Chapter 972 Lin Zhuang
In Brother Lin's view, they are here to blackmail!
A silk scarf is just an excuse!

But from Qisan and Youwu's point of view, they were the ones who turned the tiger away from the mountain and took away the spar pit under their feet!
That's why we were able to come up with so many crystals!
Just such a little spar!
For that mine, what is it!
The third: "Oh! Since you don't know how to be a human being, I have to let the brothers teach you!"

Brother Lin is also angry this time!

These money-seeking scoundrels!
Brother Lin: "I hope everyone will save face, we are members of the royal family of the imperial city!"

The third: "Imperial City? The Heavenly King Lao Tzu is here. In this desolate city, we are the ones who have the final say!"

You Wu: "What are you talking about so much nonsense! Take back the spar!"

Brother Lin: "Wait! What do you mean by taking it back? We have never met the two of you, is there some misunderstanding?"

You Wu looked at Brother Lin, he hesitated when he just announced his family name!

The imperial city is the big city of Wuji City, and there are many masters and families in it. If you offend someone who you can't offend, it will be quite troublesome!

The third and You Wu looked at each other.

The third: "As long as you hand over all the crystals today, we will treat it as nothing!"

You Wu: "That's right! Playing tricks under our noses, let's save it!"

"Brother Lin, they are blatantly robbing!"

"Brother Lin! If you want to fight, hit! Our Wang family has never been afraid of anyone!"

Brother Lin: "What are you two talking about? I don't quite understand!"

The third: "Yesterday you snatched the spar vein from us. That's where you found it! Just now you admitted that this silk scarf belongs to you!"

You Wu: "If you hand over the spar, it's nothing! Otherwise, the Wang family will still grab it!"

Brother Lin: "It's true that this silk scarf belongs to my little sister, but we don't know what kind of spar veins! You two have found the wrong person!"

The third: "Heh! The evidence is all here, and you are still sophistry!"

Bao'er: "I just passed by by accident and dropped a scarf. This can't be regarded as evidence!"

You Wu: "In such a short time, you dug such a big spar pit, and you still say you are passing by? You can't treat us as fools!"

Brother Lin: "We're really just passing by."

The two sides insisted on their own words and came to a stalemate.

Suddenly a cat meowed, breaking the tranquility.


The third: "That cat!"

You Wu: "The cat belongs to you?"

Bao'er put the little milk cat into his sleeve, and got along very happily last night. Bao'er likes the little milk cat very much.

Bao'er: "Go in. Come out later!"

Bao'er tucked the little milk cat into his sleeve, and in his third and fifth eyes, that was hiding the evidence!

Want to cover it up!

Brother Lin: "It's just a cat, is it also evidence?"

The third: "You Wu, he takes us for fools!"

You Wu: "Bah! I'll beat him up like a fool!"

The third and fifth have lost their patience, the silk scarves and the cat are all in the hands of this group of people, the evidence is solid!

Fortunately, they have been dealing with this person for a long time!
Feeling taboo for a long time, being played like a monkey!



The third followed You Wu, led the people, and started fighting instantly!
Bao'er was attacked before she could put the little milk cat away!
The little milk cat took the opportunity to jump off the ground, and Bao'er wanted to catch it back, but was stopped by someone!

"Little girl, she has delicate skin and tender flesh!"

Bao'er: "Shut up!"

The two sides immediately fought together.

city ​​gate.

Li Huan stood on the city gate, looking into the distance.

Wang Xiaobei: "Brother, are you not going to mine today?"

Li Huan: "Wait a little longer."


Hearing a roar, Li Huan suddenly laughed.

Li Huan: "Why, the beauty has soft arms, she is reluctant to come back?"

Little milk cat: "What, it stinks! I will never go there again!"

Said the little milk cat jumped onto Li Huan's hand, and then disappeared.

Wang Xiaobei: "'s gone!"

Baozilian: "What a fuss! Brother, is that an ordinary person?"

Wang Xiaobei instantly felt that Li Huan had grown taller!
Li Huan: "Let's go!"

Thirdly, Youwu and Youwu have already confirmed that it was Lin Ge and his group who cheated their crystal stones.

The battle between the two sides cannot be stopped for a while.

Li Huan could take advantage of this opportunity to dig out the remaining crystals!

After Li Huan learned the calculation, he stood above the mine pit and suddenly found that the distribution of the pits could also be calculated!

Li Huan directly chose the path with the most crystals.

Li Huan with a steamed bun face, and Wang Xiaobei have been looking for a large spar pit all day long.

Wang Xiaobei would be stunned by Li Huan's handwriting!

Baozi looked disgusted: "Your elder brother is your elder brother!"

Wang Xiaobei swears that he no longer considers himself a local tyrant!

Compared to the elder brother, he is not considered the rich second generation!

He has been beaten to the point of humbleness!
Wang Xiaobei: "Brother, do you want a younger brother? The kind who can warm the bed, fold the quilt, and pour the footwashing water!"

Baozilian: "Don't! I'll let you finish all the work, so I'm useless!"

Wang Xiaobei: "Brother Truth, Goodness and Beauty, let's have a discussion, how about [-]-[-]? You three days and I four days? You don't suffer, do you?"

Baozilian: "No way!"

Wang Xiaobei: "So, when we return to the imperial city, what are the treasures of heaven and earth, how about letting you choose?"

Baozilian: "No way!"

Just kidding, if such thick giant legs are shared with others, what a loss!
This is absolutely unacceptable!

Li Huan simply ignored them.

Li Huan only wanted to be promoted to the Holy Spirit Realm and return to the Wuji Continent.

After digging for spars all day, Li Huan took them out of the mine in the evening and went back to rest.

Only then did I realize that the entire north of the city was in chaos.

Li Huan checked it with his spiritual sense.

Li Huan: "Wang Xiaobei, your Wang family is very powerful?"

Wang Xiaobei: "That is!"

Li Huan: "It's just those two who put hats on you, they're pretty tough."

Wang Xiaobei: "It's mainly my guards. When I came out, my mother assigned me a few masters."

Li Huan looked at him.

Wang Xiaobei stood up suddenly: "They are not worthy!"

Li Huan: "There will be an intermission later, you can figure it out yourself!"

Wang Xiaobei suddenly took out the signal flare on his body.

This is his special help signal, and non-his dead soldiers cannot recognize it!

Soon, several shadow guards appeared beside Wang Xiaobei, looking at Wang Xiaobei in surprise.

"Little Lord!"

Wang Xiaobei: "I was killed by Lin Zhuang! It was this miracle doctor who saved me!"

The shadow guard was a little unbelievable, but Wang Xiaobei said it himself, and he used his exclusive signal.

No one can understand this kind of signal except them!
Shadow Guard: "Subordinates should die!"

Wang Xiaobei: "The rest of you, find a chance, bring them here, and hide them a bit. Those who have betrayed don't need to be notified, just deal with them! Lin Zhuang and...she lives!"


The shadow guards come and go quickly.

Wang Xiaobei suddenly looked at Li Huan obsequiously: "Brother, there are so many people, can you dig more? Take my younger brother and promise to dig hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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