Chapter 965

Passerby C: "They are all poor people, don't talk about it, dig your own!"

However, some people still want to see if this kid can dig something out.

Li Huan ignored the rest of the people, Baozi saw that Li Huan ignored him, and didn't bother himself, standing aside and watching.

After digging for a while, Li Huan finally saw a spar!
Just lie on the ground.

Baozilian rushed over, and immediately picked out the spar from the hole dug by Li Huan: "There really are! Big brother! It's amazing!"

The rest of the people also looked over when they heard Baozi's face roar.

Passerby B: "It's really useful!"

Passerby A: "Try your luck! After all, there are roads, and there are few people digging."

Passerby C: "That makes sense!"

But I can't hold back my curiosity.

It's not that no one has tried it before, but they were all disappointed.

This time, it was so lucky that it was dug up as soon as it was dug.

Seeing Baozi's face, Li Huan quietly put the spar into his pocket.

In an instant, a hoe was thrown over.

Baozilian: "Murder!"

Li Huan: "Shut up! Bring it!"

Baozi's face was reluctant to part, but in the end he succumbed to Li Huan's stare.

With a look of reluctance on his face, Baozi gave the spar to Li Huan.

Passers-by have been staring at this movement, seeing the spar in Li Huan's hand, it is impossible not to be jealous!

They dig here all the year round, and sometimes they can dig out one that hasn't been seen for many days!

This kid just came here, so he opportunistically dug up one!
It's only been half an hour, the first time digging!

While digging, they quietly watched Li Huan's movements.

Li Huan walked back, looked at the formula on the ground again, and changed the place.

Li Huan didn't find it this time.

Passerby A: "Just say it's just luck!"

Passer-by B: "That's right! It's just speculation! That formula is useless at all! Otherwise, Li Dazhu and his mother would have developed a long time ago, and they are still suffering here."

Passerby C: "Okay, leave it alone!"

This time, Li Huan calculated it according to Aunt Li's original formula, which she had not changed.

So, there is nothing here.

Aunt Li must have misremembered the formula and there is a deviation.

Li Huan memorized all the formulas in his mind, and recalculated the correct formula in his mind.

This time Li Huan changed to another place.

Not long after Li Huan dug, he felt that there was something underneath, not just one.

Li Huan smiled, and put away the spar.

Li Huan took the spar and handed it to Aunt Li: "This is yours!"

Aunt Li was writing formulas before, and had no idea of ​​leaving.

Now Li Huan suddenly gave her a few crystals. You must know that crystals are precious, even crystal mines are rare!
Aunt Li: "You dug this out, or you should put it away yourself."

Li Huan: "I dug this out according to your formula, you take it! Treat it as paying tuition!"

Aunt Li: "What! You said that formula! It really works!"

Aunt Li looked at Li Huan in surprise.

Those people before didn't pay attention to Li Huan after Li Huan didn't dig out anything for the second time!

So I don't know that there are crystals in the place where Li Huan dug for the third time.

When Aunt Li's voice went down, everyone looked over.

Li Huan is well aware of the greediness of human nature, so he just said, "No, I can talk to my sister, it's rare to see such an interesting thing, this is a thank you gift."

Aunt Li: "No, no, it's not mine, I don't want it."

Li Huan walked to Li Dazhu's side and gave the spar to Li Dazhu: "Take it!"

Li Dazhu didn't want to accept it at first, but Li Huan's words dispelled his doubts.

Li Huan: "Your mother's illness requires long-term recuperation."

Li Huan could see that Aunt Li was indeed abnormal, but it was abnormal because of her husband's sudden death.

Therefore, he became a little dazed. This kind of heart disease, in fact, as long as it is well maintained, there will be no major problems, but Li Dazhu does not have such conditions.

I can only bring Aunt Li with me when I go to the mine.

Li Dazhu accepted the spar: "Thank you!"

Li Huan didn't give much, but it was what they had harvested in a month or two.

So many people here saw that if Li Huan gave too much, orphans and widows, maybe they would do something to them.

Li Huan didn't want to owe anyone a favor, so after thinking about it, he took out a bottle of elixir: "I can be regarded as a half-hearted pharmacist, this is the elixir I made myself, and it can help your mother."

Li Dazhu found the bottle and wanted to open it, but Li Huan stopped him.

Li Huan shook her head: "Take it before going to bed."

Li Huan patted Li Dazhu's hand.

Although Li Dazhu was puzzled, he was no longer curious.

Since this little brother has a good heart, then he will be fine.

Li Dazhu: "Thank you, good-hearted people, there will be rewards!"

Li Huan: "You too!"

Li Huan left directly with a steamed bun face.

Baozilian: "Aren't you digging somewhere? Why are you leaving?"

Li Huan didn't say anything, the formula has been verified and it is indeed useful.

It's just that Aunt Li remembered wrongly.

There were too many people in that place before, and Li Huan didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

So, find a place where no one is around, and dig the spar.

According to the calculation of that formula, the great man only dug out half of it, but the spar storage in this mine is far from a large amount.

In such a large plain, there are still many hidden places that no one has discovered.

Li Huan was looking for such a hidden place.

Baozilian: "Brother, if you keep going, it will be dark! No man's land, it's very dangerous!"

Li Huan: "If you're afraid, go back and wait!"

When Baozilian heard that Li Huan wanted to drive him away, he immediately followed Li Huan: "I handed over the spar! You can't leave me behind!"

Li Huan: "Then shut up!"

Baozi's face obediently closed his mouth, and Li Huan instantly felt quiet.

After walking a long distance, Li Huan finally found a deserted area.

This underground mine is intricate.

After mining for many years, almost no one knows how many mine tunnels there are and where they lead.

Therefore, many people who mine all year round will gather in one place for safety reasons.

For example, those people Li Huan met just now.

The most terrifying consequence of being alone is not being assassinated, but getting lost!

If you get lost in it, you are likely to be trapped here, and you will never get out!
Because the mines are connected to each other, it is very possible to turn around in place, but they are not walking the same way.

Baozi's face was a little worried, but Li Huan couldn't help but walk firmly.

So, you can only follow behind her.

Li Huan looked at the distribution of crystals, and then calculated in his mind.

Aunt Li's formulas are calculated based on the distribution of crystals.

Crystals are companions of spars, so where there are crystals, there will be spars.

After finding the exact location, Li Huan threw a hoe at Baozi's face: "Let's start!"

Baozilian: "Here? Gouging a corner?"

(End of this chapter)

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