Chapter 963

Baozilian: "This isn't the world's home. Wherever you go, where is it! This is called wandering around the world!"

Li Huan: "You think you are a dandelion seed!"

Baozilian: "What is a dandelion? Is it delicious?"

Li Huan: "It's delicious! I'll treat you next time!"

Baozi looked at Li Huan expectantly: "Okay! I love food and travel the most in my life! As the saying goes, one of the body and the soul must be on the road!"

Li Huan took a look at his chubby face and belly: "You can see it! My dear practice is very good!"

Baozilian: "Congratulations, congratulations! By the way, I haven't asked your name yet!"

Li Huan: "Naturally beautiful!"

Baozi's face suddenly frowned: "Surname Tian?"

Li Huan: "You can be called Truth, Goodness and Beauty, but I can't be called Natural Beauty?"

Baozilian suddenly realized: "Oh... I thought..."

Li Huan: "Why?"

Baozilian: "The surname Tian is not random."

Li Huan: "Why?"

With a vigilant face, Baozi stretched out a finger and pointed to the sky.

Then he immediately shut his mouth nervously, signaling that he could not speak.

Li Huan saw that he was mysterious, so he didn't ask any more questions. After surveying the terrain, he started to go down the mine.

Li Huan: "Let's go!"

Li Huan jumped straight into one of the potholes and fell freely.

Baozilian: "Big brother! Big brother! Slow down! I'm afraid of heights!"

But Li Huan was no longer visible under the pothole, and Li Huan didn't answer either.

Baozilian hesitated for a moment, but jumped down anyway.

After Li Huan landed, he immediately took out a luminous pearl, which illuminated the entire pothole.

There are two forked roads at the entrance of Li Huan's cave. Li Huan is investigating to see which road is smoother.

Suddenly there was a sound of "Boom!", and there was a layer of dust in the pit.

Li Huan: "Can't you take it easy?"

Baozilian: "Brother, you agreed to take me! Will you leave me alone after taking the spar?"

Li Huan: "Let's go, follow!"

Baozilian quickly got up and followed Li Huan, and the two walked into the deep pit.

Li Huan: "Are there any special monsters here?"

Baozilian: "I don't know."

Li Huan: "Then what are the monsters that usually haunt here?"

Baozilian: "I don't know."

Li Huan: "Didn't you come here after making a strategy?"

Baozilian: "I always listen to what other people say."

Li Huan: "That's also called a strategy?"

Baozilian: "At least you know more than you!"

Li Huan looked at Baozi's face speechlessly, this guy actually escaped marriage and wandered around the world?

Li Huan: "How long have you been running away from marriage?"

Baozilian: "Not too long!"

Li Huan: "How many days?"

Baozilian: "You just look down on people like that!"

Li Huan: "How long?"

Baozilian: "Brother! Do you know divination?"

Li Huan knew it, this guy must have just come out when he arrived in Desolate City!

Baozilian: "I stole a teleportation stone from home just after I left the house and was teleported here! Let me tell you, the spar just now was the only possession I brought out! Brother, you took the money, but You can't leave me behind! The little brother's worth and life are in your hands!"

Li Huan: ...

The deeper you go, the more humid it gets.

Li Huan released the little milk cat.

Little milk cat: "Pay me for the glutinous rice balls!"

Li Huan: "It's done!"

Little milk cat: "Pay me for the glutinous rice balls!"

Li Huan: "Go to the front and see if there are any good things!"

Little milk cat: "Pay me for the glutinous rice balls!"

Li Huan: "If you do something serious, I will pay you back later!"

Little milk cat: "Five!"

Baozilian suddenly appeared from behind Li Huan: "God! Brother! This... this monster can talk!"

Little milk cat: "You brought some messy people again!"

Baozilian: "Brother, I didn't prostitute for nothing! I paid for the spar!"

Little milk cat: "You're the only one who looks like this! And you said you weren't whoring for nothing!"

Baozilian: "You can't say that. Paying money with one hand and doing things with one hand has nothing to do with your appearance! By the way, what kind of breed are you? You can still talk, big brother, where did you get this thing? I'll get one too Raise! This breed is very expensive at first glance!"

Li Huan: "I picked it up on the side of the road!"

Baozilian: "Which way?"

Li Huan: "Tianyuan Continent!"

Baozilian: "Where is the Tianyuan Continent? I know the Wuji Continent, the Illusory Sea Continent, and the Tianmo Continent, but I have never heard of the Tianyuan Continent."

Li Huan suddenly grabbed Bao Zilian's arm: "Do you know the Wuji Continent?"

Baozilian: "I know!"

Li Huan: "How to get there!"

Baozilian: "That's a bit far away! Brother, it's better for us to wander around the world first!"

Li Huan: "Say!"

Li Huan suddenly drew his sword and faced Baozi with a serious expression.

Just kidding, Li Huan still doesn't know how to go back. After finally meeting someone who heard about the Wuji Continent, how could it make people laugh and fool him.

Baozilian: "Don't! Don't! Put down your weapon! I say! I say!"

Li Huan put away the Divine Phoenix Sword and looked at Baozi's face: "If you lie, I will cut off your tongue!"

Baozilian suddenly covered his mouth and shook his head vigorously.

Baozilian: "This is the Wuji Desert, about two thousand miles away from the Wuji Continent!"

Li Huan: "Get to the point!"

Baozilian: "Okay! Actually, the easiest way is to break the continental barrier. It only takes a few seconds."

Li Huan: "Then how to break the continental barrier?"

Baozilian: "God Transformation Realm!"

Li Huan: ...

Li Huan hasn't even reached the Holy Spirit Realm yet!

Holy Spirit, Spirit God, Transcending Tribulation, False God, Transforming God!

Li Huan put away the Divine Phoenix Sword, damn Elder Lin!
At the same time, Li Huan was also very puzzled. Elder Lin looked like an ordinary pharmacist, but he had already transformed into a god.

Then his purpose of doing this is really just to improve his cultivation?
Li Huan always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell why.

I don't know when the previous memories will be restored.

It's really not good to feel that you don't know much about a lot of things.

Baozilian: "Let me just say it! Don't say you are not happy, but you are even more unhappy, and even pointed a sword at me. My young heart is very hurt! You have to make it up to me!"

Li Huan: "What do you want!"

Steamed Bun's face immediately became energetic: "What kind of glutinous rice balls did it say just now!"

The little milk cat looked at Baozi's face warily: "That's mine!"

Li Huan: "After the end, ten each!"

The little milk cat immediately cheered up!

Baozilian: "Okay! The young mind is instantly restored!"

Li Huan: ...I really deserve a beating!

Baozilian: "Brother, I'm actually very contented. I usually don't eat much for a meal. Look at that box of crystals. There are so many. It's not a loss to keep me for a year!"

Li Huan: "That's just the fee for you to follow me! Meals are not included!"

Baozilian: "Don't! That's all my belongings!"

(End of this chapter)

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