Chapter 957 Gravity Puppet
After being laughed at by Li Huan several times, Nian Wushuang finally found out that Li Huan was teasing her!


Nian Wushuang: "I want to fight you!"

Li Huan: "If you say a duel, then it's a duel! Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me!"

Nian Wushuang: "What do you want!"

Li Huan: "One hundred boxes of crystals! If one is missing, we won't come!"

Nian Wushuang: "Why don't you go grab it!"

Li Huan: "Two hundred boxes, life and death battle!"

Just as Nian Wushuang was about to refute, he suddenly froze, life and death!
Li Huan actually wanted to fight her to the death!

save her!A small spirit realm!

Nian Wushuang is in the Holy Spirit Realm!

One realm difference, that is a huge gap!

Usually small fights are not life-threatening, but now, Li Huan is talking about a life-and-death battle!
Then she can be serious and kill her openly!
And, no one can make a mistake!
After all, it was proposed by Li Huan himself.

and so……

This is in your best interest!
Two hundred boxes of crystals are a bit difficult to deal with.

Over the years, Nian Wushuang has been able to make friends here, and actually has a lot of private possessions!
Counting it down, it was almost two hundred boxes just now!
This Lihuan, isn't it a good idea!
Li Huan: "It's fine if you don't agree! Don't bother me in the future!"

Li Huan was about to leave, Nian Wushuang hurriedly stopped Li Huan: "Okay, you said it! Don't go back on your word!"

Li Huan: "Whoever repents is a puppy!"

Nian Wushuang: "Not serious! As long as you don't go back on your word! I'll go get the spar. See you on the stage of life and death in three days!"

Nian Wushuang left in a hurry, and soon after, ordered someone to bring these things over.

I was afraid that after it was too late, Li Huan would regret it.

As long as Li Huan is killed, these crystals are not his own!
If you die, it's useless to keep it!

However, it is impossible for me to lose!

Nian Wushuang is still very confident in his cultivation!

She just read it by herself, Li Huan is in the spiritual realm, a big realm lower than herself!

That's a world of difference. If you lose, you might as well die!

Li Huan collected the spar, and looked at his harvest with satisfaction.

Instead of going out to find an opportunity, why not make one yourself!
Nian Wushuang's cultivation is only a little higher than his own, and Li Huan is sure to be able to retreat completely. If he is lucky, it would be great to break through directly in the battle.

Therefore, Li Huan took the initiative to challenge.

Being able to help him advance, and getting so many free crystals, Li Huan is making a steady profit!

Nian Yiyi: "Are you looking for death!"

Li Huan: "No!"

Nian Yiyi: "No matter what she says about Nian Wushuang, she is still in the Holy Spirit Realm. You are a Spiritual Venerable, so go and fight her! It's still a life-and-death battle! It's not courting death!"

Li Huan: "Who said I would lose!"

Nian Yiyi: "Nian Wushuang is not that simple! She hides her strength! You say you! Really! Just wait a little longer, we have a way to let her go! Why are you so anxious!"

Li Huan: "Don't worry, I won't die!"

Nian Yiyi: "No! I have to give you special training! Otherwise, it will definitely not work!"

Li Huan: "What special training?"

Nian Yiyi directly dragged Li Huan to the ancestral hall of Nian's family.

Li Huan watched Nian Yiyi open the mechanism, and there was a secret passage behind the ancestral hall.

Li Huan: "Amazing!"

Nian Yiyi: "I didn't know about it until I came into contact with the blood seal! Only people from the Tianyin clan can feel what's inside."

Li Huan followed Nian Yiyi in, and then the door behind him closed automatically.

Nian Yiyi: "After three days, Nian Wushuang will definitely regret it! As long as you persevere, this will help you reborn!"

Li Huan walked to the depths of the passage, and there were rooms of various sizes, each of which was locked.

Nian Yiyi found one of them: "You go in! This is the gravity training room, I will call you in three days!"

After Li Huan entered, he almost knelt down!
The gravity is different here!
It is more than twice as big as the outside!
If you want to fight here, you have to pay more and greater fighting power than other places.

And also sharpen up.

After Li Huan entered, a puppet that was about the size of a normal person appeared in the gravity chamber.

After seeing Li Huan coming, the little puppet walked towards this side.

Li Huan quickly dodges.


The strength of the puppet was enormous, and Li Huan was terrified by this simple punch.

A seemingly simple punch is actually as powerful as Mount Tai's top!

What a powerful force!
Seeing that Li Huan dodged away, the puppet immediately caught up.

Then began the state of chasing after me.

At first, Li Huan was in a state of embarrassment, other than running away, he was in a state of being abused.

The speed of the puppet is not affected by gravity at all.

But Li Huan's movements and cultivation had to bear the attack of gravity.

Li Huan quickly adapted to the gravity here. In every battle, he needed to attack faster and more accurately than usual to gain a chance to breathe, otherwise the puppet's attack would hit him without hesitation.

That taste...

Fighting here, the aura is consumed very quickly.

Every time as long as Li Huan's aura is exhausted.

Li Huan immediately took out the Lingshi to supplement it.

While running, replenish aura.

After a period of time, not only did Li Huan's strength increase, but his running speed also became faster!
Li Huan was pleasantly surprised to find that cultivating here will solidify her foundation!
I was promoted too quickly before, and I needed to strengthen my cultivation every time, otherwise it would be easy to leave sequelae.

But here, that doesn't happen.

Li Huan soon found out the doll's attack pattern.

This doll is a powerful combat machine.

Flexibility is actually lacking.

But because it is not affected by gravity, it looks much happier than Li.

But after Li Huan's speed caught up, the doll's shortcomings were exposed!
A day later, Li Huan successfully defeated the puppet.

The doll, which fell motionless on the ground, quickly disappeared.

Then Li Huan saw a new doll appear on the wall again.

This puppet is smaller than the previous one, but faster!
Li Huan was the first to meet him, but he couldn't dodge in time, and was slapped in the face!

The doll hit Li Huan's nose.

Two lines of nosebleeds flowed out of Li Huan's nose in an instant.

Li Huan: "You don't slap people in the face when you hit someone! I'll fight back if you do this!"

The puppet didn't answer, it just stepped forward and punched it!
Li Huan: "Come again! You're welcome!"

Li Huan used the Broken Cloud Step and ran away quickly.

The puppet reacts quickly and keeps up quickly.

Li Huan was caught up and was punched again.

"It hurts my master to death!"

Li Huan fell to the ground, grinning in pain.

But how could that puppet let her go.

After being punched countless times, Li Huan managed to swell her face into a fat man!
Li Huan: "Enough mud!"

(End of this chapter)

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