Chapter 958
If the tiger doesn't show its power, it will treat me as a sick cat!

This puppet has no consciousness and cannot use mind power.

Therefore, Li Huan can only rely on his own strength to solve this problem.

Relying on his speed and strength, Li Huan began to look for the doll's weakness.

This puppet has no consciousness, so even though its body is harder than Li Huan's, its flexibility is far behind Li Huan's!
Li Huan adopted a roundabout tactic, dodging, dodging, and attacking.

Run away every time you can't fight, and when the doll catches up, Li Huan immediately attacks.

After a few times, Li Huan found the doll's weakness.

As long as the weak point is found, the effect of the attack will be multiplied.

Soon, Li Huan defeated the puppet.

After the dolls fell, new ones soon appeared.

This time, the puppet's attack technique was different from before.

Li Huan found that each of the dolls that appeared here had different attack methods.

After defeating several dolls in a row, Li Huan summed up a set of rules.

These puppets are all programmed by someone to be good at a certain kind of exercise, and can perform this exercise to the extreme.

Through attack training with these dolls, Li Huan has seen various attacking moves.

Every time she fails, Li Huan will learn a lesson and make her reaction faster.

Over time, every time a new doll comes out, Li Huan can quickly find out the pattern.

Over time, the dolls that appeared became more and more powerful.

After Li Huan defeated a hundred puppets, the door of the gravity room opened!
Li Huan looked at the time, only two days had passed, and one more day.

Li Huan didn't see Nian Yiyi, so she must have never thought that she would come out early.

Nian Yiyi said that she would be picked up in three days, and one more day.

This gravity room is one of them, and it should be distributed according to levels.

Li Huan is in the spiritual realm, so what he entered before was to prepare the training room for the spiritual realm.

Li Huan looked at the rest of the gravity room.

Pushed away the training room of Holy Spirit Realm.

The moment he entered, Li Huan was bent over by the pressure inside.

If it weren't for her barely supporting herself, she might have knelt down after meeting each other.

so close.

After Li Huan came in, the door closed.

Li Huan hadn't adjusted his gravity adaptation before the puppet appeared!
The dolls in this training room are of a higher level.

Just a face to face, Li Huan was beaten to the ground...

Li Huan wiped the blood on his nose and quickly got up.

The puppet moves quickly.

Li Huan can only run.

After running more than a dozen laps, I got used to the gravity here.

Training here is equivalent to fighting with a mountain on your back.

The degree of difficulty is self-evident.

After Li Huan got used to it, she began to look for the doll's weaknesses.

Unfortunately, this is a training mode for the Holy Spirit Realm.

In the beginning, Li Huan was in a state of being hanged and beaten.

Li Huan could feel that his realm had been strengthened a lot.

Just a little bit to be promoted.

But cannot be promoted here.

If you are promoted here, you will be beaten to death by a doll before you complete the promotion.

Because this is not a living thing, maybe even the rules of heaven can't stop it.

If the promotion process is interrupted suddenly, at least one will go mad, and at worst, one's life will be in danger.

The puppet has been attacking Li Huan, and Li Huan found out that there is indeed a big gap between the cultivation level of the Spirit Saint Realm and the Spirit Venerable Realm.

It is not easy to defeat this puppet.

"Vajra Bodyguard!"

Li Huan covered her entire body, and then attacked in close quarters.

"Silver Frost Attack!"

Together, the short arrows hit the puppet's eyes.

Unfortunately, the puppet didn't feel pain, it just shook its head and continued to attack Li Huan.

Li Huan ran desperately, the speed of the puppet was extremely fast, this is a puppet that is good at speed.

Every time Li Huan ran, he would catch up with him.

Therefore, the consequence is to be beaten violently.

Li Huan lay on the ground and pretended to be dead, but unfortunately the puppet didn't let her go.

He picked it up and punched Li Huan in the stomach.

Li Huan's body arched like a cooked shrimp.

Li Huan: "It hurts me to death! Poke your eyes blind!"

Li Huan gathered the aura into his hands, turned them into short arrows, and aimed at the doll's eyes.

But just when Li Huan was about to succeed, the puppet immediately grabbed Li Huan's hand and let it go!


The kind where Li Huan falls on the floor and lands on her face!

Li Huan: Disfigured!

The floor is too hard, and due to gravity, it fell down, like a mountain, falling from the sky!

The impact can be seen!
Li Huan covered his face, wanting to stand up to take revenge, but in the end, he found that his feet were grabbed by the puppet!


The puppet grabbed Li Huan and waved her whole body in the air, as if waving a victory flag.

Li Huan: ...what night is this evening? ? ?

Li Huan was dizzy all over.

Finally, the puppet loosened its hand.

Li Huan flew straight forward out of habit!

Li Huan: I'm going to die here!

It can't go on like this, Li Huan hasten to get up, in this way, he will be beaten to death!

From the beginning, I couldn't give myself hints, thinking that the spiritual realm could not be beaten.

From the beginning of cultivation, Li Huan has always been an invincible existence at the same level!

Li Huan encouraged herself.

Use all the exercises you have practiced.

"Li Fire Palm!"

"Four Seasons Swordsmanship!"

"Silver Frost Attack!"

"Vajra Bodyguard!"

"Tarzan is on top!"

Li Huan directly threw out a huge medicine cauldron, which was her Qinglong medicine cauldron!

The puppet was hit by Li Huan's last move, and the Qinglong Medicine Cauldron was directly crushed so tightly that it couldn't move.

Finally won, you can take a rest.

But there is indeed a more powerful doll waiting for Li Huan!

Li Huan quickly put away the Qinglong medicine cauldron.

All kinds of elixirs that heal wounds and restore aura can be eaten as jelly beans.

As before, every time one is defeated, the next one will appear stronger than the previous one.

Li Huan didn't dare to underestimate him. With previous experience, this time he coped much better than before, not as embarrassing as before.

But it is still very difficult.

These dolls cannot be assisted by thoughts, Li Huan can only rely on his own cultivation and skills to fight.

However, in this way, the speed of exercise is faster.

Looking at the golden mantra in his hand, Li Huan suddenly had a flash of inspiration!
"Unlucky spell!"

This is the name Li Huan gave her spell.

After the puppet was hit by Li Huan, it didn't respond at first, but soon, various problems appeared.

For example, when he was attacking Li Huan, he suddenly fell down.

For example, when he happened to catch Li Huan, he was punched by Li Huan and turned around a few times.

However, before Li Huan was happy for a while, he discovered that the effect of the spell was far worse after it surpassed the level.

In just a few minutes, the spell on the doll was invalidated.

(End of this chapter)

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