Chapter 977
Wang Xiaobei: "You go, I'll go back to my house! They have nothing to do with each other!"

Nian Yiyi looked at Wang Xiaobei vigilantly, then pulled Li Huan and said, "These rascals don't even make excuses now!"

Wang Xiaobei: "Who do you call a scoundrel!"

Nian Yiyi: "Say you! Why, fight!"

Li Huan quickly pulled Nian Yiyi away, and the two started fighting as soon as they met!

Wang Xiaobei is not allowed, follow behind, and have various conflicts with Nian Yiyi!
The two kept arguing and went back to Wang's house.

Madam Wang was very happy and took a closer look at Nian Yiyi.

That Bao'er from before didn't suit her at all, and she didn't know what kind of ecstasy soup her son was poured into by that Bao'er!

She was determined to get married, but when she came back this time, she even offered to withdraw the engagement. The mistress of the Wang family didn't say anything on the surface, but she was very happy in her heart!

Looking at Nian Yiyi, Genzheng Miaohong, Nian Huaxian's daughter, she also met them before they disappeared!

Naturally, the first daughter raised by Nian's family is not bad!

Although Nian Yiyi is domineering and arrogant, the Wang family also has the strength to make their children think highly of themselves!
As long as people behave properly, then Bao'er is not a decent girl at first glance.

She's got her words out these days!
When Bao'er and Lin Zhuang were doing that kind of thing, they were bumped into by their own son.

Wang Xiaobei's love for Bao'er is dead through!
This daughter-in-law who is married to her fingertips is right in front of her eyes, so she is naturally satisfied!
After all, in this traceless desert, the imperial city and the uncrowned city are among the largest cities!
Family background, appearance, temperament, everything is right!
The mistress of the Wang family immediately sent someone to deliver the letter to Wuchuang City.

She and Mistress Nian also fought side by side, but after Nian Huaxian disappeared, she unilaterally cut off contact with their Wang family!
The kids are all grown up now!
Back then, she had personally agreed to the marriage.

The mistress of the Wang family wanted Wang Xiaobei to get in touch with Nian Yiduo.

Arrange Nian Yiyi's yard next to Wang Xiaobei's!

The Wang family is now buzzing!

"Wang Xiaobei, get out of my sight!"

"Nian Yiyi, don't be sentimental!"


The mistress of the Wang family didn't worry about the two children's bickering at all, but was happy to see it succeed.

The mistress of the Wang family hosted a banquet that day and invited people, big and small, from the family to come to the banquet. She said that Xiaobei's fiancée, who was married with her fingertips, was here!

The Wang family was boiling all of a sudden!

When Nian Yiyi heard the news, she rushed straight into Wang Xiaobei's yard and asked him to reason.

In the end, Wang Xiaobei was taking a bath!


An earth-shattering shout shook the entire Wang family!
Nian Yiyi blushed and ran out of Wang Xiaobei's yard, and didn't come out for several days!
Li Huan went to look, but she didn't open the door either!
Li Huan: "Then I'm leaving?"

Nian Yiyi: "Come in!"

As soon as Li Huan entered, he saw Nian Yiyi lying on the bed.

Li Huan: "What's wrong with you?"

Nian Yiyi: "I'm sick!"

Li Huan: "Aren't I just a pharmacist, let me take a look!"

Li Huan checked Nian Yiyi's body.

Suddenly I laughed!
Li Huan: "Panic? Shortness of breath?"

Nian Yiyi nodded: "Am I going to die?"

Li Huan: "Well, it's serious! It can't be cured! I see that your face is flushed, and it seems that you are dying!"

"What! The man is going to die?"

Wang Xiaobei suddenly jumped off the wall.

Wang Xiaobei's and Nian Yiyi's yards were originally next door, only separated by a wall, and the movements on this side can be heard on the other side.

When Li Huan entered the courtyard, Wang Xiaobei knew it!
He didn't want to hear it at first, but the weather is good today, so he just leaned over the wall to watch the scenery!

In the end, I heard Li Huan say that Nian Yiyi was terminally ill and hopeless!

Wang Xiaobei hurriedly jumped down and walked to Nian Yiyi's room.

Nian Yiyi: "Get out! Sissy!"

Wang Xiaobei: "Okay! Stop making trouble! Didn't it just say a few words about you, who told you to always play tricks on me when you were young!"

Nian Yiyi: "It's my fault! You are not! No matter what happens, you know how to cry! A spider can cry for a long time! I was scolded for causing it!"

Wang Xiaobei: "If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten! It would be you! If it weren't for you! How could I be left with a shadow of my childhood by a spider!"

Nian Yiyi: "It's over, isn't it! Good! Who hasn't got a handle yet!"

Li Huan backed out silently, and without the two of them paying attention, he kindly closed the door for them!

The mistress of the Wang family happened to come over and saw Li Huan.

Li Huan pointed to the back of the door.

The mistress of the Wang family understood instantly!

The mistress of the Wang family: "We also contributed to the war between humans and devils back then!

It was because Nian Jia knew us too well back then that he made this baby kiss, but we didn't contact each other later.

When Xiaobei was a child, he asked me for many years why Yiyi didn't come. "

Li Huan: "Then this imperial city..."

Madam Wang: "The Uncrowned City is the imperial city.

But after the end of the war that year, Immortal Nian Hua suddenly said that the city where our royal family is located should be changed into an imperial city.

We didn't know what he meant at the beginning, but we took over the title out of trust.

He said that the traceless desert cannot be without a main city, and it has been so many years.

Since then, the original imperial city has become an uncrowned city.

Except for the family of the old city that participated in the battle, the rest of the people are not aware of this matter.

Since then, Nian Jia has unilaterally cut off contact with us.

We tried contact, but it didn't work.

After a long time, Xiaobei also let this matter go!
Unexpectedly, the two of them still remembered each other. "

The mistress of the Wang family said it plainly, but Li Huan knew that Nian Huaxian did not hesitate to seal the whole clan in order to suppress the witch clan.

So, it's not that Nian Jia unilaterally broke contact with them, but that they were all sealed, and even their memories disappeared!
Mistress Nian should know!

Nian Yiyi should also have her memory sealed back then, but after being unsealed by Yin Liancheng last time, Nian Yiyi remembered her childhood again!
That's why the battle between Wang Xiaobei and Nian Yiyi at the gate of the city began!

Two enemies, fighting since childhood!


Nian Yiyi kept arguing with Wang Xiaobei until the silence, only to realize that Li Huan had already left!

Wang Xiaobei: "Are you really going to die?"

Nian Yiyi: "That's still fake!"

Wang Xiaobei: "Then...then..."

Nian Yiyi: "Psychic, speak quickly!"

Wang Xiaobei: "I remember my mother said, you will marry me when you grow up! You died before getting married, right...too..."

Nian Yiyi: "What the hell!"

Wang Xiaobei: "Too pitiful?"

Nian Yiyi: "Get out! I don't want you to be pitiful!"

Wang Xiaobei was kicked out by Nian Yiyi just like that!

After Nian Yiyi drove Wang Xiaobei out, she felt relieved!
My heart is no longer flustered, and my breath is no longer short of breath. Is it all right so soon?

(End of this chapter)

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