Chapter 959
Li Huan could only cast the spell again, and soon the puppet was defeated by Li Huan!

A master's move, just a short flaw, can be fatal!
Li Huan tasted the sweetness, and when the new doll appeared, Li Huan still won the victory easily with the spell.


After using it three times, the bad luck spell will be invalid!

Li Huan looked at his hand, the golden rune of the spell was still there, but it had no effect at all!
So within a period of time, it can only be used three times!

Leapfrog battles have limited effects and can only last for a short time.

Moreover, the flexibility of human beings is much higher than that of puppets, and they can be sure at one time.

The second time can make people alert.

For the third time, there was almost no chance to use it.

Of course, Li Huan is still sure to meet some stupid people. During the limitation period, use it three times.

Without the assistance of the unlucky spell, Li Huan once again fell into a stage where she could only rely on herself!

Being blackened and swollen by strength is also a skill!
Li Huan just cycled through the training of being beaten and escaping.

It wasn't until Nian Yiyi came in to look for Li Huan that she was rescued.

Nian Yiyi: "Hahaha... pig head!"

Li Huan: "End of friends!"

Nian Yiyi hurriedly took Li Huan back to apply the medicine.

Nian Yiyi: "This is my mother's treasure! Just rub it and it will take effect, look! Is it cured!"

Nian Yiyi's ointment was smeared on her body, Li Huan looked at it, and it really disappeared!
All the bruises from previous beatings have disappeared.

Li Huan: "Amazing!"

Nian Yiyi: "This is the medicine made by your grandfather! I stole it! How can you thank me!"

Li Huan took the ointment, which was actually made by my grandfather!
Nian Yiyi: "My mother's warehouse has a lot of things left by my father. These medicines were also left over at that time. It has been many years, and the properties of the medicine are getting better and better! Your grandfather is really amazing!"

Li Huan: "That's right! I have completely inherited my grandfather's excellent genes!"

"Ouch! Shameless!"

Li Huan: "It's fine if you don't believe me! The medicine is given to me! Take me to see the warehouse some other day."

Nian Yiyi looked at Li Huan's drooling face, and refused without hesitation!

Nian Yiyi: "If you don't leave, you will be late!"

Li Huan: "Take me to see it!"

Nian Yiyi: "No!"

Li Huan: "Just take a look!"

Nian Yiyi: "I don't believe it!"

Li Huan: "Don't be stingy! Anyway, I've been with you for so long, I can't even look at it!"

Nian Yiyi: "If I can win today, I'll let you take a look."

Li Huan: "Then what if we lose?"

Nian Yiyi rolled her eyes at Li Huan: "Then you're dead!"

Li Huan: seems to be the same.

Li Huan wanted to refute, but Nian Yiyi seemed to be right.

The two talked and laughed, and went to the arena in Wuchuang City.

Nian Wushuang has been waiting here for a long time.

The arena was already full of people.

When Li Huan came, he saw the melon seeds eater standing aside from a group of people who were watching the fun, more clearly than ever.

It seems that because of what happened last time, the melon-eaters and the onlookers have parted ways, dislike each other, and have no contact with each other.

When Nian Wushuang saw Li Huan, his eyes shone with confidence that he would win.

Nian Wushuang: "I thought a certain turtle was afraid to come!"

Li Huan didn't say a word, and stepped onto the ring. Because it was only a life-and-death battle, both parties signed a contract.

People who eat melons: "This third lady, who usually looks so cute and pitiful, how could she fight to the death?"

The crowd of onlookers: "Cut! What kind of old calendar is that, and I even brought it out!"

People who eat melons: "What are you talking about! Are you deliberately provoking trouble!"

Onlookers: "It's because your news is lagging behind, so no one is allowed to say it!"

People who eat melons: "Who are you talking about!"

Onlookers: "I didn't say who!"

People who eat melons: "Say who!"

Onlookers: "What are you staring at us for!"

People eating melons: "What are you staring at us for!"

Onlookers: "What are you looking at!"

People who eat melons: "What are you looking at!"

Onlookers: "Several meanings!"


The people who eat melons threw the melon seeds in their hands, and directly met them!
In the arena, before Li Huan and Nian Wushuang started fighting, the audience was in chaos!
Li Huan: "Are you still fighting?"

Nian Wushuang didn't say anything, and directly used the coercion of the Holy Spirit Realm, trying to give Li Huan a blow!

In the end, her coercion was of no use to Li Huan!
Nian Wushuang looked at Li Huan in disbelief.

what happened!

The Holy Spirit Realm, isn't it a proper blow to the Spirit Exalted Realm!
Why didn't the little slave on the other side react at all!

Nian Wushuang increased the coercion of the spiritual realm, but Li Huan still stood opposite, not moving at all.

Not even an eyelid twitched.

Li Huan: "What? It's useless, isn't it?"

Nian Wushuang: "What is there to be proud of if it is supported by a spiritual weapon!"

How could Nian Wushuang admit that he was no match for Li Huan!

She is a spiritual realm!

If it was Li Huan before, she definitely wouldn't be able to bear this kind of coercion!

But Li Huan was abused for three days and three nights in the gravity training room!
Gravity in the Gravity Chamber, plus mindless puppet attacks.

Nian Nian Wushuang's coercion is not enough in front of Li Huan!
The people under the arena are still in the melee!
After Nian Wushuang tried to disown Li Huan but failed, she became angry and started fighting directly!

The moment Nian Wushuang came into contact with Li Huan, he was dodged sideways by Li Huan!
Then, Nian Wushuang couldn't stop the car and flew directly off the ring!
The arena, which was noisy just now, suddenly became quiet!

Needle drop can be heard!

Only Nian Wushuang's wailing sound!

Li Huan stood on the edge of the ring and looked at Nian Wushuang who fell, and said expressionlessly: "You lost!"

Nian Wushuang couldn't believe it.

Nian Wushuang: "I was not careful just now! This time it doesn't count!"

What a joke!
In the battle of life and death, one face-to-face will lose!


Nian Wushuang only remembered being touched by Li Huan's hand before flying down!
She must have used some shady means!

Must be!
The melon-eaters and onlookers came back to their senses, and the battle was over!

They haven't seen it yet!
Onlookers: "It's all you!"

People who eat melons: "Everything is us! Obviously you have also done it!"

Onlookers: "The Uncrowned City hasn't had a life-and-death battle in 100 years! If you miss it, you will pay!"

Melon eaters: "Hmph! You are the ones who want to accompany our melon seeds!"

The onlookers and the melon eaters started a new round of quarrels!

Nian Wushuang stepped onto the ring again with a sly expression.

Nian Wushuang: "It doesn't count just now! It hasn't started yet!"

Li Huan: "Alright! Let's start!"

Li Huan directly said the beginning, and Nian Wushuang was overwhelmed by Li Huan's calm aura!

Where did she get her confidence?
(End of this chapter)

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