Chapter 962 Taojing City

Originally, I wanted to find someone familiar with the situation to take me here for a while, so as to get rid of Yin Liancheng's pursuit.

He thought that he was very lucky and met a king, but in the end, this person was still a novice.

I was so unlucky that I didn't read the almanac when I went out!
Baozilian didn't know what was going on, so he followed Li Huan and left.

Wherever Li Huan went, he followed.

Li Huan: "Can you stop following me!"

Baozilian: "I can't! Brother, we are both degenerates in the world, why should we have known each other before?"

Li Huan: ...Who wants to have a poem with you!
The key is that this bun face, for some reason, is so fast, Li Huan can't get rid of him at all!
In the end, Li Huan compromised: "Okay! Ten crystals a day, travel expenses for training!"

According to Li Huan's experience, the spars here are extremely precious, especially in this small city.

Therefore, Li Huan wanted to scare off this bun face.

In the end, Baozi took out a box of crystal stones with a surprised face, and handed it to Li Huan: "This is a year's fee! If it exceeds the time limit, it will be added!"

Li Huan: ...

The stupid son of the landlord's family?
Li Huan couldn't help thinking of Dongfang Rui, wondering how he was doing in the Wu Clan, and whether he had fought with Wu Xuanyu.

Two little devils!
At this moment, the witches of the Demon Realm.

There are two people sitting side by side on the roof. Looking closely, they seem to be in a good relationship, like a pair of young lovers. On the roof, the stars do not look at the moon, but...

After the camera zoomed in, I saw the two clasped their hands together.

There is nothing they can do about each other.

Wu Xuanyu: "Dongfang Rui! You are shameless! This is mine!"

Dongfang Rui: "If you say it's yours, it's yours! I still say it's mine!"

Wu Xuanyu: "This is what the boss left for me!"

Dongfang Rui: "Heh! Your so-called big brother is my daughter-in-law personally! Let me tell you, my young master, I am married for the rest of my life!"

Wu Xuanyu: "Shameless! My big brother won't like you! What she likes is Yun Ling! Oh ~ let me tell you, that Yun Ling is much more beautiful than you!"

Wu Xuanyu's words were like stabbing a hornet's nest.

In an instant, Dongfang Rui was blown up!

"Looking for death! The Witch King is calling!"

Wu Xuanyu: "You! You have even learned this trick! My God! Grandpa, help me!!!"

Wu Xuanyu ran faster than anyone else.

Dongfang Rui caught up in an instant, grabbed Wu Xuanyu and beat him up!
Wu Xuanyu kept wailing: "Help! Help, boss!"

Baozilian: "How is it? Brother, can you accept me?"

Li Huan thought for a while, then nodded, who would think that money is too little?
What's more, this is a spar that can be exchanged for top-grade spirit stones!

Therefore, Li Huan agreed without hesitation, and her attitude of disgust was completely different from before.

Li Huan: "Tell me! What's going on here!"

Baozilian: "This is the lonely city."

Li Huan: "Pick the important points!"

Baozilian: "Oh, so let's go to the deserted field now?"

Li Huan: ...

Baozilian: "How is it?"

Li Huan: "Let's start from the beginning!"

Baozilian: "Oh, well, Desolate City, originally it wasn't called Desolate City, it was called Taojing City.

Because there are spar mines here!

You see, these houses were all built at that time. When the ore here was just discovered, it was a lively scene!

Every major city, no matter how big or small, brought people to work hard to find spar.

Some families became rich overnight just because of this!
Of course, there are also some unlucky ones, who are not strong enough, and the crystals dug out cannot be held, and they are washed by blood.

Tsk tsk, cruel!Pitiful! "

Li Huan: "Since you've come here, you should understand that the principle of innocence and guilt is not something you can possess, so don't fantasize about it."

Baozilian: "Brother! Profound! Sure enough, I saw the right person!"

Li Huan: "Don't flatter! Keep talking!"

Baozilian: "Okay, brother has spoken, so of course I know everything I can say!"

Li Huan: ...

Baozilian: "People who are drifting in the rivers and lakes naturally have a sweeter mouth. My mother said it! I didn't mean to be long-winded!"

Li Huan: "Then you should hurry up and say it!"

Baozilian: "Back then, there were a lot of people who got rich! In detail, it's the history of the rise and fall of many families! Do you want to start and talk about the history of the rise and fall of the great families in this traceless desert?"

Li Huan: ...

When Baozi saw Li Huan's expression, something was wrong, so he stopped suddenly.

Baozilian: "Tell me, I started from the beginning! I'm not afraid of missing important information."

Li Huan: "Say!"

Li Huan suddenly roared, Baozi looked at Li Huan with an aggrieved face, and said pitifully, "Later, the crystals were dug up, and then the people gradually disappeared, and this place became an abandoned city. So, it was renamed Desolate City, but a few years ago, I heard that someone dug up a big treasure in it, so the number of people has gradually increased over the years!"

Li Huan: "Why did you come here?"

Baozilian: "Me? I'm not like you, I escaped from marriage!"

Li Huan looked at Baozi's face with disdain.

With a medium to fat body, about the same height as himself, and a rich and chubby face, how ugly is the other party to make him escape marriage?

Baozilian: "Don't believe me! I really escaped from marriage! I'm a baby! I don't want to get married so early!"

Li Huan: "Ugh!"

Baozilian: "Brother, I treated you with all my heart! How could you treat me like this!"

Li Huan: "Please shut up!"

Baozilian: "You are all the same, you just know that by looking at my appearance, my heart is the kind of truth, kindness and beauty! Pure and beautiful, no one can compare!"

Li Huan: "Ugh!"

Baozilian: "I'm serious!"

Li Huan: "Okay, I see, true, good and beautiful, let's go to the mine to see?"

Baozilian: "Okay! Let's go! The life of getting rich has begun! Just wait! I will definitely open your eyes!"

Baozilian cheered himself up, and then followed behind Li Huan in a desperate manner.

Li Huan: "I said, true, good and beautiful, what's your real name?"

Baozilian faltered and hawed, left and right, but refused to say his name.

Li Huan thought it was inconvenient to say it, after all, Li Huan was also a pseudonym used outside.

Li Huan: "It's okay, you can hang out with me from now on."

Baozilian: "Okay! Big brother!"

With Baozilian leading the way, Li Huan quickly found the abandoned mine in Desolate City.

Li Huan was shocked by the scene in front of her!

Densely packed potholes, distributed in the desert plain, thousands of potholes, tell Li Huan that Baozi's face is not lying!
Back then, the general prosperity could indeed be seen here.

But right now, the vast desert plain is barren, with only a few rare people coming in and out here.

Most of them looked disappointed.

Baozilian: "It has been mined here for thousands of years, and all good things have been dug up, and there are almost no valuable things to be found!"

Li Huan: "Then you're still here?"

(End of this chapter)

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