Chapter 971

Passerby A: "Have you heard? Someone discovered the spar vein!"

Passerby B: "Really?"

Passerby C: "It's absolutely true! Didn't you see Qisan and You Wu, two deadly enemies, stopped fighting?"

Passerby A: "I heard that it was snatched under their noses!"

Passerby B: "So tough?"

Passerby A: "Originally, Qi San and You Wu were fighting, but they were suddenly attracted away by a cat. After returning, they found that the place they were in before was actually a pothole!"

Passerby C: "That's right! I heard that a silk scarf was found at the scene!"

Passerby A: "There are women among the group who found the spar! I didn't see it, and they are searching for all the women!"

The three of Li Huan walked all the way and heard the discussions of passers-by.

Baozi's face was a little guilty: "Brother, what should I do?"

Baozi's face was shown before, and the little milk cat has already gone to eat spar in the space, and will not come out for the time being.

But bun face, it won't work!

Li Huan: "Refit it!"

Li Huan quickly disguised Baozi's face in the abandoned house where they slept.

Wang Xiaobei: "Big Brother is Big Brother! It's just this style..."

Li Huan: "In our hometown, we call this Shamat style, not bad!"

Wang Xiaobei: "Well, it's very special!"

Li Huan: "Just be worthy of truth, kindness and beauty!"

Baozi looked at himself in the mirror, this... a big change!

kill what?Kill Matt?

The name is also a little weird.

Baozilian: "Brother, what kind of style is this killer style?"

Li Huan: "That's... the meaning of being born beautiful and hard to give up on."

With Li Huan's explanation, Baozi's face instantly felt taller.

Li Huan: "Xiao Bei, where does your fiancée live?"

Wang Xiaobei: "North of the city."

Baozilian: "You still have a fiancee?"

Wang Xiaobei: "It's already the predecessor."

Baozi looked at Wang Xiaobei, and felt that he seemed to have missed some exciting moments during his run.

Li Huan: "You guys wait here, I'll come as soon as I go!"

Li Huan flew up to the sky, and soon came to the north of the city. The men in green shirts and his group, as well as Bao'er, were sleeping in a decent-looking house.

At this time, Bao'er was a completely different person from the fierce battle in the pit before.

Those who cry are called a pear blossom with rain.

Brother Lin: "Bao'er, we are also very sad about Xiaobei's death, please express your condolences!"

Bao'er: "Brother Lin, is it true that Xiaobei can't be found?"

Brother Lin: "I'm useless! I saw him captured by monsters with my own eyes. It's all because of my low power. I can't beat him, so I can only escape."

"Brother Lin can't be blamed, no one thought that such a thing would happen!"

"That's right! Bao'er, Big Brother Lin has already done his best, so don't blame him!"

"Xiaobei's death this time, everyone is very sad, just take it easy!"

Bao'er: "Thank you everyone, it's just me... when I think of Xiaobei, I just... woo..."

"Bao'er is really affectionate."

"That's right! It's Xiaobei who doesn't have this blessing."

Li Huan sensed something was wrong, turned around and saw Wang Xiaobei right behind him.

Wang Xiaobei: "I was really blind back then!"

Li Huan: "I seem to have heard this somewhere."

Wang Xiaobei: "Brother, it's the first time I say, save yourself some face!"

Li Huan: "Oh, my condolences!"

Wang Xiaobei: ...I'm not dead!
Li Huan: "Qi San and You Wu are too powerful here, if they want to get out safely, they have to... Are you reluctant?"

Wang Xiaobei: "It's best to die! I'm afraid that the disaster will last a thousand years!"

Li Huan took out the little milk cat and said something.

Little milk cat: "Twenty glutinous rice balls!"

Li Huan: "Go! It's done, add four chicken legs!"

The little milk cat's eyes were shining, staring at Li Huan with admiration.

Li Huan threw the little milk cat out.

"Wow~ No, it's meow~"

Li Huan: ...

Wang Xiaobei: ...

The little milk cat meowed a few times and walked towards the house.

"Hey! Where did the cat come from?"

"Damn it! Hit it!"

Bao'er: "No! It's so small, so pitiful, I want to adopt it!"

"Miss Baoer, you are really kind."

"Yeah! If that's the case, let's keep this cat!"

The little milk cat walked to Bao'er's side, and then touched Bao'er's hand with its small paw.

Bao'er: "Do you like me?"

The little milk cat nodded.

Bo'er hugged the little milk cat in surprise.

Li Huan: "Let's go!"

Wang Xiaobei: "That's it?"

Li Huan: "Do you know what it means to kill with a borrowed knife?"

Early the next morning, the gates of the city opened!
Passerby A: "Have you heard? We found someone last night!"

Passerby B: "Who is so courageous to snatch something from Qisan and You Wu!"

Passerby C: "It's admirable to take food from a tiger's mouth!"

North of the city.

Qisan held a silk handkerchief in his hand and looked at Bao'er in the crowd: "Is this yours?"

Seeing that her silk handkerchief was in the hands of a group of scoundrels, Bao'er was instantly upset and looked at Brother Lin.

Bao'er: "Brother Lin, I think it fell into a pothole yesterday!"

Brother Lin understood: "Brother, this silk scarf really belongs to my younger sister, please return it."

Third: "Admit it?"

Brother Lin doesn't know what the third means: "If you want spar, we will give you a corresponding reward in exchange."

You Wu and Qisan looked at each other, it seems that these young people probably have never heard of their names!
In this desolate city, how dare you pluck the hair from the tiger's mouth!

This is the first one!

The third: "In this case! Then hand over the spar!"

The third attitude is arrogant, Bao'er is very dissatisfied.

But Brother Lin didn't say much. It's best not to provoke this kind of local snake!

They lived here last night, relatively remote, and didn't know what was going on in the city.

Therefore, Brother Lin took out a bag of crystals, which was only the size of a small purse.

When Lin Ge handed it over, Qi San and You Wu's expressions changed!
The third: "Playing with me!"

You Wu: "Oh! That little girl looks like she needs to be comforted!"


As soon as You Wu's words fell, there was a ball of laughter here, and everyone stared at Bao'er with ill intentions.

Brother Lin was a little angry, but in this situation, if they do something, they will only suffer.

So Lin Ge took out a small box: "This is enough!"

You Wu: "Heh! Brothers, did he say that this is enough!"

The people behind You Wu suddenly sneered: "Send the beggar!"

They can see the size of the pothole!
Tens of thousands, that is a conservative estimate!

Just a little bit!

Who can see it!
The third: "I don't know how to praise!"

You Wu: "Go! Take that little girl over here first! I'll fuck her to death!"

Bao'er suddenly became angry, shameless!
Lin Ge's face is not good-looking either!
Seeing that the two sides are about to fight!

Brother Lin knew that fighting would not do them any good.

Lin Ge took out a box of spars again: "Is this enough?"

(End of this chapter)

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