Chapter 964 Code
Li Huan ignored Baozi's face and walked deeper.

Baozilian kept crying beside Li Huan.

Li Huan: "Why do you want to escape marriage if you are poor? Isn't it just right to go back and get married?"

Baozilian: "No, I'm still a baby!"

Li Huan: ... whose daughter is really unlucky for eight lifetimes, betrothed to such a person!

Baozi's face kept piling up all the way, and Li Huan had no time to pay attention to him.

Walking inside, gradually you can see some people.

These people all came in to search for spar like Li Huan and the others.

Li Huan's spiritual sense sensed that there were not many people here, but they were still few.

Walking to the place where the inside gradually opened up, the inside turned out to be bright.

Li Huan put away Ye Mingzhu.

The depths of this mine turned out to be crystals!

Such beautiful blue crystals are inlaid one by one on the inner wall of the cave.

The big one was as tall as a person, emitting a deep light in this deep mine.

Baozilian: "Here it is! This kind of place with crystals has a much higher chance of producing spars. We were lucky, and we were able to find this kind of place for the first time."

Li Huan: "What is the relationship between spar and crystal?"

Baozilian: "Brother! Where did you come from! You don't even know this bit of common sense!"

Li Huan: "You must know?"

Baozilian: "That's not true, crystals are companions of spars, so, where there are many crystals, spars can generally be dug out, but after so many years of mining, the number of spars is extremely rare, and it is almost difficult to mine them. Let’s find the crystals again, although these crystals are beautiful, they are useless to look good!”

Li Huan didn't start looking for it right away, but observed from the sidelines.

Li Huan saw a middle-aged aunt calculating something, and Li Huan walked over and asked, "Sister, what are you doing?"

When the middle-aged aunt heard someone calling her sister, she looked up and saw that he was still such a handsome brother, so her attitude was naturally not bad.

Middle-aged aunt: "This is a calculation formula. As long as the orientation is calculated according to this formula, the chance of finding the spar will be much higher."

Passerby A: "Aunt Li, your bullshit formula is useless at all, it's a fool!"

Passer-by B: "That's right! Your man has been digging crystals all his life, but he didn't get rich, so he died in the mine!"

Passerby C: "Brother, if you want to dig crystals, you should look for places with a lot of crystals. Don't believe her way of fooling people!"

Aunt Li: "I'm not talking nonsense! My man said it! This is a formula that Da Neng gave him at the beginning. As long as you follow this formula, you can dig out crystals. This formula is useless!"

Li Huan took a closer look at the formula, and it turned out to be a code similar to programming.

Although Li Huan hasn't had much contact with it, he can still understand a few codes.

Li Huan took a look and found that Aunt Li made one or two mistakes every time.

Also, it is impossible for people like them who have not accepted modern thinking to understand this kind of thing.

Li Huan: "Can I ask you, who gave this to your husband?"

Aunt Li: "Who? Oh, I can't remember it for a while. I'll tell you when I do!"

"Mom! Why are you still dawdling!"

A young man came and walked to Aunt Li's side.

Aunt Li smiled at Li Huan: "This is my son, his father left early, and our mother and I depend on each other for our lives, mining here for a living."

Li Dazhu: "Brother, I'm sorry, my mother, these years because of my father's death, I have been in a trance. There is such a mess on the ground. Don't believe it, it's a waste of time! No one has ever dug it out."

Li Huan smiled: "It's nothing, I'm just looking at it casually, this formula is quite special!"

As soon as Aunt Li heard that Li Huan was interested, she immediately walked to Li Huan's side: "Brother, it's you who knows the goods! They don't understand, so I'll write it for you! My man has written a lot. I followed him all those years, and I can't read it." few."

Li Dazhu: "Sorry for delaying you!"

Li Dazhu said that he was going to take Aunt Li away.

Li Huan: "It's okay, you go ahead! I'll talk to this sister."

Li Dazhu had a choice of speechless divorce, forget it, he had already been reminded that it was his business to waste time.

Li Dazhu could only leave first.

The remaining miners like them lived by digging spars. If they couldn't dig a single stone for several days, they would starve.

Therefore, Li Dazhu didn't want to waste time and went back to the original place.

Li Huan: "Sister, keep talking, I'm listening! I think this formula is very good."

Li Huan has a sweet mouth and is willing to hear Aunt Li talk about her baby formula.

Aunt Li is naturally very happy. No one has paid attention to her these years.

She said in her heart that she would not be disappointed, that was impossible.

Back then, she had personally told about that power!
But he is an extraordinary person, and he dug out half of the mineral's spar by himself.

Before leaving, he also said that if someone wants to know this formula, there is no need to keep it secret.

Aunt Li's husband-in-law also followed Da Neng's advice, but he could only dig out some crystals with a little formula at the beginning, but it never came true again.

The rest of the people, from the original jealousy, turned into ridicule.

This formula has been made public by Aunt Li all these years, but no one asks about it, and no one cares about it.

At first Li Dazhu also had hope, but after a long time, he couldn't dig out anything, and wasted time in vain.

It is really hard to believe that this kind of symbol-like thing can dig out crystals.

Li Dazhu also abandoned this thing.

Li Huan thought about it, the one who was able to calculate this at the beginning must have a method of calculation and advancement, but Aunt Li's husband did not have such convenient common sense, and even remembered the first few wrongly.

For something like code, if you make a mistake, the result will be completely different.

Therefore, they have dug in the wrong place for so many years.

Aunt Li wrote on the ground, and Li Huan looked at it all the way, it was indeed a code.

Li Huan modified a few bugs, and then calculated according to the general direction provided by Aunt Li.

After Li Huan got the result, he walked to a place according to his own result.

Li Huan took out a small medicine hoe and started digging.

Baozi came back after wandering around, and saw that Li Huan had already started, but this place, why...

Baozilian: "Brother, it's not good for you to dig where other people pass by!"

Li Huan didn't answer, but continued to dig deep.

Aunt Li finished writing all the formulas, and found that Li Huan had changed a few. Aunt Li always felt that the places Li Huan changed looked familiar, but she couldn't remember why.

Aunt Li fell into deep thought.

Some people secretly watched Li Huan's actions.

Passerby A: "That kid is not really stupid enough to dig according to the formula?"

Passer-by B: "Who can understand those things that look like ghost symbols! It's Li Dazhu's father who couldn't dig out the spar to fool Aunt Li!"

(End of this chapter)

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