me just to sacrifice my blood!"

Yin Liancheng: "No! No! At first I approached you because I liked you! But later I found out that you are the daughter of Nian Huaxian! Yiyi, do you know how painful it was when I knew the truth? ? It’s because I love you so much! So, I’ve been reluctant to part with you for so many years! Let you live well!”

(End of this chapter)

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